“Abominable… Less nonsense, you say that you are a thousand hand pillars, then you always have to prove yourself, right? ”

When Orochimaru heard this, he licked his lips, a ray of coldness flashed in the snake’s eyes, and he couldn’t help but retort, “Don’t fool us here, to tell you the truth, after the original Hokage-Thousand Hand Pillar died, Konoha Village has divided his body in order to study the Wood Secret Technique, and now my laboratory still has the cells of the original Hokage.” ”

“So, you are either a clone or a pure impostor, anyway, it can’t be the original Hokage-Senjukuma.”

“Yes…. It doesn’t look like you are reborn in dirt? ”

Tsunade clenched his silver teeth and said, “So, whether you are my grandfather or not, prove yourself… Otherwise, why should we give you a salute? ”

“Hmph… Impersonating the original Hokage, you are quite daring? ”

On the side, Jiraiya snorted coldly and said sharply, “Who are you and why are you exactly the same as the original Hokage, this.. What kind of secret is it? ”

In an instant,

The three Shinobi brushed at Luo Lei in unison,

The meaning of the expression is simple, you are an impostor,

Even if it is exactly the same as the original Hokage’s ability, it is useless, and what is fake is fake, and it can never become real.

“What… Fake? ”

“No, it won’t… How could the original Hokage – Senju Pillar be fake? ”

“How so, Sanshin negated the founder of Konoha Village, the original Hokage, Senjukuma??”


In the face of the sudden attack of the big snake pill, Tsunade, Jiraiya,

Many Konoha ninjas and sand ninja at the scene were a little confused, in their opinion, this guy in front of them is the original Hokage-Senjukuma, why do the three ninja all have a negative attitude?


Very wrong!!

“What the hell is Konoha up to?”

At this time, in the camp of Shinobi, Luo Sha’s heart was extremely apprehensive,

Nima’s, he just wanted to fight Konoha, but… A guy who looks a lot like the legendary ninja – the Senju pillar appears. It’s just scary!

And the only thing that makes him happy is that

This Senju pillar doesn’t seem to be standing on Konoha’s side, it’s still a fake…

“Luo Sha, let’s not move!”

At this time, Chiyo also reacted, took a deep breath, and said with a little calm, “Whether this Senju pillar is true or not, let’s leave it alone, let Sanshin go tough with him, we may be able to sit and reap the benefits.” ”


Luo Sha nodded and said in a deep voice, “No matter what Konoha wants to do, we will respond to all changes with the same change.” ”

“Well… Then I will prove it to you three Shinobi. ”

At this time, Luo Lei was cold, domineering and awe-inspiring, and said without any scruples, “You Konoha ninja and sand ninja go together, if you can win, then I will admit that I am an impostor.” ”

“Strength is the only criterion for testing authenticity, if you are not convinced, then defeat me.”


Having listened to this sentence,

The audience became silent in an instant,

The expressions on the cheeks of many ninjas are very complicated,

No way, if someone else said such arrogant words, they would definitely laugh disdainfully, but… When a legendary ninja, Senju Pillar, says it, it’s a little scary.

“This… What’s the matter with us? ”

In the camp of Shinobu, the expressions on the faces of Luo Sha and Chiyo instantly froze, and ten thousand draft mothers flew by in their hearts,

What about the reaping of profits?

They just want to be a melon-eating masses quietly, and they don’t want to be implicated, but… That thousand-handed pillar wants to beat them, it’s really infuriating,

What’s more special is that they don’t seem to have a way to refuse…?

“Let’s hit you together?”

Tsunade, Jiraiya, Orochimaru frowned, and looked at each other, as if they hadn’t reacted yet, I don’t know what’s going on, why does this sentence sound so awkward?

“Well… Since none of you speak, that is acquiescence. ”

The corners of Luo Lei’s mouth turned up slightly, not panicked at all, but a little wanted to laugh, without any hesitation, his hands made a mark in vain,


In an instant, the natural energy between heaven and earth began to surge wildly,

Then, in front of everyone’s eyes, a wisp of black pattern naturally appeared on Luo Lei’s face, needless to say, this… It is the immortal face tree in immortal mode.

“Immortal Mode… This is the original Hokage’s immortal mode? ”

“What a terrifying fairy chakra, it’s terrible…”

“Well, even if this Thousand Hand Pillar in front of you is fake, but… Combat effectiveness is definitely not fake. ”


Looking at Luo Lei who entered the immortal mode, the scene undoubtedly fell into a state of riot again, after all, this is the immortal mode, which is rare in the entire ninja world,

And like between the thousand hand pillars,

Entering immortal mode in a matter of seconds is rarer, or even none.

However, Luo Lei did not give everyone extra time to shock, moved his hands, and continued to print,

“Immortal Law Mu Dun True Thousands of Hands!!”

With a low drink,


There was a sudden roar on the battlefield,

An extremely astonishing fluctuation suddenly swept away,

Then, a huge Buddha statue that was much taller than a wooden man and had countless giant arms suddenly descended on the battlefield,

And from afar,

One big hand of this huge Buddha statue is enough to directly grasp the nine tails,

The size of the body is also far better than the tailed beast, and it is also more than the complete body Susano, which is very terrifying!



(PS: Ask for flowers and evaluation, moe new….. Thank you, Grandpa……… )_

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