Hoshiba returns to the Konoha camp, while Kiki Shuo Shigeru is directing the ninja to rebuild the camp, and the Konoha camp is frozen and only one camp can be rebuilt.

“Whew, you’re back.”

Jiu Xinnai saw Xingyu come back and let go of the worries in his heart.

“What about that tanuki cat with Ichio? You wouldn’t lose it, would you? ”

Not seeing Shouhe, Jiu Xinnai couldn’t help asking.

“No, I didn’t let it come.”

The Konoha ninja was very afraid of the big guy Morizuru, so Hoshiha did not let Shouzuru come to the camp, and let him go to sleep on his stomach in the grove not far away.

“Aren’t you afraid that Sand Shinobu will steal the crane back?” Mikoto asked, looking at Hoshiha.

“They don’t have the guts, not to mention that Morizuru is controlled by me, and if Shinobu really wants to move Shouzuru, I can detect it.”

Hoshiba replied to Mikoto.

However, with the previous three generations of wind shadows and their frightened fleeing appearance, Xing Yu did not think that they had this boldness.

In the blink of an eye, a few days passed, and these days Sand Shinobu and Yu Shinobu chose to shrink and avoid the battle.

It is clear that they have the advantage in terms of the number of ninjas, but they can only choose to avoid the battle with suffocation, and Sand Shinobu and Rain Shinobu are mainly afraid of Hoshifea’s large-scale ice ninjutsu.

On the battlefield of Shinobu, Konoha gains the advantage, but the situation in Konoha Village is still critical.

On the Iwa Shinobu battlefield, because of the Sarutobi Hinata and Shimura Danzo, although they did not gain an advantage, they can also be said to be a balance of power.

It’s just that Konoha’s current opponent also has a Mist Hidden Village, and Konoha is now losing ground on the Mist Ninja Battlefield, and even the ninjas of the Mist Hidden Village have hit the hinterland of the Fire Country.

The daimyo of the Fire Nation panicked, and sent a letter to the ape flying sun to cut accountability, but what is the use of accountability, the daimyo can not help anything except provide help in terms of money and materials.

The daimyo of the Fire Nation has an army, but it is only an army of ordinary people, and it is to deliver food in the face of ninjas.

Hoshiba is now on his way to the battlefield of Konoha and Mist Shinobu, along with Hoshiba, of course, by Kushinna, Mikoto, and Konan.

The order of the third generation of Hokage broke the rules to promote Hoshiha to the upper ninja, and let him go to the battlefield of the mist ninja.

Hoshiha had no problem with the order of the three generations of Hokage, after all, he also had a mission to help Konoha Village win the Second Ninja World War.

So you definitely can’t let Konoha Village lose, the Mist Hidden Village is now almost at the door of Konoha’s house, even if the three generations of Hokage don’t transfer him to the Mist Shinobi battlefield, Hoshiha will find a way to deal with the Mist Hidden Village.

Going to the Mist Shinobi Battlefield, Xingyu rode on a mount, and the mount was naturally a crane.

“After we leave, will Konoha still be the opponent of Shinobu and Shinobu Yu?” Mikoto asked to Hoshiha.

“Well, I can’t say it well, but Konoha won’t be defeated at least.”

Xingyu also felt at this time that the Konoha troops led by Kiki Shuomao might not be the opponents of Shinobu and Yu Shinobu.

Before leaving, he should give Sand Shinobu and Yu Shinobu a ruthless blow, forget it, if Qimu Shuomao they are really invincible, it’s a big deal for him to kill back.

For now, it’s better to solve the fog ninja first, because the fog ninja is really about to hit the doorstep of Konoha Village, otherwise the ape flying sun will not be in a hurry to transfer him over.

“Xing Yu, can you make this big tanuki run slower and steadily, I feel like I’m about to faint.” Jiu Xinnai sat on Shouhe’s head and said shakily.

“Bear with me for a while, it won’t be long before it arrives.” Xing Yu said to Jiu Xinnai.

Two hours later, Hoshiha and they finally arrived at the battlefield of Konoha and Kiri Shinobu, and the Konoha ninja defended to the death, but still could not stop the attack of Kiri Shinobu.

The three generations of Water Shadow personally shot and killed on the battlefield, and no one could stop the three generations of Water Shadow at all.

As for Mito Menyan and Koharu, who were advisors to the Konoha Elder Group, the two of them were directly shrunk behind, which was really a bit humiliating.

“They are also the elders of the Great Shinobi Village, how come these two guys are so much worse than Chiyo and Kairazo.”

Hoshi Yu saw Mito Menyan and Koharu hiding behind from afar, and couldn’t help but feel a little contempt.

However, it seems that it is useless for them to go up, the two of them are at most the strength of the quasi-shadow, plus they do not move for a long time, and the combat effectiveness is a little stronger than the elite Shangnin.

“Shouhe, it’s time for you to play, release me a tailed beast jade.”

The three jade writing wheel eyes in Shouhe’s eyes slowly turned, and the chakra of the yin and yang attributes converged into a chakra sphere, which looked similar to the spiral pill.

However, compared with the power and the spiral pill, it is simply one by one.

The tailed beast jade thought about the fog ninja in the rear, because there was no defense, naturally there was no one to block this tailed beast jade.


A tailed beast jade, at least hundreds of ninjas, although the tailed beast jade is a little weak, but after all, it is still a tailed beast jade.

“It’s a pity that the stations are too scattered, if they all stand together, a tailed beast jade can send Mist Shinobu home.”

Xing Yu shook his head with a pity on his face.

After a shot of tailed beast jade, it can’t be hidden, originally Shouzuru’s body size is very large, if it weren’t for the fog ninja’s attention focused on the Konoha ninja, he really couldn’t sneak attack.


The third generation of Mizukage cursed angrily, and then abandoned the Konoha elite Kami-Shinobu who was about to be killed in front of him, and angrily killed in the direction of Moritsuru.

The other Mist Shinobi also rushed over with red eyes, they started a battle with Konoha in front, and as a result, they were stabbed in the back, how could they not be angry.

And among the ninjas who were killed by the tailed beast jade just now, there are their relatives and friends, even if it is for revenge, they will die with that monster.

Kiri Shinobu turned around and killed Ichigo Moritsuru, and Konoha’s ninja suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

“So many ninjas? No wonder Mito Menitis can’t stand it. ”

Xing Yu looked at the Mist Shinobi who rushed over, and initially estimated that there were probably two or three thousand ninjas, and they were also bombarded by the tailed beast jade to kill hundreds of people.

Jiu Shinna and Mikoto looked at the black-pressed crowd, their eyes jumped, and their eyes looked at Hoshi Yu and asked, “Can it really be dealt with?” ”

“What are you guys worried about, look how quiet Xiao Nan is, I think you should learn from Xiao Nan.”

“I, I was so scared that I couldn’t speak.” Xiao Nan blushed and whispered.

“Iceman’s Art.”

Hoshi Yu created a huge ice giant with cold ice, and Susanoo, who was close to the height of the complete body, and his huge body was taller than that of Morizuru, who barely reached the waist of the ice giant.

“Did you see this iceman? Feel safe now. Xing Yu said with a smile.

This is the Ice Ninjutsu that Xing Yu studied not long ago, and it is a ninjutsu created based on Mu Duan’s wooden art.

This is not just Bing Duan, but the ninjutsu created after the fusion of Bing Dun and Yang Duan, and this ice giant has been given life by Yang Duan.

“This is also Ice Ninjutsu?”

Jiu Shinnai, Mikoto, and Konan’s eyes widened at the huge ice giant in front of them, even Jiu Shinna and Mikoto, who had seen the complete body of Susano, were dumbfounded.

“Although it is indeed an ice escape, it is no longer an ordinary ice escape, just like the original Hokage’s Mu Duan.”

Xingyu said to them.

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