The movement on Mist’s side was so loud that it was impossible for Mito Menitu and Koharu to sit idly by and immediately send ninjas to check it out.

The Konoha ninjas who were sent saw the miserable situation in the Mist Ninja camp with a stunned expression, a huge rift valley appeared on the ground, the land was soaked with blood, and a smell of blood pervaded.

“What the hell is going on here?”

After a long time, a Konoha ninja asked blankly.

“You ask me, who am I going to ask, remember the huge black samurai I saw before? I think it should be inseparable. ”

When Hoshiha released Susanoo before, the fully fledged Susanoo was too tall for even the ninjas of the Konoha camp to see.

“Anyway, this is a good thing for us, let’s go back and report first.”

Soon several Konoha ninjas who had come to investigate left and went back to report to Mito Menyan and Koharu.

Mito Menyan and Koharu, who learned the news, were silent, but when they saw the black Chakra samurai, they almost knew the result in their hearts.

The other Konoha ninjas didn’t know what it was, how could they not know, it was Susano.

Susanoo appeared in Kirito’s camp and attacked, then the situation of Kiri Shinobu can be imagined, and they have already expected the result.

“Menyan, do you think it will have something to do with the Vortex Star Feather?”

Koharu asked Mito Menyan.

Hoshi Yu has the matter of the Sharingan, and the Sarutobi Hinata including other Konoha high-ranking people already know, after all, Hoshiha used the Sharingan to control Ichigo Moritsuru, and the news was transmitted quickly.

“It shouldn’t be possible, Vortex Star Feather won’t have such a strong strength.” Mito Menyan frowned.

Obviously, they didn’t want to believe that Vortex Star Feather had this strength.

In fact, they don’t want to believe that Xing Yu has this strength, mainly because of Xing Yu’s age, Xing Yu is only eleven years old now.

They think about their eleven-year-old situation, and they have not yet been promoted to middle ninja, and they are simply weak and unbalanced in comparison, so they are unwilling to admit it.

“Whether it’s a Vortex Star Feather or not, the threat of Mist Shinobu no longer exists.” Mito Menyan said.

Thinking that the threat of Mist Shinobu was gone, Mito Menyan relaxed a little in his heart.

“It’s still necessary to send a ninja to investigate.” Koharu didn’t worry about it, in case the loss of Kiri Shinobu was not so heavy.

Mito Menyan nodded, this is indeed necessary, it is good to investigate, so that you can also know whether Kiri Shinobu has evacuated.

Soon three days passed, and the Konoha ninja had determined that the Kiri Shinobu had retreated, and also received very important news, that is, the third generation of Mizukage died.

After knowing this news, even Mito Menyan and Shuan Koharu couldn’t sit still, and the three generations of Mizukage were actually killed.

And this news soon spread throughout the ninja world, and almost everyone knew that the three generations of water shadows died in this ninja world war.

As for how he died and who killed him, there is no exact information about this, but there is no doubt that it must have something to do with Konoha.

Some of them guessed who killed the three generations of Water Shadow, such as the three generations of Kazekage, Chiyo, and Hanzo, they had already guessed.

There are also some people who are very disdainful of the dead three generations of Water Shadow, thinking that he was killed because his strength was too weak.

Of course, there are also those who want to take advantage of the fire and rob, such as Yunyin Village, which wants to take advantage of the fire to rob, Wuyin Village has lost three generations of water shadows, and the internal chaos is bound to be great.

If you take the opportunity to attack Mist Hidden Village, it may be a good choice, but the last three generations of Thunder Shadow still dismissed this idea.

There is no other reason, the main reason is that the country of water is overseas, and Yunyin Village does not have much information about the country of water, and I am afraid that it will suffer a loss if it makes a rash move.

“Xing Yu, it’s clear that you killed the three generations of Water Shadow, it seems that no one knows ah.” Jiu Xinnai held his chin and said.

“Why is it known? Is there any point? “Xing Yu doesn’t care about this, the words that come out are indeed famous, but Xing Yu doesn’t care about fame at all.

“Let’s pack up and get ready to return to Konoha.” Hoshiba said to Kushina and Mikoto.

“Return to Konoha?”

Kushina and Mikoto both looked at Hoshi Yu in surprise, it was still in the period of the Ninja World War, they thought that Hoshi Yu would say to go to the battlefield of the Land of Rain.

“Yes, it is to return to Konoha, after all, this is the order of the three generations of Hokage.”

Hoshiha took out a letter, an order from the three generations of Hokage, to return to Konoha to rest.

“Three generations of Hokage so good?” Jiu Xinnai couldn’t help but say.

“I guess there is some kind of plan, forget it, since you let me return to Konoha, then go back.”

After staying on the battlefield for a long time, Xing Yu was also a little bored, after all, the living conditions on the battlefield were not good.

The remnants of the Mist Ninja Village fled back to the Land of Water, and Mito Monyan led the Konoha Ninja back to Konoha Village, and Hoshiha followed suit, taking Ichigo Morizuru with them.

Ichigo Shouzuru can’t be thrown away, and Hoshi Yu is still counting on using Shouzuru’s guy to exchange some benefits with the three generations of Hokage.

For example, on the condition of Ichio Moritsuru, watch the Book of Seals in Konoha Village, I believe that the three generations of Hokage should not refuse.

Ichigo Morizuru is not useful to Hoshiha, but it is of great use to the three generations of Hokage.

In a few hours, I returned to Konoha, because the village of Kirihide had hit Konoha’s doorstep, and the battlefield was too close to Konoha.

“Finally back, but Konoha has also been depressed a lot.”

Hoshiha looked at the streets of Konoha Village and could clearly feel that Konoha Village was much more depressed than before.

Some villagers also did not have a smile on their faces, because their relatives were fighting on the battlefield, how could they laugh.

“yes, it feels heavy.” Jiu Xinnai said.

“Konan, what do you think of Konoha?” Mikoto asked to Konan, who was on the side.

After coming to Konoha Village, Xiao Nan was looking around, curious about everything in Konoha Village, this look Jiu Shinna looked very familiar, she used to be the same as Konoha when she first came to Konoha.

“Much better than the Land of Rain.” Xiaonan said.

Yes, although Konoha is depressed a lot now, compared to the rainy country in the depths, I don’t know how many streets can be thrown out.

“Let’s go, Xiaonan, I’ll take you home first.” Xingyu smiled slightly, and then took Xiaonan, and walked towards Senju Station with Jiu Shinna and Mikoto.

After coming to the Thousand Hands Station, Xing Yu found that the Thousand Hands Station was quieter than before, and Xing Yu did not find a single Thousand Hands clan member when he stepped here.

Maybe they were all sent to the battlefield.

Xing Yu thought in his heart that the ninjas of the Thousand Hands clan should have basically been sent to the battlefield.

Came to the small courtyard where they lived, because they have not lived for a long time, weeds have grown in the small courtyard, and after opening the door and entering the house, it is even more dusty inside, it seems that you have to clean it first, otherwise you can’t live there.

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