In the blink of an eye, time passed mercilessly for half a year, and Xing Yu finally passed his twelve-year-old birthday and became a twelve-year-old teenager.

It doesn’t really matter what birthday is not a birthday, what matters is that Xingyu has another copy card again, or a premium copy card.

Now seeing the high-level copy card, Xing Yu’s heart did not have much excitement, and as his strength improved, the use of the high-level copy card for him became more and more limited.

At this time, Xing Yu has perfectly mastered the immortal mode in the past half a year, and he can enter the immortal mode in an instant, and the time to maintain the immortal mode is not a problem.

During the battle, Star Feather can also continue to absorb natural energy, and theoretically can maintain the immortal mode forever.

It is worth mentioning that Jiu Shinna also learned the immortal mode, but Mikoto did not, maybe she can learn the immortal mode in the future.

“Xingyu has eaten, let you taste the food I made.” Jiu Xinnai shouted at Xingyu.

Xing Yu’s expression was a little stiff, and he said without turning his head: “I’m not hungry now, you guys eat first.” ”

Recently, I don’t know if Jiu Shinna has a brain problem, and often goes to the kitchen to learn to cook with Mikoto, but all he makes is dark cooking.

Xing Yu said that even if he had a perfect immortal body, he couldn’t bear the dark dishes made by Jiu Xinnai, and he would rather go hungry than eat it.

“Liar, you just said that you were hungry, let Mikoto cook.” Jiu Xinnai pouted.

“Is it? Did I just say that? Sorry I don’t remember. ”

Xing Yu shook his head to deny it, remembering that yesterday he tasted the dark cuisine made by Jiu Xinnai under Jiu Xinnai’s pleading, and ended up vomiting for an hour.

The power is so terrifying, Xing Yu thinks that the poison is just that.

“If you don’t eat, forget it, be hungry, hum.” Jiu Xinnai snorted angrily, and then walked into the room.

After a while, Mikoto came out and asked Hoshiha to eat, and told Hoshiba that the dark dishes made by Kushinai had been dumped.

Hearing this news, Xing Yu dared to go in and eat.

After lunch, Hoshiwa and Mikoto chatted for a while, and then went to the courtyard to continue their cultivation.

Although his cultivation has not improved his strength much now, even if he can increase a little, Xing Yu will not be lazy, and his strength has improved day by day.

Knock knock~!

Listening to the knock on the door in the courtyard, Hoshiha walked over and opened the door, thinking it was a rope tree, but he didn’t expect it to be, but a ninja in the dark part.

“Uzumaki Star Feather, Naruto-sama has sent an order for you to go to the battlefield.” The Dark Ninja said to Hoshiha.

“Let me go to the battlefield? I’ve been feeling a little unwell lately, I’m afraid it’s a little inconvenient. ”

Xing Yu was used to being leisurely at home, and he really didn’t want to go to the battlefield.

The dark ninja frowned, because there was a mask blocking it, so Hoshi Yu couldn’t see him frowning.

“Uzumaki Hoshiyu, now Konoha is in a critical moment, and the third generation of Hokage-sama has ordered you to go to the battlefield.”

When Hoshi Yu heard this, Konoha was in a critical moment? Really fake? If it’s true, then Xing Yu really wants to go to the battlefield, after all, the mission has not been completed.

“Wasn’t it normal before? Why is it suddenly critical now? Hoshi Yu asked towards the dark ninja.

According to the news that Hoshiha learned before, Konoha Village has stabilized in the face of Sand Shinobi Village, Yu Ninja Village, and Iwa Shinobi Village, and even wants to fight back.

The situation is very good, originally Xing Yu still felt that he didn’t need to make a move, why was it suddenly critical?

“Yunnin participated in the Second Shinobi World War and supported Iwain Village.” The dark ninja didn’t mind talking to Hoshi Yu either.

“Did I hear you right?”

Xing Yu had a surprised look on his face, Yun Ninja Village’s participation in the second Ninja World War did not surprise Star Yu, what surprised Star Feather the most was that Yun Ninja Village actually reinforced Yan Ninja Village.

According to the second Ninja World War in the original book that Hoshiha learned, the third generation of Thunder Kage led the Cloud Shinobu to attack the Land of Earth.

It was precisely because of the sneak attack of the three generations of Thunder Shadow that Onoki who led the war between Iwa Shinobu and Konoha ninja had to withdraw from the war with Konoha and chose to return to defense.

The result has changed now, and Yunyin Village actually chose to deal with Konoha.

“Okay, I’ll go to the battlefield.” Hoshi Yu said to the dark ninja.

Knowing the current situation, Xing Yu couldn’t sit still, and he had to go to the battlefield, unless he didn’t want that god-level copy card.

The dark ninja left, Hoshiwa closed the door and returned to the living room, and said to Mikoto and Kushina who were sitting in the living room chatting leisurely, “Clean up, we are going to the battlefield.” ”

“What’s wrong?” Mikoto asked towards Hoshiha.

“The group of guys from Yunyin Village are unconscious, they actually joined the war and attacked Konoha Village together with other villages.”

Xing Yu was a little angry in his heart, this was deliberately to block him from completing the task, right?

“System, you say, Yunyin Village’s sudden attack on Konoha, does it have anything to do with you? Don’t you want me to complete the task? ”

Xing Yu asked the system in his heart.

“Master, don’t wronged the system, this has nothing to do with the system, all the changes in this world now are brought about by you.”

The system said that there were some grievances, which had nothing to do with it.

“Well, I’m just kidding you.”

Xingyu cleaned up, called Xiaonan, who was refining Chakra in the room, and left together, rushing towards the battlefield of the Land of Rain.

“Why bring Xiaonan, it’s dangerous on the battlefield.” Mikoto said with some concern.

“It’s dangerous on the battlefield, but Konoha is not necessarily safe, if I leave Konoha Village by myself, I really don’t worry, and Xiaonan doesn’t want to stay, right?”

Xing Yu touched Xiao Nan’s head and asked Xiao Nan.

“Well, Xiao Nan will try his best not to hold back.” Xiao Nan clenched his small fist and said towards Xing Yu.

Xiao Nan’s talent was already very good, plus he also worked hard, and now he is not weaker than a subordinate.

Of course, Shinobu is cannon fodder on the battlefield, but Xing Yu wants to protect Xiaonan, and it is still easy.

“Shouhe, run faster for me again.” Hoshi Yu shouted at Shou Tsuru.

That’s right, this time to the battlefield, Hoshi Yu they went to Shouzuru, and after Hoshi Yu returned to Konoha, Shouhe also lay down in the Konoha Forest for nearly a year.

Morizuru was fat, but the speed of the rush was not slow, and in less than a day, he rushed from Konoha to the border location of the Fire Nation.

At this time, the battlefield is no longer in the territory of the Land of Rain, and the Konoha ninja have been driven out of the Land of Rain, and the battlefield at this time is the border location of the Land of Rain and the Land of Fire.

And the Konoha ninjas are now not divided into battles, they have been united, but the enemy ninjas are also united.

The movement caused by Shouzuru was very large, and as soon as he arrived on the battlefield, he alarmed the ninja of Konoha.

The ape flying sun chop all came out, but after knowing that it was Shouhe, the ape flying sun chop did not worry much, because he knew that Shouhe had been controlled by the whirlpool star feather, and the arrival of the shouhe meant that the whirlpool star feather was coming.

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