At night, it rains lightly outside the tent, which is the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Rain, and it also rains frequently.

“Jiu Xinnai, are you convinced?” Xing Yu asked with a smile on his face.

“Hmph, smelly Xiaoyu, you still don’t think about it, I Jiu Xinnai will definitely not bow my head.”

Jiu Xinnai, who was tied up, snorted softly, turned his head and said very hard.

Before Xingyu subdued Jiu Xinnai, and then released Jiu Xinnai again, but Jiu Xinnai was still unconvinced and wanted to find Xingyu to settle the account, so Xingyu tied Jiu Xinnai up.

“Jiu Xinnai, we’re going to eat, if you continue to be tied, how can you eat?” Do you have to go hungry? Listen to me. Mikoto said with a small face towards Kushinnai.

As for why the little face is tight? This is because Mikoto is afraid that she will accidentally laugh.

“Mikoto, although I don’t have proof, I think you’re watching me joke right now.” Kushina stared at Mikoto and said suspiciously.

“We’re good girlfriends, how could I possibly watch your jokes.”

“Mikoto, you can pull down, if you really think that I am a good girlfriend and a good sister, let me go now.”

“I’m sorry Jiu Xinnai, just now Xingyu said, if I let you go, let me be tied up here instead of you.” Mikoto shook her head and said.


Xing Yu had a question mark on his face, when did he say that? Mikoto actually slandered him in front of him.

“Mikoto, didn’t you say that we are good girlfriends, so as a good friend of mine, wouldn’t it be okay to help me suffer a little?” Kushina said to Mikoto.

Mikoto pondered for a moment when she heard this, and then seemed to have made a big decision.

“In that case, then Jiu Xinnai will not be best friends in the future.”

After speaking, Mikoto turned around, and then left Jiu Shinna with a back.

“Gee, is this the relationship between you?” Tsunade looked at Kushina with amusement.

“Sister Jiu Xinnai is so pitiful.” Xiao Nan looked at Jiu Xinnai pitifully.

“Xiaonan, I don’t need to be pitiful yet.” Jiu Xinnai said with an angry hum.

Xing Yu walked over and let go of Jiu Xinnai, and Jiu Xinnai looked at Xing Yu with a question mark on his face, actually let her go so easily, shouldn’t there be a conspiracy?

“Don’t be suspicious of anything, I just look at you pitifully.” Xing Yu said with a slight smile.

“Damn, I’m not pitiful, anyway, Xingyu will always like me, right.” Jiu Xinnai threw himself on Xingyu’s body and said.

Tsunade saw Jiu Shinnai pounce on Hoshi Yu’s body, and a feeling of unhappiness rose in his heart, and he walked over and pulled Jiu Shinnai over.

“Jiu Xinnai don’t make trouble, eat quickly, otherwise the food will be cold in a while.” Tsunade pressed Jiu Shinnai and said.

“That’s right.” Mikoto echoed.

Xiao Nan, on the other hand, sat obediently next to Xing Yu, waiting for the meal to open.

After eating, Xing Yu thought of a very important thing, that is, they did not have a place to live.

They forgot about this, they came here and haven’t set up a tent.

“It seems that tonight, I will spend the night at Tsunade’s place.” Xing Yu couldn’t help but say.

“Okay, I have no opinion.”

“It’s a bit crowded, but you can barely make do with it.” Jiu Xinnai said.

Although Tsunade’s tent is relatively large, it is still a bit crowded if they all live here.

“Jiu Xinnai, if you dislike it, you can go out and sleep in the rain.” Tsunade said to Kushinna.

“I’m not stupid.” Kushina glanced at Tsunade, only fools would go out to sleep.

During the break, a controversial thing happened.

“I’m going to sleep next to Xingyu.” Jiu Xinnai said.

“This is my place, shouldn’t it be me arranged?” Tsunade glanced at Kushina and then spoke.

“I think it’s better to let Xingyu decide.” Mikoto looked at Hoshiha.

“I’m going next to Brother Xingyu.” Xiao Nan ran directly to Xing Yu’s side and grabbed Xing Yu’s arm tightly.

“Alas, isn’t that the affliction of being too popular?” Xing Yu suddenly sighed, sighing on the surface, and was quite proud in his heart.

“Xingyu, name your choice.”

Tsunade, Kushinna, Mikoto, and even Konan, were all staring at Hoshiha, waiting for Hoshiha’s choice, and at this time Hoshiba was also distressed.

At this time, if you really make a choice, it is a dead end, so Xing Yu thought of a way, that is, through the method of grabbing the lot.

Then Kushina and Mikoto lay proudly next to Hoshiha, while Konan’s foul lay on Hoshiha, and the rest of Tsunade was very depressed.

“Ahem, how about you put Tsunade under me?” Hoshiha coughed lightly, looking at Tsunade expectantly and asking.

“me, believe it or not, I’ll kick you all out, I’m annoying, don’t bother me.”

Tsunade turned around angrily.

Early the next morning, Xing Yu should be the first to wake up, looking at Xiao Nan who was sleeping soundly in his arms, Xing Yu did not bother, just lie down like this for a while.

And on the left is Mikoto, on the right is Kyusina, which feels quite wonderful.

Well, wait.

Hoshi Yu turned his head to the right, the right side was originally Jiu Shinnai, but now it has become Tsunade, and Jiu Shinna is on the other side of Tsunade, how did the two of them switch places?

Just as Hoshiba stared at Tsunade, Tsunade opened his eyes and then looked at Hoshiha.

“What are you looking at?” Tsunade rubbed his eyes and asked towards Hoshiha.

“Well, I remember last night, wasn’t it.”

“Yes, in the middle of the night last night, Jiu Xinnai had to switch places with me, so I was here.” Tsunade said.

Well, Tsunade’s words, Hoshi Yu really didn’t believe a word.

At this time, Mikoto and Konan, who also woke up, and Mikoto and Konan, looked at Tsunade next to Hoshiha and were surprised.

Tsunade saw them wake up, made a boo gesture at them, and then pointed at Kushinna, meaning to tell them not to wake up Kushinnai.

Last night was when Tsunade was sleeping while Jiu Shinnai was asleep, and he exchanged positions with Jiu Xinnai, but he couldn’t let Jiu Shinnai know, otherwise Jiu Shinna would probably fight with her.

Although he is not afraid of Jiu Xinnai, but Jiu Xinnai is too difficult, Tsunade does not want to entangle with Jiu Shinnai.

“I’m ready for breakfast.” Mikoto got up and washed up, and went to prepare breakfast.

Xiao Nan went to wash up, and then began to refine Chakra and cultivate hard.

“Xiao Nan is really working hard.” Tsunade looked at Xiao Nan and couldn’t help but say, with Xiao Nan’s efforts, her achievements will definitely not be low in the future.

“Yes, if you could have half of Xiaonan’s efforts, your strength would not be so weak now.” Hoshiha said with a glance at Tsunade.

“Xing Yu, do you actually think my strength is weak?”

Now it is said that she is weak, it is estimated that only Xing Yu is alone.

“Anyway, in my eyes, Tsunade’s strength is really not strong, so-so, it is estimated that even the three generations of wind shadow, mountain pepperfish Hanzo and the like can’t beat.”

Tsunade was silent, I wasn’t sure I could defeat them. But are the three generations of Kazekage and Hanzo weak? One of them is known as the strongest wind shadow in history, and the other is known as a demigod in the ninja world, how do you feel that you look down on them a little.

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