Looking at the wide-eyed Tsunade and Jiu Shinnai, Hoshiha looked helpless, and then separated the two of them.

“Is the rope tree still home?” Hoshiha asked towards Tsunade.

“No, I went on a mission two days ago, and I haven’t come back yet.” Tsunade shook his head.

Originally, when I returned to Konoha this time, I wanted to see the rope tree, but it seems that I should not be able to see it.

“Jiraiya hasn’t returned to Konoha either, has he?”

“How do you know?” Tsunade looked at Hoshiha in surprise.

“Not only do I know he didn’t come back, I also know that he took in a few apprentices, right?” Xingyu smiled mysteriously.

“I don’t know where you got the news from, but that’s right, I did accept two war orphans from the Rain Country as apprentices, one of whom seems to be a clan member of the Uzumaki clan.”

Tsunade thought of the little devil named Nagato, who had red hair, and said to Hoshiha.

Sure enough, in the absence of Konan, Yahiko and Nagato still became Jiraiya’s disciples.

“A member of the Vortex clan?” Jiu Xinnai had surprise on her face.

“The extinction of the Vortex clan does not mean that there were no Vortex clans who escaped at that time, and Jiu Xinnai does not need to be so surprised.”

Xing Yu said to Jiu Xinnai after seeing the surprise on Jiu Xinnai’s face.

“Sister Tsunade, have you made a choice? Really leaving Konoha? ”

Mikoto asked Tsunade.

“Actually, I think it’s better for you to stay in Konoha, after all, Konoha was created by your grandfather, and the feelings are so deep.” Jiu Shina persuaded Tsunade bitterly.

“I don’t need your persuasion yet.” Tsunade glanced at Kushina and then said.

This decision has been made since three years ago, so Tsunade naturally did not hesitate at this time.

Jiu Shinna watched Tsunade grind his teeth, ready to fight with Tsunade, now Jiu Shinna is much stronger than before.

Jiu Shinna already has the confidence to be able to defeat Tsunade, of course, this is just Jiu Shinnai’s own self-confidence, in fact, Tsunade’s strength is also improving, and Jiu Shinai may not be an opponent when fighting.

On the other side, the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash also received the news that Uzumaki Star Feather appeared in Konoha Village, and couldn’t help frowning and pondering.

At this time, what is Uzumaki Seiba going to do when he returns to Konoha? This can’t help but make the ape fly and the sun cut not pay attention to it.

But what makes ape flying in the sun difficult is that he does not know how to deal with it, whether to focus on surveillance or leave it alone?

If you monitor Uzumaki Star Feather, you will definitely be discovered by Uzumaki Star Feather, and when the time comes, it will anger Uzumaki Star Feather, and Konoha, who has just experienced the second Ninja World War, cannot afford it.

In fact, even without the losses of the Second Shinobi War, Konoha could not afford it.

But if you let Uzumaki Star Feather leave it alone, this will not work, the relationship between Konoha Village and Uzumaki Star Feather is not a mortal enemy, but it is not much better.

What if left unchecked, Uzumaki Seiha does something to damage Konoha?

After thinking about it for a long time, in the end, Sarutobi still chose to let it go, Konoha Village has Tsunade around, and Uzumaki Star Feather should not do anything.

Immediately afterwards, Sarutobi Hinata begins to deal with the post-war problems, and Shinobu Village asks to buy back Ichio Shouzuru, and now Sarutobi Hinatu is thinking about it.


“Hoshiyu, are you going to the Hyuga clan?”

Tsunade’s face was puzzled when he heard that Hoshiha was going to visit the Hyuga clan, Hoshiba and the Hyuga clan had no friendship.

Tsunade would not be surprised to visit the Uchiha family, but visiting the Hyuga family, Tsunade was really surprised.

“Well, there are some important things, I went first.”

Hoshiha did not call Tsunade and Kushina together, but went to the Hyuga clan alone.

The clan land of the Hyuga clan is not far from the land of the Senju clan, and soon Hoshiha came to the clan land of the Hyuga clan, which is worthy of being a wealthy family of Konoha, and the clan land is very magnificent.

“Inform Patriarch Hinata that Uzumaki Hoshiba is coming to visit.”

Instead of forcibly breaking into the Hyuga clan, Hoshiha spoke to a Hyuga clan member who was guarding the Hyuga clan.

After hearing the name of the star feather, the Hyuga clan was very surprised, although he had never seen the whirlpool star feather, but he had heard the name of the whirlpool star feather.

I don’t know if the other party is really Uzumaki Star Feather, but he didn’t dare to snub, and immediately went in to inform them of the patriarch of the Hyuga clan.

After a while, the Hyuga patriarch really came out, although it was suspected that someone was impersonating Uzumaki Star Feather, but just in case, he came out to check it out.

After coming out, I didn’t expect that it was really Uzumaki Star Feather, after all, as the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, it was impossible not to know Uzumaki Star Feather.

It’s just that I don’t know what he came to the Hyuga clan to do, now the mood of the Hyuga patriarch is not very good, and the whirlpool star feather is a big trouble.

“Patriarch Hinata, I took the liberty to come and visit, and I hope for forgiveness for the faux pas.”

Hoshi Yu said to the Hyuga Patriarch who walked out.

Patriarch Hinata smiled bitterly in his heart, even if there was really a faux pas, he didn’t dare to blame ah, this was the one who dared to make a move on the three generations of Hokage.

Moreover, in the second Ninja World War, he also went to the battlefield, and after seeing the strength of the Vortex Star Feather, he naturally did not dare to offend.

“Uzumaki Hoshiyu-sama, please.”

Patriarch Hinata saluted, and then invited Uzumaki Hoshiha in.

He didn’t salute when facing Hokage, but now when facing Hoshiha, Patriarch Hinata did.

No way, when facing the ape flying sun, the Hyuga patriarch dared to offend, but he didn’t dare to face the whirlpool star feather.

After all, offending the ape flying sun chop will not cause too much trouble to the Hyuga clan, after all, Konoha still has some places to rely on the Hyuga clan.

But if they offend Uzumaki Star Feather, it is possible that their Hyuga clan will be overturned.

This is the famous Shinobi Shinigami, who has harvested a ruthless man who does not know how many lives, and he does not dare to treat it as a teenager.

Enter the Hyuga clan and come to the hall where the Hyuga clan usually deliberates, and then the Hyuga patriarch immediately instructs the people to prepare the best tea.

However, Hoshiha didn’t come here for tea, he came to discuss business with the Hyuga patriarch.

“Patriarch Hinata, actually, I came here to ask about something.” Xing Yu said.

Patriarch Hinata chuckled in his heart when he heard this, what is the matter with Uzumaki Star Feather, he actually needs to ask him for advice?

Although he hadn’t said it yet, the Hyuga patriarch felt that it must be troublesome, after all, Uzumaki Star Feather had come to ask him for help, wasn’t it troublesome.

“I wonder if Patriarch Hyuga has heard of the Otsuki clan?”

Hoshi Yu looked at Patriarch Hinata and asked, although Hoshiha did not have much expectations, but at the same time thought that Patriarch Hinata could surprise him.

“The Otsuki clan?” Patriarch Hinata was stunned, then shook his head, having never heard of this clan.

Hoshi Yu looked at the Hyuga Patriarch and could see that the Hyuga Patriarch was not lying, it seemed that he really did not know about the Otsuki clan.

That’s right, so much time has passed, it has been thousands of years since the Otsuki clan moved to the moon, and it’s normal for the Hyuga patriarch not to know.

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