After a day in Konoha Village, and then early the next morning, Hoshiha and they left Konoha Village.

After Tsunade and Sarutobi Hinata said hello, they left with Hoshiba, and Sarutobi also tried to keep Tsunade, but Tsunade insisted on leaving, and Sarutobi had no choice.

However, when Xingyu left Konoha, Sarutobi Sun’s heart also relaxed, at least he didn’t have to worry about anything.

“I’m going to the moon now, do you want to join me?”

Xing Yu has already decided, now kill the moon, destroy the Datumu clan, and maybe even get the reincarnation eye.

The reincarnation eye is an eye of the same level as the eye of reincarnation, and it is even stronger in terms of destructive power.

There are two ways to get the reincarnation eye, one is the pure bloodline of the big tube wood plus the white eyes of the Hyuga clan, and the other is to use a large number of white eyes to fuse into a huge reincarnation eye.

“I would like to go, but how?” Jiu Xinnai asked towards Xingyu.

“I naturally have a way, in fact, there is a passage to the moon in the ninja world, but I don’t know where the channel is, but I have other ways.”

If you can’t find that so-called lunar channel, then you can only work hard, even if you fly, then you have to fly to the moon.

“Since Xingyu is going, of course we have to follow, and I also want to see the moon.” Tsunade said.

“Okay, then let’s get started.”

Hoshi Yu opens the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and then uses Huangquan Hirazaka to open a spatial door.

It is impossible to reach the moon directly with Huangquan Hirazaka, at least not yet, perhaps with the pupil power of the eye of reincarnation.

However, Hoshi Yu can use Huangquan to shorten the distance to the moon.

With Tsunade, Kushina, Mikoto, and Konan, they entered the space door, and when they came out again, they were already in the sky.

The air in the sky was very thin, and Tsunade could feel a sense of suffocation.


Hoshiha Shiki unleashed a full-fledged Susanoo and wrapped them all in Susano, and then the full-fledged Susanoo spread his wings and flew towards the atmosphere.

“So Susanoo can fly?” Tsunade said in surprise.

“Of course, otherwise you think Susano’s wings are decorations?”

“When will we be able to fly to the moon?” Jiu Xinnai asked towards Hoshiyu.

“I don’t expect it to take more than a day.”

Hoshi Yu predicted it himself based on his Susano’s flight speed.

Under the acceleration of Xingyu’s full consumption of Chakra, the speed is faster than the rocket launched by Xingyu in his previous life.

It didn’t take long for Hoshi Feather to control Susanoo to break through the atmosphere, break away from gravity, and fly towards the moon, not far from Earth.

Flying straight towards the moon, the meteorite encountered was directly cut by Susano, and the Chakra consumed in the process was even more huge.

Even if he let Uchiha come, he couldn’t fly to the moon with Susano, but fortunately Hoshi Yu had a perfect immortal body, and Chakrado was enough to consume it at will.

“Immortal mode on, speed me up.”

Hoshi Feather turned on the Immortal Mode and injected Senjutsu Chakra into Susano, although Susano’s body shape did not change, but red lines appeared on Susano’s surface.

The speed is increasing again, and the distance to the moon is getting closer and closer.

“No, I can’t hold on, my head is so dizzy.” Jiu Xinnai said and fainted directly.

Looking at the side, Mikoto and Konan, who had already fainted, only Tsunade was still able to hold on.

“Can’t you just slow down?” Tsunade said towards Hoshiha.

“This is really not slow, slow swallowing can not reach the moon in a short time.”

Xing Yu didn’t want to float in this silent space for too long, it was dark and silent, it was too boring.

In the end, Tsunade couldn’t hold it anymore and fainted.

Looking at Tsunade who fainted, Hoshiha didn’t wake her up, anyway, if she woke up, she would definitely faint, so it was better to let her sleep.

Xing Yu didn’t know how long had passed, anyway, in this silent environment, he felt that time passed very slowly, and it seemed that it took him a long time to reach the moon.

Finally came to the surface of the moon, Senjutsu Susano, who was more than 100 meters tall, stood on the moon, slowly raised his long knife, and then cut towards the moon.


A knife cut open a huge crack, and then Hoshi Feather controlled Susanoo to enter this crack and came to the interior of the moon.

“I don’t know how this place was created, is this the power of the six realms?”

Xingyu looked at the bright interior of the moon, and there was a huge sun suspended above, but this sun was not a real sun, it was a substitute created.

Landing on a suspended island, Hoshiha lifted Susanoo and looked at Tsunade, who was still sleeping, and Seoba woke them up.

“Where are we?” Jiu Xinnai rubbed her eyes and asked Xingyu.

“In the interior of the moon.”

“The interior of the moon, here is the interior of the moon?” Mikoto stood up and looked around carefully.

“I didn’t expect the interior of the moon to be this scene, it looks pretty good, is that the sun?”

Mikoto reached out and pointed to the glowing ball of light above.

“No, this can only be regarded as a glowing light source, if the sun is really placed here, the entire moon will be melted.”

Xing Yu shook his head, and then said: “When we came in, there was a lot of movement, it is estimated that it has alarmed the Datumu clan here, take a break and prepare for battle.” ”

At this time, the Otumu Sect has not yet started a war with the Otumi Sect Family, which means that Xingyu is about to face the entire Otumi Family.

After all, it is the best-preserved family in the bloodline of Datumu, and Xingyu will not despise the Datumu family too much.

Think of the strength of the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan, who have been living on the moon, and the well-preserved Otogi clan should be stronger.

God-level copy cards are not so easy to get, this is very clear to Xing Yu.

However, Xing Yu will not be afraid, after all, he still has a god-level copy card on him, and he is not afraid of anything when he encounters it.

After resting for two hours, all the Chakras consumed by Xingyu recovered, and his state was raised to the peak.

At the same time, Tsunade and they are not so dizzy, and the previous dizziness has completely disappeared.

“Strange, when you come in, there is such a big movement, didn’t the people of the Datumu clan notice it?”

Xing Yu is a little strange, it’s been more than two hours, the people of the Datumu clan haven’t killed yet, are they all dead?

When the star feather entered the interior of the moon, but Susanoo cut off the surface of the moon, such a big movement is impossible to hear unless the people of the Otsuki clan are deaf.

“Isn’t it better not to notice it? Are we going to that floating island now? Jiu Xinnai pointed to a huge floating island not far away.

That island is the largest island here, and the big tubular family that Xingyu said should be on that island.

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