Uchiha looked at Uzumaki Star Feather, it didn’t work with him, but he was unwilling to let him give ninjutsu to Uzumaki Star Feather.

If he really handed over ninjutsu, wouldn’t it mean that he was soft, and Uchiha’s arrogant personality would definitely not be soft.

“What do you mean you’ve been staring at me? I’m really running out of patience. ”

Xing Yu’s patience has already been exhausted, and if Uchiha does not express his position again, Star Feather will immediately make a move.

“Vortex Star Feather, how about we cooperate.”

Uchiha finally spoke, and as soon as he spoke, he wanted to cooperate with Hoshiha.

Xing Yu’s expression was a little strange, but after thinking about it, he could understand that with his strength, it must have affected Uchiha’s plan.

Now there are only two paths in front of Uchiha, one is to clear the obstacle of himself, and the other is to draw him into his own person.

Originally, Uchiha wanted to kill the Vortex Star Feather, but now after seeing the Uzumaki Star Feather, he felt that he couldn’t kill it.

Therefore, in desperation, I can only compromise, choose another path, and win over the vortex star feather to implement the plan together.

“Cooperation, what do you want to cooperate with me?”

Xingyu looked at Uchiha calmly, in fact, he already had some guesses in his heart.

Uchiha pondered for a moment, originally Uchiha’s plan for the Eye of the Moon was to release the Infinite Moon Reading, which was used to control everyone in the world, unify the world, and create peace.

That’s right, Uchiha’s plan is actually for peace, he is also a member of the struggle for peace, and the main theme of the entire Hokage world is peace.

However, his method is obviously not recognized by others.

Now to tell Uzumaki Hoshiha his plan, Uchiha Madara does not intend to say his true purpose.

I don’t know much about the Vortex Star Feather, and Uchiha doesn’t know what can attract the Vortex Star Feather, in fact, Uchiha Spot is now a bit of a headache.

Being able to let Uchiha Obito carry out the plan, loudly he fully understood the weakness of Uchiha Obito, and completely calculated Uchiha Obito.

But for the words of Uzumaki Star Feather, Uchiha does not know much.

“Do you want to rule the entire ninja world?”

In the end, Uchiha felt that ruling the ninja world was more tempting for others, so he wanted to use this to open the topic of cooperation.

“Rule the ninja world? I’m interested in this, tell me about it. Hoshiha looked at Uchiha with an interested look.

There is a fart interest, Xing Yu is not half interested in ruling the ninja world, but life is like a play, all rely on acting skills, and if you are not interested, you must show interest.

The purpose is to quickly get Uchiha Madara’s ninjutsu, and Hoshiha really needs Uchiha to complete the Moon Eye plan.

After all, Uchiha is also just a pawn, and his so-called Eye of the Moon plan is all a conspiracy of Kuroki, who is the third son of Kaguya Otsuki, in order to resurrect Kaguya Otsuki.

The Eye of the Moon Project is to resurrect Kaguya Otsuki.

Xingyu’s acting skills are very good, and Uchiha did not see that something was wrong, looking at the light of ambition flashing in Xingyu’s eyes, and sneered secretly.

Tsunade, who was sitting next to Hoshi Yu, frowned slightly, then glanced at Uchiha and didn’t say anything.

It is estimated that Xing Yu has some purpose, so she will not say anything to interrupt Xing Yu’s plan.

I believe that Hoshi Yu will not be in the same league as this guy Uchiha.

“This monster behind me, called the Golem of the Outer Way, is also the shell of the Ten Tails.”

Uchiha pointed to the Golem of the Outer Path behind him and introduced it to Hoshiha, who also made a serious look.

“Aren’t there only nine tailed beasts? Why did a ten-tailed still pop out? Jiu Xinnai muttered softly.

Uchiha glanced at Jiu Shinna, and then continued to say to Uzumaki Hoshiyu.

“As long as you collect all the tailed beasts, you can resurrect the outer path golem and become a ten-tailed human pillar force, and you can open the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Eye, so as to cast the pupil power on the moon to cast infinite moon reading.”

“What is Infinite Moon Reading?”

Of course, Xing Yu knew about Infinite Moon Reading, but now Xing Yu still showed an uninformed look.

“Infinite Moon Reading is an ultimate illusion technique, only the Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Eye can be cast, it can make the people of the entire world fall into illusion, and then they will be able to master the entire ninja world.”

After saying this, Uchiha began to keep his mouth shut.

“I am indeed interested in cooperation, but I care more about the immediate interests, since you want to cooperate with me, let me see your sincerity.”

Hoshiha gestured to Uchiha Madara, the purpose of course being Uchiha Madara’s ninjutsu.

“By the way, what I want is all the ninjutsu, including Yin Yang Dun and the Six Dao Immortal Arts, don’t use some ordinary ninjutsu to fool me.”

And Uchiha spotted it out, lest Uchiha Madara, an old fox, use some ordinary ninjutsu to fool him.

Uchiha looked deeply at Uzumaki Star Feather, and without hesitation for long, he took out a huge scroll and handed it to Star Feather.

“It contains everything you want, if you don’t understand, you can ask me.”

“Sure enough, it’s worthy of Banye, it’s really generous enough.”

Xing Yu opened the scroll, and all the ninjutsu Star Feather inside took a cursory look.

There are both the Six Dao Immortal Arts and the Yin and Yang Dun, but there is very little about these, and Uchiha has not mastered much about the Six Dao Immortal Arts and Yin and Yang Duan.

Then there’s the fire, which is the ninjutsu that the Uchiha family has been passing down for a long time.

And now most of the Uchiha family has been lost, such as Huodun Hao Fire Extinguishing, Huodun Hao Fire Extinguishing, Huodun Long Yan Singing Technique, and so on.

This is also a satisfactory answer for Xing Yu, and Xing Yu feels very satisfied.

“Not bad, really full of sincerity, did not fool me with fakes.” Xing Yu said with a slight smile.

Of course, it won’t be a fake, because Uchiha doesn’t have a fake in his hands, and he can’t do it if he wants to use a fake to fool Hoshiyu.

“What do you think of the cooperation?” Uchiha asked as he turned to Hoshiha.

His sincerity has already been shown, so what about the sincerity of Vortex Star Feather.

“Then Banye is happy to cooperate, but I don’t know what specific plans you have, can you tell me about it?”

Hoshiha said with a smile towards Uchiha.

“The specific plan has not yet been decided, and I will naturally inform you after the plan is made.”

Uchiha Madara didn’t mean to reveal, and even Uchiha didn’t even have to reveal the matter of the eye of reincarnation to Hoshi Yu.

After all, Uchiha does not have the slightest trust in Xingyu, and even if he really wants to win Xingyu into the plan, he will definitely not reveal all the plans at once.

“Then let me know when you have made your plan, I can’t wait to see the day when the ninja world is ruled.”

Hoshiha stood up and said with a smile towards Uchiha.

“This place of yours, I’m really not used to it, so I took my leave.”

After that, Hoshiwa took Tsunade, Kushina, Mikoto, and Konan, and they left the underground space together.

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