Soon after, Hoshiha left the gloomy underground cavern of Madara Uchiha.

"I didn't expect Madara Uchiha to even tell me this. "

Just before, Madara Uchiha told Hoshiha everything about his reincarnation eye on Nagato, and some of the plans were also revealed to him.

Although it is not a secret to Hoshiha, it is rare for Madara Uchiha to be able to talk to him.

After all, there is no trust between him and Madara Uchiha, so I guess he told himself to win trust.

"I'm really not afraid that I will directly attack reincarnation. "

Xingyu also knew that Madara Uchiha must have a back hand, but his back hand was the same as not having it for Star Feather.

Even if Madara Uchiha recovers the strength of the period of victory, Hoshiha will have the ability to beat him, unless Madara Uchiha now becomes a ten-tailed pillar force, but this is simply impossible.

However, Xingyu didn't think about attacking Madara Uchiha's reincarnation, after all, it was useless for him to ask for a reincarnation eye, his eyes were even more advanced than Madara Uchiha's reincarnation eye.

After Xingyu left, Bai Jue said worriedly: "Madara-sama, you tell Vortex Xingyu all of that, is there really no problem?"

"Don't tell him how he can really believe what I say, and really believe that he can evolve the reincarnation eye with the cells between the columns. "

Madara Uchiha said lightly.

"But what if he doesn't want to evolve the reincarnation eye himself, but wants to snatch Madara-sama's reincarnation eye?"

"If that's the case, I wouldn't mind killing that imp with all my might. Madara Uchiha's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Although he was a little jealous of Uzumaki Star Feather, Madara Uchiha didn't think that he couldn't solve him, but he just felt that the price he paid would be relatively large.

Star Feather had already returned to his home in the Vortex Country at this time.

When he returned home, he found that there was no one, and then Xingyu went to the training ground, and sure enough, Tsunade, Mikoto, Kushina, and Xiaonan were all in the training ground.

"You're back, what did Madara Uchiha say to you?" asked Kushina curiously, looking at Hoshiha.

"Kushina, your curiosity is still so heavy. "

"I'm not the only one who is curious, you look at Tsunade, Mikoto, and Konan, which of them is not curious. "

"Actually, there is nothing important, it is nothing more than that he feels that I have ruined his plan and wants to stabilize me. "

Xing Yu and Jiu Xinnai briefly talked about it, and then went to their own cultivation.

Ten days passed in the blink of an eye, and Xing Yu originally expected to be able to fuse the ten-tailed chakra in a week, but it took more than ten days.

The complete fusion of his own chakra and the chakra of the tailed beast has greatly improved the quality of Star Feather's chakra.

After that, Xingyu began the last step, fusing natural energy, and this step became very simple because Xingyu would be in the immortal mode.

Xing Yu's step was completely completed in just half a day.

"Six Dao Immortal Mode. "

Xing Yu has an extra black robe formed by chakra, and there is a red magatama at the neckline.

Behind Xing Yu, there were also nine black Dao Seeking Jades floating, seemingly inconspicuous black balls, but they had the power to annihilate all things.

This is the plug-in mode that Naruto Uzumaki used to help him open with the help of the six immortals, and Xingyu has this power on his own.

"Actually, I want a white robe. Xing Yu looked at the coat formed by the chakra on his body and couldn't help but say.

The Susanoo used is black, and Xingyu has experimented with the Reincarnation Eye Chakra mode before, and the chakra that comes out of his body is also black.

The Six Paths Immortal Mode that is being used now, even the outer clothes have become black, do you like black very much in your heart?

Xingyu felt that he still preferred white.

As the thought in Xingyu's heart rose, the originally black robe turned white, and the red magatama of the collar turned black.

"I don't know if I can change the style, if I can change the style, then I don't have to buy clothes in the future?"

Xing Yu tried it curiously, and found that it could really be changed, this was the robe formed by his chakra, which could change according to the thoughts in Xing Yu's heart.

"Xingyu, why are there a few small balls floating behind you. "

Tsunade and the others came over after noticing the movement, and Kushina looked at the small ball behind Hoshiyu, and even wanted to touch it.

After seeing Jiu Sinai's movements, Xing Yu hurriedly stopped it.

"Jiu Xinnai, don't touch this indiscriminately, this is the Dao Seeking Jade, which contains the power of Senluo and all things, and people who do not have the power of the Six Realms will disappear into nothingness when they encounter it. "

"It's so dangerous. "

Jiu Sinai withdrew her hand with palpitations, she didn't expect this inconspicuous ball to be so dangerous.

Xingyu's Dao Seeking Jade was obtained by opening the Six Dao Immortal Mode, and once it was destroyed or sealed, it would be completely gone.

And if you want to make the Seeking Dao Jade, you must have the Blood Inheritance Snar, and even if the Seeking Dao Jade is destroyed, you can create a new Seeking Dao Jade with a wave of your hand.

"Xing Yu, your cultivation of the Six Dao Immortal Methods has been completed?" Mei Qin looked at Xing Yu's appearance and found that Xing Yu had an extra piece of clothing at this time.

"It's done, now open the Six Dao Immortal Mode, and all the ones that are cast are the Six Dao Immortal Method. Xing Yu said with a smile.

In order to cultivate the Six Dao Immortal Method, Xing Yu has worked hard for more than half a year, and now it is finally completed.

"Can I learn Xi this?" asked Kushina.

"I'm afraid not, but after I have completely mastered the power of the six realms, I may be able to directly gift you with power and open the six realms immortal mode. "

Xing Yu thought of the power of the six yang that the six immortals gave to Naruto Uzumaki in the original book, since the six immortals could do it, then he could too.

"Then wait for you to master the power of the six realms. "Kushina wasn't disappointed either.

"Isn't the sixth level a god?" asked Tsunade as he turned to Hoshiyu.

"Well, it depends on how you define a god, for ordinary people, the six realms do have terrifying power like a god. "

Xing Yu is not easy to answer, after all, the meaning of the gods in everyone's hearts is different, maybe in your eyes it is a god, but in the eyes of others, it is ordinary.

The true god in Xing Yu's heart is the kind of person who creates endless worlds in one thought and destroys endless dimensions in one thought.

As for the strength of the six realms, it was completely incomparable to the power of the gods in his heart.

"That big barrel Ryusuke who fought you before, does he have six-level combat power?" asked Tsunade as he turned to Hoshiha.

Thinking of the power that could split the moon apart, Tsunade shuddered at the thought of it, this kind of power would be easy to destroy a large ninja village.

"It's considered a six-level level, and the combat power is indeed achieved by relying on the reincarnation eye. "

In terms of combat power, Ryusuke Otsuki, who was killed by Hoshiha, should have a strength that is not weaker than Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha in the later period.

And in terms of destructive power alone, the big barrel of Ryusuke is even stronger, and the power of the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion of the Reincarnation Eye is indeed comparable to few ninjutsu.

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