In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed, and the Ninja World War has also lasted for half a year.

In the past half a year, Konoha Village, Sand Hidden Village, Iwain Village, and Yuyin Village in the Land of Rain are all about to be beaten into a pot of porridge.

The shinobi of Konoha Village also began to be transported to the battlefield, completely entering a white-hot state.

Xing Yu and they also appeared on the battlefield at this time, and even the lower Shinobi were going to the battlefield, not to mention that Xing Yu was a middle Shinobi.

“The war is really cruel, and the people of this country are really unlucky.”

Mikoto looked at the people of the Land of Rain who were thin and hiding, and there was a hint of unbearability in her eyes.

The Land of Rain was originally poor due to climate problems, but this time the war has spread, and the entire Land of Rain has been devastated, full of refugees.

Even if you become a refugee, you have to hide for fear of encountering ninjas and then being killed by those ninjas, and in the eyes of the people of the Land of Rain, the ninja profession is no different from the devil.

“Everyone knows the cruelty of war, but the interests are even more moving.” Xing Yu said softly, without the dispute of interests, there will be no war.

“What are you feeling there, aren’t you hungry?” Jiu Xinnai complained, “I’m starving to death.” ”

“Isn’t there dry food.”

Hearing Xing Yu say dry food, Jiu Xinnai took out the dry food, handed it to Xing Yu with a small face, and then said: “You eat one for me to see.” ”

“Ahem, I’m not hungry.”

Xing Yu’s gaze looked away, this dry food was too hard, and like the stone, Xing Yu felt his teeth.

“This is the dry food that our village divides, how can we eat it so hard?” Do you grind your teeth? Jiu Xinnai complained.

There is no way, Konoha seems to have no money, so he can only eat this kind of thing temporarily, and if he wants to eat well, he can only wait for the daimyo of the Fire Nation to allocate funds.

“Let’s go, go get something delicious.”

If you want to eat something good, you still have to rely on yourself, and in the drizzle, Hoshiyu, Kushina and Mikoto enter the forest.

Go hunting in the forest, and I don’t know if there is any prey that can be eaten in this forest, after all, it is not only Xingyu who want to hunt.

“The hell weather in this rainy country, nine out of ten days are raining, and the only day that doesn’t rain is cloudy.”

Xing Yu raised his head and came to the battlefield for half a month, but Xing Yu had never seen the sun in the Land of Rain.

After searching in the forest for a long time, I finally found a rabbit, still a rabbit without much meat.

This poor rabbit was roasted by Mikoto, ending its painful life.

“It’s so fragrant.” Jiu Xinnai’s eyes shone and said.

“Jiu Xinnai, your saliva is coming out.” Xing Yu said towards Jiu Xinnai.

When Jiu Xinnai heard this, he quickly reached out and wiped his mouth, but when he touched the corner of his mouth, Jiu Xinnai found that there was nothing.

“You lied to me, obviously there is nothing.” Jiu Xinnai glared at Xing Yu angrily.

Xing Yu shrugged, it’s not that you’re too stupid, that’s why you were deceived.


A roar came, Xing Yu’s eyes suddenly lit up, this seems to be the roar of a bear, doesn’t that mean that there is a bear here.

“I’ll go over and take a look, maybe I can add meals and eat meat until I am full.” Hoshi Yu said to Kushina and Mikoto, and then the figure disappeared in a few flashes.

“Hey, I want to go with you too.” Jiu Xinnai said and stood up.

“Jiu Xinnai, you better sit here honestly.” Mikoto pressed Jiu Shinnai’s shoulder and asked Jiu Shinna to sit down.

Xing Yu followed the roar and finally found the bear, which was waving its paws and rushing towards a dirty little girl.

And the little girl, as if frightened and stupid, looked at the bear in horror, and finally closed her eyes in despair.

Although this bear is not very robust, there is absolutely no problem killing an ordinary little girl.

“Just caught up by me, it can be considered your luck.”

An ice-blue kunai in Xing Yu’s hand flew out towards the brown bear, and in an instant a blood hole appeared on the brown bear’s head.

The brown bear’s two-meter-tall body fell, and the star feather instantly appeared next to the brown bear, looking at this brown bear, the body size is not small, it is a little thin, as if malnourished.

The materials that can be eaten in this forest have basically been taken away by the ninjas, and this brown bear should not have eaten for a long time, so it will be so thin.

“Are you all right?”

Xing Yu turned his head and looked at the little girl who closed her eyes in fear, her body was covered with dirty dirt, her face also had some muddy water, and her light blue hair was quite beautiful.

“I… I’m fine. ”

After realizing that she was rescued, the little girl looked at Xing Yu with big bright eyes, and after seeing the forehead protection on Xing Yu’s forehead, the little girl’s eyes showed a touch of fear.

Ninjas, the people of the Land of Rain are full of fear and hatred for ninjas.

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill a child like you yet.” Xing Yu looked at this little girl who was only five or six years old and said.

After that, Xing Yu ignored the little girl, walked to the brown bear’s side, grabbed the brown bear’s fur, and Xing Yu prepared to leave.

“Wait… Wait a minute. The little girl shouted weakly towards Xing Yu.

“This sends… To you, thanks… Thank you for saving me. ”

The little girl handed the mushroom she was holding in her hand to Xing Yu.

Looking at the mushrooms handed over, Xingyu smiled slightly, and then asked the little girl, “What’s your name?” ”

“My name is… Xiaonan. ”

Xiao Nan lowered her head and said weakly, she was grateful and afraid of Xingyu, grateful because Xingyu saved her, and afraid because Xingyu was a ninja.

“You said your name was Xiaonan?”

After hearing Xiao Nan’s name, Xing Yu instantly thought of Xiao Nan, the “angel” of Xiao Organization.

Looking at the other party’s light blue hair, Xing Yu walked over, wiped the muddy water off Xiao Nan’s face, and looked at Xiao Nan’s immature face, vaguely familiar, it seems that it is really the Xiao Nan who will be organized in the future.

Now Xiaonan, I haven’t met Yahiko and Nagato yet, otherwise I wouldn’t be alone.

Xiao Nan looked at the star feather in front of him, with a touch of fear in his eyes, looking very distressed.

“Come with me.”

Xing Yu picked up Xiao Nan with one hand, and then lifted the brown bear with the other hand, and the figure disappeared instantly.

The heavy brown bear was like nothing in Xing Yu’s hands, which did not affect Xing Yu’s speed at all.

“But if you come back, if you don’t come back, we will go to find you, why did you bring a little girl back?”

Jiu Xinnai looked at Xiao Nan who was being held by Xingyu strangely.

“I picked it up, saw that she was a little pitiful, and brought her back.” Xing Yu said towards Jiu Xinnai.

Of course, Xing Yu will come back with Xiao Nan, and her identity is inseparable, Xing Yu is quite fond of Xiao Nan, the angel of Xiao Organization, and it is for this reason that Xing Yu will bring Xiao Nan back.

“It’s very pitiful, but it’s cute.”

Jiu Xinnai looked at Xiao Nan, and then looked at Xing Yu suspiciously.

Xing Yu should not have brought this little girl back because she was cute, otherwise how could there be so much compassion.


PS: Shhh

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