“The meal prepared is so hearty, it seems that the materials delivered by Konoha this time are good.”

After returning with Jiu Shinnai, Hoshiwa couldn’t help but be a little surprised to see that Mikoto had prepared seven or eight dishes.

“What, these are all the ingredients that Mikoto and I found in the forest together with Xiao Nan after we finished cultivating.” Jiu Xinnai said to Xingyu.

“So that’s the case, that’s really hard for you, give you a few more pieces of meat.” Xingyu took a few pieces of meat and placed them in their bowl.

“What about the rope tree? He’s not going to leave, is he? Hoshiha asked as he ate towards Tsunade.

“No, their squad went to see their teacher.”

Tsunade shook his head, Rope Tree went to find Orochimaru, as for the purpose Tsunade can also guess, it is nothing more than wanting to stay on the battlefield.

However, this is impossible, and Tsunade believes that Orochimaru will not let Orochimaru and them remain on the battlefield.

Xing Yu nodded when he heard this, and then he didn’t ask more, and went to rest after eating, it was too tiring to use the shadow avatar to cultivate the ninjutsu spirit, and Xing Yu had to take a good rest.

Perhaps because the eyes evolved into an eternal kaleidoscope, the mentally exhausted star feather recovered quickly.

After a night’s sleep, I was refreshed and not tired at all.

After eating the breakfast prepared by Mikoto, Hoshi Yu did not have any tasks, and simply continued to cultivate.

However, just as Xing Yu was about to go to cultivate, the rope tree came to find Xing Yu.

Looking at the fawning smile on Rope Tree’s face, Xing Yu took a few steps back, and then said, “Rope Tree, do you have something you want to ask me for help?” ”

“Yes, Xingyu, how do you know?” Rope Tree looked at Xingyu in surprise.

“It’s so obvious that I almost wrote my thoughts directly on my face. Say, what’s the matter, don’t look for me for something too difficult, I can’t help. ”

If it’s not too difficult, it’s okay for Xing Yu to help the rope tree, if it’s a difficult or troublesome thing, then Xing Yu can only say that love can’t help.

“I want you to help me convince my sister, yesterday I went to find Teacher Orochimaru, and Teacher Orochimaru said that as long as my sister agrees, he agrees to let me stay on the battlefield.”

“I can’t convince this and can’t help you, leave.” Xing Yu directly turned and left.

“Don’t, I’ll rely on you to help me now.”

The rope tree hurriedly caught up.

“First of all, it is impossible for Tsunade to agree to you staying on the battlefield, and secondly, I also think that you are not suitable to stay on the battlefield.”

“Why? You and Kushina and Mikoto can stay on the battlefield, why can’t I?” Rope Tree said unconvinced.

“Of course, because of your weak strength, you are cannon fodder on the battlefield, do you want to be cannon fodder?”

Xing Yu felt that Rope Tree might really have a brain disease, and actually wanted to stay on the battlefield, did he really think that he was playing on the battlefield?

“Xingyu, don’t underestimate me, I’ve become a lot stronger now.” Rope Tree said confidently.

Recently, the rope tree has improved a lot, and some of it has swelled, so I have the idea of staying on the battlefield.

“Is it? It seems that without giving you a little blow, you will not die, so be it! As long as you can hold out in my hands for a minute, I will help you convince Tsunade, and I promise to be absolutely persuaded, how? ”

“Xing Yu, aren’t you underestimating me?”

Rope Tree looked at Xingyu very angrily.

“Hey, don’t think it’s simple, I estimate that your strength can’t be improved tenfold, so I advise you to give up.”

“That’s what you said, don’t forget what you promised.” Rope Tree suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, and instead felt that this was an opportunity to stay here.

“Don’t worry, I won’t forget what I promised, hurry up, I still have to cultivate.” Xing Yu waved his hand and said.

“Then you’re welcome.” The rope tree immediately made a seal on both hands.

“How can you seal so slowly? I can kill you ten times with this time. ”

Xing Yu grabbed the wrist of the rope tree, and then twisted it hard, and the rope tree was not to say that it was sealed, and the entire arm seemed to have lost its strength.

“With you being so close to me, you actually want to use ninjutsu? Don’t you know that it is better to use physical techniques at close range? ”

“Xing Yu, can you let me go first, I feel like my arm is going to be screwed off.” Rope Tree gritted his teeth and said to Xingyu.

Xing Yu let go of the rope tree, and then said to the rope tree: “Let’s go back, this place is not for you.” ”

“No, not just now, let’s do it again.” Rope Tree said unwillingly.

“Rope Tree, I don’t have time to play with you here.”

However, Rope Tree had already made a move, and this time he did not mean to use ninjutsu, and punched towards Hoshi Yu.

Looking at the posture of Xingyu, he knew that the rope tree had not practiced much physical art, and his fist was straight and full of flaws.

Before the rope tree’s fist hit Xing Yu, Xing Yu kicked the rope tree and flew out.

Although Xingyu didn’t use much force, it would definitely hurt for a while for the rope tree.

“See, Rope Tree, you can’t even block my move, if you go to the battlefield, the survival rate is equal to zero. If you really want to go to the battlefield, I advise you to commit suicide, after all, going to the battlefield is also sending death. ”

Although Xing Yu’s words are hitting the rope tree, this is the purpose of Xing Yu, if you don’t give the rope tree a little blow, with the persistence of the rope tree, it is possible to sneak to the battlefield.

The rope tree is indeed a little hit now, and the self-confidence that was originally raised because of the increase in strength has also been worn away by Xing Yu.

Hoshiha was also not worried about the rope tree being hit, the rope tree’s personality was somewhat similar to Naruto Uzumaki, and it would not take long to recover.

The rope tree climbed up, patted off the dust on its body, and left with some loss.

“What’s wrong with him?”

Kushina and Mikoto just walked over, and then they saw the lost back of the rope tree.

“If you want to stay on the battlefield, let me help him convince Tsunade, but I will give him some blows, and now he should not have these thoughts for the time being.”

Xingyu shook his head, and then he and Jiu Shinnai and Mikoto came to the place of daily cultivation and began to cultivate.

Konan, who wasn’t here, followed Tsunade to the medical class.

Yesterday I finally learned the immortal mode, Xing Yu tried to enter the immortal mode several times, when Xing Yu used the immortal mode, three hook jades appeared on his forehead, and red lines appeared at the corners of his eyes.

Using the immortal mode several times, I don’t know if it was Xingyu’s own illusion, and I felt that the speed of entering the immortal mode was accelerated.

The Hoshi Feather Body cultivates the Immortal Mode, Body Technique, and Sword Art, while the Shadow Doppelganger is responsible for developing ninjutsu and practicing ninjutsu.

Time passed quickly during the cultivation, and in the blink of an eye, the time of the morning passed, and it was time to eat at noon.

When Hoshiwa and they returned, they found Ropeki and his two teammates, Hinata Hinata and Uzumaki Suke, waiting here.

“Hoshiyu, we are here to say goodbye to you, we are ready to return to Konoha Village.” Rope Tree said towards Xingyu.

“It’s okay, Rope Tree, come here, I have something for you.”

Hoshiha called the rope tree over, and then used a transcription seal on the rope tree, which was to prevent the rope tree from hanging up like in the original book.

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