The forest of death is a huge circular forest with a high tower in the middle. That is where Naruto and all the contestants need to go.

The participating teams all enter from various entrances of the forest of death. The advantage of this is that there will be no ambush at the entrance as soon as they enter, and it also ensures that fierce fighting is avoided in the first place.

"Sakura, pay attention, it is not illegal to kill people here, so if you meet an enemy, don't show mercy!" Sasuke said to Sakura, who was still looking around.

"What? Killing people is not illegal?"

Sakura said in horror.

"Yes, remember the death agreement we signed when we came in? That is actually the instruction manual. After entering the Death Forest, life and death are all in the hands of God, and the village will not bear any responsibility!"

"If we do this, won't many people die?"

"Why do you think this place is called the Death Forest?"

Sakura didn't know what to say, and she looked at Naruto.

"Naruto, do you know that too?"

Naruto nodded, indicating that he knew it too.

"I thought you didn't see it, and I was going to remind you, but I didn't expect Sasuke to speak first. He is right. Here, we'd better be ruthless, otherwise we will be the unlucky ones!"

"When it comes to ruthlessness, who here can compare to you!"

Sasuke thought to himself, Naruto has made several moves, and few of his enemies are intact, so he still needs to be ruthless? How ruthless? Grind them to ashes?

The three of them walked on the road in the woods without hesitation, wherever it was wide, without worrying about someone ambushing on both sides, which made Sakura, who was traveling with them, terrified.

"How about we find a more secretive route to move forward? Isn't it too conspicuous to walk this way?"

"What are you afraid of? With our current configuration, we will kill gods and Buddhas!"

Erzhuzi said bluntly. Now they have enough capital. If anyone dares to come up, he will directly give the other party a Chidori as a greeting gift.

Naruto also nodded in approval. In their current situation, they still need to hide from others. It's others who hide from them! Sakura, just lie down and watch your brothers take you to fly!

Naruto kept looking around. He remembered that not long after he came in, the third team was ambushed. What he had to do now was to find the third team that was fighting and lend a hand!

As expected, the three walked a little further forward and heard the sound of fighting in front of them. Naruto immediately became alert when he heard the noise. He knew that the plot he was looking forward to was coming!

Naruto jumped onto the tree trunk without saying anything. It was exactly as he thought. There were two groups of people fighting below. One group was Naruto's familiar Tenten, Neji and Rock Lee, and the other group was the three guys from the Sound Village!

Ninjas under Orochimaru.

"Konoha Tornado!"

Rock Lee attacked, oh no, the kick was the Konoha Tornado learned from Might Guy, and a whip kick hit Toss's arm firmly, but it was blocked by the opponent.

Looking closely at Lee's situation, you will find that the current situation of Team 3 is not good. Whether it is Lee, Tenten, or Ningci, who is also known as a genius, they are all at a disadvantage at the moment. The opponent's attack makes them unable to defend themselves. Lee's ears are bleeding, and it can be seen that he has been beaten by the sound wave attack.

Among the three, the only one in a good situation should be Ningci. Although he is at a disadvantage, he has been suppressing others, but Naruto and Sasuke can see that this suppression is meaningless. It won't be long before the other two routes of the opponent are waiting for you to support!

The worst situation should be Tenten. She is good at space ninjutsu weapon combat. She is not familiar with the situation of the ninja who uses sound waves to attack from the Sound Village.

As soon as they met and fought, they suffered a great loss. Now Tenten is even more defeated under the opponent's attack. It seems that she can't hold on. It's a matter of minutes to lose.

Lee and Ningci also noticed the situation on Tenten's side, but they have no way. The situation on their side is also very bad.

In this short period of time, Tenten had been wounded in more than a dozen places. Although some parts were not injured, their clothes were torn, revealing a lot of spring light.

Ningci wanted to bypass his opponent several times and go to support Tenten who was in danger, but his opponent

They were also very cunning. They used the special features of the Otogakure ninjutsu to entangle with the sound wave attacks. Although Neji kept dodging and counterattacking with his Byakugan, he had no way to deal with the opponent, and his chakra was also rapidly depleted.

"What should we do? Should we help?"

Sakura looked at the three people below. She was the first to recognize Xiao Li, a guy with thick eyebrows and extreme self-confidence. He was often nervous. He used to be as annoying as Naruto, but Naruto changed later... Now...

"We don't have so much time. If we talk about other people's affairs, we will be involved. Life and death are determined by fate. Since they chose to enter the Death Forest, the consequences are already doomed. It's either life or death!"

Sasuke shook his head. He said he didn't want to participate. To be honest, the three human-machines below didn't even make him want to take action!

In his opinion, these three people just took advantage of the special features of the ninjutsu. If they met them, they could survive three rounds. Even if these three guys from the Otogakure were gifted!

"That won't work. Those who want to help are all here together, and we all know each other!"

Naruto shook his head and rejected Sasuke's proposal. He was waiting for this moment, so how could he let it go? After saying that, Naruto jumped out!

The three people below couldn't hold on any longer. If they didn't take action, they would die in the hands of the other party. The first one who couldn't hold on was Tiantian. Naruto said that this was his favorite character besides Hinata, because this woman was too Chinese-style, and Tiantian was actually very beautiful!

I'm talking about before the incident with Yuhi Kurenai happened. Don't make random accusations! Yuhi Kurenai and Hinata are equally important, both are wives! Everyone has the same status!

How could he let go of this moment of hero saving beauty?

Naruto kicked out with lightning speed, and kicked the female ninja who was fighting with Tiantian away with one kick. He hugged Tiantian's thin waist who was about to fall to the ground with his right hand, and held a kunai in his left hand!

Naruto's appearance was just right!

"Damn it, he's fooled me again!"

Sasuke cursed inwardly on the tree. Naruto's cool appearance must be very handsome in Tiantian's eyes, a super plus point!

"Ah! Huh? It's Naruto!"

Tiantian had already prepared to die, but suddenly found that the enemy in front of him flew out, and then his waist was hugged by someone. He seemed to fall into a warm embrace, and opened his eyes!

He found that it was Naruto!

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