The enemy was killed, and the enemy was killed.

"Shadow Snake Hand!"

Orochimaru launched the attack without saying a word. Danzo made this kid sound so evil. This kid is also a brainless idiot. Since he has heard of Orochimaru's name, he dares to call him in person. Doesn't he know how to write the word death?

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

"Immortal Reincarnation!"

When Naruto saw Orochimaru taking action, several pythons opened their mouths and bit him, and he immediately used countermeasures!

He first sent his shadow clones to carry Sasuke to stay with Sakura, and the six shadow clones protected him closely. Then he performed the Impure World Reincarnation without any scruples. After so many episodes, he could finally perform this ninjutsu without any scruples!


After watching Naruto raise four coffins from the ground, Orochimaru was stunned. Why did this ninjutsu look so similar...?

"Orochimaru, don't think you are the only one who can perform the Impure World Reincarnation. Now, have fun with these guys. Remember to try your best!"

Three of the four coffins burst open, and it was obvious that they were in a bad mood. Only the last one pushed open the coffin lid and walked out. Naruto nodded to show that he was very satisfied, and then took out a chair and a table from the system space, on which there were fruits and peaches!

Orochimaru looked at the four people in front of him nervously. He knew all four of them, three of them were old acquaintances. Although he didn't know the remaining one, he knew from his terrifying chakra that this person would not be worse than these three!

"The first generation Hokage, Hashirama Senju! The second generation Hokage, Tobirama Senju, and Kakashi's father, Shigesaku Hatake. Although I don't know the remaining one, he doesn't look like an unknown person. Boy, you are so good!"

Orochimaru gritted his teeth and said, this posture, what's the point of fighting! The first generation Hokage alone is enough for him to play with!

"Good eyesight, worthy of being a Sannin, the remaining one is also an acquaintance, hey, introduce yourself!"

Naruto praised Orochimaru proudly, then took a bite of the pear in his hand, his mouth full of juice!

"Uchiha, Madara! Meet Naruto-sama!"

The remaining guy, whose name Orochimaru couldn't call out, was Uchiha Madara. When Orochimaru, who was standing opposite, heard the person saying his name, he instantly took a breath of cold air. It's not that he can't do the Impure World Reincarnation, but the first and second generations of his Impure World Reincarnation were only less than one-third of the strength of the two before him. Looking at the aura of the four people in front of him, their combat power is more than dozens of times that of his Impure World Reincarnation!

"Danzo never said you can do the Impure World Reincarnation!"

Orochimaru turned his head and looked at Naruto who was eating fruit comfortably. From his words, you can even hear a trace of grievance!

This is too bullying. I, the three ninjas! At most, I am at the level of Kage. Do you have to call these fierce men to fight me? Isn't it a bit bullying?

Orochimaru has completely forgotten that he was the first to kill Naruto!

"I won't bully you either. So, Madara, just play with this rascal. Don't beat me to death. I want to live!"

Naruto threw away the half-eaten pear in his hand, peeled a banana, and ate it while casually finding an opponent for Orochimaru, but Orochimaru obviously couldn't smile. Even if he was alone, he couldn't beat him. This was Uchiha Madara!

Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju, and Shigesaku Hatake stood in the other three directions in a triangular shape. They blocked the direction that Orochimaru might escape. Since Lord Naruto gave the order, they had to do it well!

Madara stepped on the tree trunk under his feet, and then the whole person flew out like a cannonball, and the tree trunk under his feet had been turned into powder after the step just now, which was enough to show the strength of Uchiha Madara!

Uchiha Madara was so fast that Orochimaru had no time to react. He felt as if his cheek was hit head-on by a high-speed plane, and he flew out. During this period, he didn't know how many trees were broken on his back. He tried hard to control his body to react, but Uchiha Madara was too fast. Before he landed, he kicked again. He watched the kick land on his coccyx!


Orochimaru could clearly hear the sound of his bones breaking, even in the process of high-speed flight!

But Orochimaru has practiced for so many years. Since he is known as the Three Ninjas, he still has some skills. He

His legs transformed into snake tails, hooking a thick tree trunk with force. His whole body was stretched infinitely like a rubber band under the force of inertia, but fortunately he finally stopped and there was no tragedy of another collision.

Similarly, due to the special nature of ninjutsu, Orochimaru can make his body boneless. If it were a normal person, Uchiha Madara's two kicks would have killed him long ago, but on Orochimaru, although he was soft as mud, he could at least move!

And Naruto wanted to be alive, so Uchiha Madara didn't dare to use great force, for fear of accidentally killing this noob in seconds!

"Fire escape; Great Fire Extinguishment!"

Uchiha Madara saw that Orochimaru could actually stop his flying body with his backhand, and he snorted coldly, and directly raised his hands, and made a simple seal, and then a huge flame sprayed out of his mouth and flew towards Orochimaru!

Seeing this terrifying ninjutsu, Orochimaru's face turned green. He knew that the Great Fire Extinguishing was only a B-level ninjutsu in the ranking of fire escape, but looking at Uchiha Madara's move, it's no problem for you to say that this thing is super S-level ninjutsu!

"Madara, control it, don't burn this forest!"

Naruto, who was eating a banana, was also frightened and staggered. He knew that Uchiha Madara was fierce, but it was too fierce. You are going to burn this area!

"Water escape: Water Wave Technique!"

At the critical moment, the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama performed the water escape technique. He used the water escape ninjutsu to wrap up the surroundings, and by the way, he made a water house for Naruto, isolating the hot temperature of the Great Fire Extinguishing outside the water layer to ensure that Naruto would not be affected!

Orochimaru was in a miserable state. The screams he had just made to tease Sasuke became real at this moment. He howled in the range of the attack of Haohuo Nieque. It was just a little bit, not all of it was sprayed on him, but Orochimaru couldn't stand it anymore!

Worried about accidentally burning him to death, Uchiha Madara symbolically roasted him for two seconds and then stopped. At this time, everything around him had turned into powder. Everything turned into black ash under Uchiha Madara's high-temperature ninjutsu. The only black, stick-like thing that still existed was Orochimaru, who Naruto asked to keep alive!

"Well, next time you attack, be a little slower. You're almost like a map cannon!"

Naruto looked at Orochimaru's miserable burnt appearance and couldn't help but say with sympathy. He knew very well what Orochimaru had been through!

He was burned beyond recognition! Too violent! I like it!

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