The old man was very happy, but he was still very busy.

As for Naruto, although he got a perverted SSR subordinate like Kabuto Yakushi when he signed in this morning, the busyness last night and the excessive excitement this morning made this young man depressed and back to his original form after the passion faded.

He was thinking about taking a nap, but the time was almost up, so he washed his face and brushed his teeth and went to school. After all, today was the day for class division.

As for the class division, he actually knew it. There was no suspense. The students in the same class as him were Nizhuzi and Luchaying! The team leader was Hatake Kakashi!

It was the Hatake Kakashi who had a Sharingan and was nicknamed the Copy Ninja. Everyone said that he was weak when he met a weak opponent, but strong when he met a strong opponent. His combat power was unknown. He could fight anyone who came. His father was Hatake Shigekatsu, a Konoha ninja nicknamed White Fang.

If it was the previous Naruto, wouldn't he jump up with excitement when he heard that he could be assigned to the same class with Sakura? But now it was me, and he was not moved at all. What good would it be to be assigned to the same class with that green tea Sakura? This woman would rather let Naruto die for Sasuke!

Whenever I saw Sakura begging Naruto to bring back the traitor Sasuke no matter what, I wanted to smash the TV. Damn it, you asked me to help you chase your rival back to be your sweetheart?

You are so shameless! How dare you ask?

Naruto decided that after coming to this world, he would say goodbye to the new society in the past. He would unswervingly follow the feudal dynasty road and become the king of the Naruto world!

However, the king has to buy some clothes now. After all, clothes make the man! He still has to save face.

It should be said that Naruto is not bad. He didn't grow up when he was a child, and he didn't pretend to be like the second pillar. If he really cleaned up, it is very likely that he would be on par with the second pillar, not to mention eight streets ahead of the second pillar.

After all, the foundation is not bad. The fourth generation Hokage Minato Namikaze is not only handsome in ninjutsu, but also handsome. Naruto basically inherited his excellent genes.

Don't laugh, brothers, look at the photos of Hu Ge posted by others and compare them with the photos posted by Hu Ge himself. I believe you say he is two people, but if you say they are one person, do you think I believe it? But the fact is that you have to believe it!

Naruto first came to a clothing store that specializes in children's clothing. Originally, he should go to an adult clothing store to buy clothes at his age, but Naruto's financial resources were limited when he was young. He had to calculate the cost of eating, let alone buying clothes. Even so, he often went hungry for one meal and then full for another, which led to malnutrition and physical development, so he could only come here to buy children's clothing.

It was just out in the morning, and there were not many pedestrians on the road. Only a few people could be seen jumping and running sporadically. They were basically dressed as ninjas. It was obvious that they were either completing tasks or on their way to return tasks.

Naruto searched for a long time according to the clothes in his mind, and changed several clothing stores before he found the clothes he liked.

"Boss, how much is this dress?"

The owner of the clothing store was a middle-aged man who was a little fat. He walked out of the inner room with a smile. There were customers coming to the door early in the morning, and the first order must be greeted with a smile.

But when he saw that the visitor was the demon fox that everyone in the village hated, his smile disappeared instantly. When he looked at the clothes in Naruto's hand, he immediately shouted in disgust that he would not sell them, and snatched the clothes from Naruto's hand, and brushed them several times with his hands in disgust, as if there were viruses on them.

"Damn it! Why don't you sell them? What if I don't pay you?"

Naruto got angry instantly, no! You were still smiling when you came out, but you looked constipated when you saw your father. What's wrong? Did I make it hard for you to swallow?

"Why? Because the store is mine! I sell to whoever I want to sell, and I don't sell to whoever I don't want to sell! Especially you, demon fox bastard, sell you? I won't sell you even if I burn you!" The fat boss said angrily, staring at Naruto with disgust and disgust in his eyes.

"Fuck you! I forced you to buy it today! What can you do to me? Here is one tael of cash, no need to change!" Naruto threw the money on the counter coldly, took the clothes that the boss had just put back on the shelf, and then prepared to leave without looking back.

"Oh, you're robbing now, right? And one tael of silver? This dress is priced at one hundred taels, and with this tael, you can't even buy a bag.

enough! I don’t think you’ve been beaten enough! "The fat boss said nothing, picked up a clothes pole and hit Naruto on the back of the head.

"If you do evil by God, you can still forgive it; if you do evil by yourself, you will not live!"

There was a bang, and two shadow clones came out in response. One grabbed the clothes pole that hit Naruto on the back of the head with both hands, and the other kicked the boss directly in the chest.

The fat boss's body, which was nearly 200 kilograms of flesh, was kicked like a cannonball. He accelerated towards the back room and smashed many clothes racks along the way.

A scream came from behind. Although there were not many people in the street shops in the morning, the fat boss's voice did attract a lot of people.

Everyone gathered around to see what was going on. When they took a quick look, the person standing at the door was the demon fox boy who everyone in the village yelled at and hated and despised. There were constant wailing sounds in the back hall, and there were familiar people. Upon hearing this, isn't this the owner of this store? Was he beaten?

Beaten by Naruto?

After everyone thought about it, they immediately surrounded Naruto, and even shouted directly, asking everyone to kill this demon fox boy and eliminate the scourge of Konoha Village!

You must know that the Naruto now is not the Naruto before. He was not panicked at all when he was surrounded by people. After seeing so many people surrounding him, Naruto just stood there and slowly and leisurely put away the piece that he just spent a tael of silver on. clothes on.

The onlookers saw that Naruto, the demon fox boy, didn't take them seriously and started changing clothes directly on the spot! They instantly became angry. This kid is too crazy!

But when they saw Naruto after changing clothes, wearing the Konoha forehead protector, they suddenly discovered that this demon fox boy seemed a little bit like someone, and he seemed to be a little handsome?

"Hey, have you noticed who this demon fox boy looks a bit like?"

"It looks familiar, but I can't remember the details. Look at this cloak. The style looks familiar, but I just can't remember it!"

"Me too! It feels so familiar!"

Naruto's kick was so strong that the fat boss wanted to kill him, but he didn't hold back. If you dare to hit me on the back of the head, I'll kick you in the heart! The fat boss who was howling just now was moaning non-stop, but he could only be heard but not seen.

A good person went in and took a look, and found that the fat boss must have broken a bone and couldn't move at all. When he moved, he immediately screamed in pain.

"Call the doctor quickly, he must have a broken bone!"

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