The turbulent sea water swept every visible corner crazily. The sea water height was about four or five meters, and it was not an exaggeration to say that it was a small tsunami.

Wherever the sea water passed along the way, the smaller trees were swept away from the ground by the impact of the sea water and floated and moved along the direction of the water flow.

Kakashi's earth escape was obviously not an ordinary earth escape. Although there were several cracks, the hearts of the people in Team 7 standing behind were raised to their throats, but they finally held on. Although Naruto's wind barrier did not work on the front, it was still used on the flank.

Naruto listened to Hinata's advice, and the shadow clones worked together to release the wind barrier, surrounding them like a small house. Although the water flow summoned by Zabuza kept washing, because of the direction of the water flow, after completing only one impact, the water flow flowed along the low-lying areas.

Because Zabuza released a large-scale ninjutsu such as the Great Waterfall, the fog shadow technique he released before was also broken by himself. Of course, you can also understand that the cover was over.

After all, this thing is used to facilitate Zabuza to launch a sneak attack with ninjutsu. As long as no one comes to disturb him, it will be considered a success.

Now the whole venue is a water hole summoned by Zabuza. If a powerful water escape ninjutsu is released next, it will be twice the result with half the effort!

"Water escape: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

"Zabuza, do you really think I don't exist?"

"It's my turn after all the courtesy?" Kakashi jumped onto the earth wall and said to Zabuza who was making a seal.

Zabuza ignored Kakashi's words and continued to make hand seals! The strongest single-target attack ninjutsu in water jutsu is this water dragon bullet, but the pre-casting time of this ninjutsu is also notoriously long!

"Chou, Shen, Mao, Zi, Hai, You, Chou, Wu, You, Zi, Yin, Xu, Yin, Si, Chou, Wei, Si, Hai, Wei, Zi, Ren, Shen, You, Chen, You, Chou, Wu, Wei, Yin, Si, Zi, Shen, Mao, Hai, Chen, Wei, Zi, Chou, Shen, You, Ren, Zi, Hai, You"

"Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

"Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

Kakashi and Zabuza shouted out the names of the ninjutsu they were going to release almost at the same time. This scene made Naruto's blood boil. This was the most thrilling scene in the early stage of the original work. A water dragon bullet required 44 seals, and the comics at that time deliberately slowed down and overlapped the hand seals of the two people. After this scene was broadcast, many diehard fans of Naruto went to practice it specifically. It's so difficult!

"Tsk tsk, you really have to watch it live! You guys have made a lot of tricks with a water dragon bullet! I remember that the second generation's ninjutsu was not so complicated, just shout and it will happen!"

Naruto commented on the classic water dragon bullet battle between the two. Although Kakashi won the battle after striking back, he couldn't stand watching the intimate paradise for so many years, and his hand speed was really amazing.

Relying on the copying skill of the Sharingan, he actually released it at the same time as Zabuza, and two huge water dragons rose from under their feet. The water flow quickly transformed into a beautiful dragon form under the gathering of chakra. Then the two dragons entangled with each other, and the water flow continued to rise in the air. Under the control of Kakashi and Zabuza, the two huge dragon heads opened their bloody mouths and bit each other.

We are of the same root, why are we so anxious to fight each other?

At the moment when the two water dragons collided, they turned into countless tiny water droplets that fell from the sky, just like a heavy rainstorm. The water droplets kept hitting the faces of Kakashi and Zabuza, making crackling sounds.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Naruto didn't want to hold back. The progress was too slow. The most important double dragon meeting had been performed, and Zabuza could almost retreat.

Naruto directly took out two kunai from his waist bag and threw them at Zabuza, with a tricky angle and a fast speed!

"Tsk, yellow-haired boy, you are quite ruthless! Throw it at the second one, you kid specializes in attacking other people's lower three roads!"

Zabuza chuckled, stood slightly sideways, and dodged. As for the kunai that was shot at his face, he used the same method, tilting his head!

Naruto wanted Zabuza to react quickly. He knew that kunai could not kill Zabuza. What he wanted was to use these two kunai to create opportunities!

The next moment, Naruto turned into a flash of light and disappeared. Before Zabuza could turn his head to avoid Naruto's kunai,

When he turned around, he saw a familiar color appear in front of him.

Naruto's heavy right hook hit Zabuza's chin so plainly and firmly! This punch was very powerful.

Zabuza flew out like a sandbag under the effect of this punch.

"This kid, the use of Flying Thunder God is getting more and more proficient!"

Naruto's two kunai are not ordinary kunai, but the kunai after he marked it. Back then, this move was given a super loud and super stupid name by his father. Brothers, do you still remember the full name? If you don't remember, go to Baidu yourself. I'm not here to make up the word count.

After Naruto succeeded in one blow, he chased in the direction where Zabuza flew out. Several shadow clones appeared around him. One of them treated Naruto like a windmill, pulled Naruto's arm and did a Thomas Turn. Using the acceleration of inertia, Naruto was approaching Zabuza at a rapid speed.

On the other side, Zabuza, who was knocked out by Naruto, finally stopped by the fourth tree after crashing into three trees in a row. His back was burning with pain.

"How can this kid be so fast? What kind of ninjutsu was that just now? How can he appear in front of me in an instant?"

Zabuza wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Naruto who was chasing him. He picked up the beheading sword directly. If Naruto dared to get close, he would chop him in half!

Naruto was not stupid. Seeing that Zabuza was ready to fight again in such a short time, he knew that there was no chance to chase him. He secretly said it was a pity, and Naruto took the initiative to stop chasing. He had no choice but to stop. If he really flew straight over like this, Zabuza would chop him with one knife!

Seeing that Naruto stopped chasing and did not rush up, Zabuza suddenly spit out a large mouthful of blood again.

This was not Naruto's punch, this was Naruto's punch and he hit a tree, plus a little anger! Zabuza is a famous senior, but he was punched by Naruto, a kid who didn't even grow all his hair, and he was hit in the face! If this gets out, how can I get orders in the world of martial arts in the future!

The person you meet doesn't say anything else, just say you were punched by a hairy kid!

This feeling of humiliation is as infuriating as if you go to chat with the Jade Emperor and keep repeating that he was beaten by a monkey.

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