The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

"Are you the reincarnated soul of those people back then?"

Bai asked a question carefully. The question he asked was also what Zabuza was thinking. Apart from this, they could not think of any other reason.

"I am not!"

Naruto shook his head.

"There is no such thing as reincarnated soul in the world. When people die, their souls return to the Pure Land, which is a peaceful world!" Naruto said with a sigh. He only knew this after watching the finale of Naruto.

"Then how did you know?"

Kakashi was about to speak when Nizhuzi asked first, which directly led to Kakashi's depression.

These three students are really hard to lead! One likes to grab the limelight, and the other likes to grab the topic! Do you two understand the way of respecting teachers? It’s fine that you guys have already pretended to be robbed, but now you’re asking questions too!

Among us, who is the teacher and who is the student? Can you give me, Konoha’s No. 1 technician, your teacher, some face?

The teacher didn’t see the fake, and the student pointed it out. If it gets out, how can I lead you?

“Sorry, I don’t know your true identity either. I guessed about your identity...”

Naruto spread his hands and gave a very ridiculous reason.

Once this reason was given, not to mention Haku and Zabuza, even Sakura and Sasuke didn’t believe it, and even Tazuna looked at Naruto with contempt.

If you don’t want to say it, don’t say it. Is it fun to lie?

"Okay, I'll believe you for now, but how do you explain my name? This should be our first meeting, right? You can call out my name, but you guessed it?"

"If you can guess so accurately, then you don't need to be a ninja, just go to the street and tell people's fortunes, you can earn more than this!"

Bai said noncommittally. He didn't believe Naruto's answer! This is too fake.

When Naruto heard Bai asking him why he called out his name, his heart skipped a beat.

"Oh no, how can I explain this! This really can only be known after Zabuza calls it out!"

After thinking for a while, Naruto showed a wry smile on his face.

"This matter is outrageous, I'm afraid you won't believe it if I tell you!"

"Tell me, we have seen more ridiculous things than this, what else can be more ridiculous?"

Zabuza shook his head. You just acted so ridiculous, can there be anyone more ridiculous than you?

Naruto glanced at everyone and found that they all had the same expression as Zabuza. Obviously, at this moment, they had become people on the same front. On the contrary, he had stood on the opposite side of everyone because of his outrageous performance.

"Actually, I was able to call out your name because I took a gamble!"

"You may not believe it, but after escorting Mr. Tazna out of the territory of the Land of Fire, I had a strange dream on the night I was on the boat to the Land of Waves!"

"I dreamed of you in my dream!"

Naruto looked at Bai's face and said. Bai couldn't help blushing when he looked at her. This kid's eyes were really too explosive, and he didn't say it in a subtle way.

"Are you trying to say that you dreamed of me in your dream, and then you called out my name today?"

Bai raised his eyebrows in confusion. This was too outrageous.

"Yes, I did dream of someone who looked exactly like you, but not like you now! In my dream, the person who looked similar to you was a girl, and I called her sister."

"I remember that I practiced ninjutsu crazily in my dream, and finally fell asleep under a tree. As a result, when I woke up, there was a big sister who looked exactly like you squatting next to me. She kindly shielded me from the scorching sun and handed me buns to eat."

"I remember that the sister in my dream was carrying a basket with some flowers and food in it. She gave me the food and left with a basket full of flowers!"

"Before leaving, I asked my sister, what is your name!"

"My sister told me that her name is Bai!"

"So after seeing you today, I took a gamble. After all, you two look exactly the same. I thought you were the sister I dreamed of!"

Bai was shocked. The dream that Naruto talked about seemed to be what he did a few days ago, but it was a little different.

A few days ago, during his break, he did change into some casual clothes and went to the woods to pick flowers. The difference was that he did not meet Naruto under any tree!

But on that day, he did bring

What they ate was just a few rice balls instead of steamed buns!

"So, there is a will of heaven?"

As soon as Zabuza saw Bai's expression and appearance, he knew that the dream Naruto was talking about was 100% in Bai's body. After so many years, he still knew Bai.

"No! You are lying to me!"

Bai shouted loudly! He shook his head violently to deny it!

"You are lying. When I appeared just now, I was wearing a mask of Kirigakure. You have never seen me. How do you know that I look exactly like the person in your dream? You are talking nonsense! How do you explain this?"

Naruto's head buzzed. Damn it, I forgot about this! How should I make up for this?

Brothers, what should we do? Jianghu help, waiting online!

After a little thought, Naruto gave an answer: "I admit that I had a gambling element this time, but I didn't go for it completely. I don't believe in anything else, but I believe in fate! I believe that God will not let me have such a dream for no reason! So every time I wake up, I will immediately recall the details of the dream. Maybe you don't believe it, but I want to say that although you changed your clothes that day in the dream, I remember this hairstyle and the steel needles on your head very clearly!"

"At that time, I asked you why you came out to pick flowers with such a long steel needle. Wouldn't it hurt yourself? I also wanted to see it, but you said it was a very important thing and couldn't be touched!"

"So after you took out the steel needle, I felt very familiar with it!"

"Then how did you know that the steel needle was used to fake death? Is this also what you dreamed of? This is a method I found after countless experiments, and absolutely no one else knows it."

Bai asked immediately. This statement was too ridiculous and he didn't believe it at all.

"You are out of touch. Do you think this is a very covert method? Please, this kind of plot in Konoha Bookstore has been written hundreds of times in novels. There are people who use steel needles to fake death, and there are people who use turtle breathing to fake death, and there is also breath-holding! Do you know turtle breathing? It is written in the novel that someone imitated the hibernation habits of turtles and created a set of ninjutsu to pretend to be dead!"

"And breath-holding! It is that someone can hold his breath and not breathe, making himself look like he is not breathing, like a dead person!"

"These plots are written in the corner of Konoha Bookstore, and those novels are written like this!"

Naruto said confidently, and while speaking, he gestured to Haku and Zabuza to explain, for fear that they would not understand!

"I can prove this! Some books in Konoha Bookstore have indeed been written, and there are several books!" Sakura raised her hand directly to testify for Naruto!

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