The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next battle.

Bai stood in front of Sasuke, looking expressionlessly at the rebellious boy opposite him. Once upon a time, he had such an expression, but everything was lost one day.

Worried about Zabuza's injury, Bai didn't say anything extra. He skipped the trial moves at the beginning of the fight and jumped back directly to start his ultimate move!

Finish the fight early, call it a day, and find a place to heal Mr. Zabuza! There is not so much time to waste.

"Ice Release: Magic Mirror Ice Crystal!"

Bai shouted, and his fingers danced quickly, forming a seal. The whole process was very smooth and silky.

"This kid is very fast at making hand seals! Zabuza, you have a good partner!"

Kakashi looked at Bai's hand speed of making hand seals and nodded in admiration.

After the actual combat of the ice escape secret technique, mirrors made of ice crystals quickly formed in the air, like an ice house, surrounding Sasuke inside. Bai, who was standing on the ground, jumped back at the moment the mirrors took shape and perfectly integrated into one of the mirrors.

"There is abundant water vapor here, and it is more effective to perform water-based ninjutsu. This kid under you is good at fire escape, right? It will be very disadvantageous in a fight! After all, water overcomes fire."

Zabuza grinned, and a silent smile filled the whole scene. He turned around and gave Kakashi a small suggestion.

"How about you add that kid in and try? I don't think he can handle it alone."

"Thank you for your kindness, just watch it with peace of mind. No one knows the result until the end!" Kakashi shook his head and rejected Zabuza's proposal. Sasuke has a high fighting talent, and what he has to do is to guide him out.

After Bai got into the magic mirror formed by ice crystals, it was only a moment, and the mirrors surrounding Sasuke suddenly appeared on the mirrors exactly the same. Bai in each mirror had the same posture as if it was synchronized in real time, and the tone of speech and expression were exactly the same.

Sasuke, who was in it, felt like he had entered a 3D stereoscopic venue, surrounded by people, and couldn't tell the real body at all.

"With so many mirrors, which one is the real body?"

Sasuke looked around the mirrors. Now he couldn't see which mirror Bai entered from. Although the mirrors in the whole venue did not move, Bai's figure was like a revolving lantern, and the real body and the fake body moved together. Sasuke couldn't tell them at all now.

"This is my blood limit. No one can escape alive after entering here! Next, I will launch an attack. Be careful!"

Bai's words came into Sasuke's ears from all directions.

Originally, Nijiru planned to distinguish which one was the real body while Bai was talking, but when Bai started talking, he knew that his judgment was wrong. All the figures were speaking, and the words spoken on each mirror were like a real person. He had no way to determine which one was the real body by sound.

Bai stretched out his hands and the moisture in the air began to gather and condense instantly. Many ice needles appeared on his hands in a blink of an eye. These needles were very similar to those in Bai's hands when he first appeared.

"Is this your ninjutsu?"

Nijiru looked at the ice needles in all directions and said vigilantly, his eyes full of fear.

"Yes! Secret Technique, Thousand Killings Water Flying!"

Bai shouted, countless ice needles shot out from the ice mirror surrounding Sasuke, and the second pillar took out two kunai, one in each hand, and turned his body into a circle, and the whole person became a residual image, and the sound of clanging and hitting was endless.

"It's still a bit reluctant, it won't be blocked like this!"

Zabuza looked at Sasuke who was waving kunai and frantically resisting the ice needles in the field, and said to Kakashi.

"Concentration can create miracles. The enemies he will encounter in the future will be stronger and more cruel. If he can't pass this level, how can he be a ninja? I believe he will have a solution! Keep watching!"

The second pillar in the field was panting, and there were fallen ice needles under his feet. These were all blocked by the kunai in his hands. The ice needles fired by the opponent attacked from all directions. Although he tried to resist and dodge, there were still several skins on his body that were scratched, and even one on his face.

"I can't tell which one is the real one. How can this be?" Sasuke stared at each of the silver needles that were fired at him. None of these ice needles were fake.

All of them are real.

"If this is a quick change of direction to shoot, then his movement speed is too super! If not, it means that every mirror is real, but this is impossible!"

"Is it an optical effect? ​​It changes people's vision through refraction. In fact, the key is not the ice mirror, but the ninjutsu?"

Nizhuzi murmured in his heart. He now suspected that the mirror was just a cover to confuse his vision. In fact, the main attack came from the ninjutsu released by the opponent. This is a 360-degree summoning water ninjutsu with no dead angles. It looks like the white in each ice mirror is shot out by hand, but it is not. The mirror is just an illusion.

Tazna was stunned: "Oh my god, the ninja's fighting is so fierce! If it was him, he would be shot into a hornet's nest if he went in?"

Sasuke's eyes widened: "I know, the mirror is just a cover, what we need to guard against is your large-scale attack ninjutsu!"

"If that's the case, then try it again! Secret Technique: Thousand Killings Water Shooting!"

Bai's voice came out from the mirror again, but this time only one person in the mirror raised his hand, and condensed into ice needles and shot at Sasuke.

The second pillar slid sideways and avoided Bai's attack.

"How could this happen?" Sasuke frowned, and he had overturned the conclusion just now.

"If you can't find the answer quickly, you will be exhausted to death by my attack in this ice mirror formation. Even if you can dodge my attack, how many times can you dodge it? Secret Technique: Thousand Killings Water Shooting!"

Bai once again performed the blood limit secret technique, this time, the ice needles on his hand condensed more! Sasuke clearly felt that there was a lot more water vapor in the air than before!

"The number of attacks has increased again!"

"No, we can't drag it on, we must find a way to break the mirror quickly!"

Sasuke put away his kunai, quickly formed a seal, and used a great fireball.

"Fire escape: Great Fireball Technique!"

A big fireball quickly formed along a line of fire from Sasuke's mouth, and the ice needles formed by the water vapor gathered in the air by Bai also responded. The collision of fire escape and ice escape, the natural restraint of water and fire caused a mist to form in the venue, and the moment it rose, it filled the entire battlefield. The effect was the same as the mist shadow technique released by Zabuza.

Sasuke's figure was no longer clear in the ice house formed by the ice mirror.

With two whooshes, two kunai shot out quickly from the white mist and shot at the two ice mirrors at an angle of about 45 degrees from the ground, but were easily knocked down by Bai inside and fell to the ground.

"It's useless. I am both a clone and the original body!"

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