The dead body was broken, and the dead body was broken.

Yamashiro Aoba looked at Mizuki, who looked like a dead dog, and then looked at Naruto, who was scratching his head with a silly smile, and then turned his head to look at Iruka, who was smiling like an aunt. He frowned and thought about what Iruka said just now that Naruto had split so many shadow clones. He always felt that something was wrong!

"Is this the first time Naruto has read the Book of Seals? How could he learn the forbidden technique so quickly, and beat Mizuki like this? According to his condition, he will be dead in five minutes! Mizuki is a ninja!" Yamashiro Aoba couldn't help squatting down, touching Mizuki's pulse and listening to his heartbeat.

"Yes! He has been chasing me from behind. I couldn't run anymore, so I hid in the bushes. I just opened my eyes and took a few glances, and then I was attacked by Mizuki!" Naruto answered Yamashiro Aoba's question without hiding anything.

"Why don't you remind Iruka that Mizuki is chasing you, so that he won't be attacked by surprise!" Yamashiro Aoba glanced at Naruto and said intentionally or unintentionally.

Naruto knew he was going to ask this question, so he had already prepared the answer!

"Teacher, I'm just a child! I was chased by Mizuki all the way, and my head was already confused! The moment I saw Iruka, I was only excited at that time. Of course, it was also my fault. I was only concerned with reporting my progress to Iruka, and forgot for a while. When I remembered to remind Iruka, Mizuki had already launched an attack! Teacher, I'm sorry!" After Naruto finished speaking, he lowered his head with guilt, his eyes filled with tears.

"Don't blame you, blame the teacher for being too slow to react! Aoba, don't blame Naruto, he did remind me when I found him! But my strength is too low, and my reaction is too slow, so I was attacked by Mizuki, and if it weren't for Naruto! When you come, I'm afraid the Book of Seals will be snatched away by Mizuki! You can only see our bodies!" Iruka hurriedly touched Naruto's head to comfort him.

He attributed all the responsibilities to himself! A teacher has to be rescued by a student, and he is still a last-place student. Damn, how can he mix in the teacher circle in the future!

It's so embarrassing! Yamashiro Aoba, I'm going to your uncle!

Can you stop asking! You are deliberately making fun of me!

"It's normal for children to react like this. The teacher is here, and the backer has come! Naturally, the danger will be put off. After all, no one expected that the teacher's strength is weak!" Ebisu jumped out to smooth things over. This is what he said, no matter how he said it, he didn't like it!

"Fuck you, Ebisu! You're here to mess with me, aren't you?"

Iruka got angry when he heard that, and regardless of his recent injury, he jumped up and wanted to fight with Ebisu!

Yamashiro Aoba frowned as he watched the people playing in the field, but he didn't go into it any further. Thinking about it carefully, it made sense! He turned around and asked Naruto about the whereabouts of the Sealed Book.

"Where's the Sealed Book? Naruto, where did you put it?"

Naruto turned around and took out the Sealed Book, which was about the same size as him, from the bushes and placed it in front of Yamashiro Aoba. Pointing, he said, "Look, it's right here! I just took a look!"

Yamashiro Aoba looked at Naruto deeply and asked, "There are dozens of ninjutsu in here. What else have you learned besides multiple shadow clones?"

"The things in it are too difficult. Only multiple shadow clones are easy to remember and learn. The other seals are all messy requirements. I can't understand many of them!" Naruto shook his head and put on a distressed look, saying that it was too difficult to learn!

"Iruka, Ebisu, Aoba, don't ask. This kid really only learned shadow clones, and the time was only a little bit. Not long after he opened it, Iruka, you found him, and you saw the rest! In such a short time, it is already amazing to be able to learn a forbidden technique. You must know that forbidden techniques are not cabbage. You can't learn them by just looking at them. Many people can only learn one or two of the forbidden techniques in their lifetime!"

Two masked ninjas jumped down from the tree. Obviously, they were the two Anbu who had been entrusted by the third generation to stare at Naruto.

"I see!" Ebisu and the others nodded to show their understanding!

Iruka and the Anbu ninja said so, it seems that there should be no problem with this matter! Yamashiro Aoba thought about it. After all, Iruka can lie, but the Anbu is different. They only obey the Hokage!

"Since you are here, does the Hokage know about this place?

? "Ebisu is indeed an elite jonin. When he saw the Anbu appear, he instantly thought of something else.

One of the Anbu took a step forward and shook his head and said, "No, we were performing other tasks and just happened to pass by and saw this scene. Of course, after asking the Sandaime, the mission has been changed! Now our mission is to escort the Sealed Book back!"

He turned his head and stared at Naruto: "You are a genius, I don't know anything else, but you can play multiple shadow clones so well at a glance. In this way, the Second Generation who created this technique is not as good as you! To be honest, it feels like this ninjutsu is tailor-made for you! "

The two Anbu didn't tell the truth. In fact, they were assigned by the Third Hokage to keep an eye on Naruto!

Their mission is that if Naruto is about to be killed by Mizuki, they will kill Mizuki, and then find a way to make Naruto open the Sealed Book and learn any ninjutsu in it! If Naruto accidentally kills Mizuki, they have to watch to prevent the little guy from escaping Konoha Village with the Sealed Book! Of course, there is a third situation, which they didn't say!

The third situation is that if Naruto succumbs to death under the instigation of Mizuki and defects from Konoha Village with Mizuki, they only need to escort the Sealed Book back. As for Naruto and Mizuki, there is no need to go back to the village!

Although it is not clear why the Third Hokage gave them such an order, the duty of the Anbu is to obey the orders of the Hokage unconditionally! He The two did it anyway! But I didn't expect Naruto to be so fierce!

He could create more than 3,000 shadow clones with just one look, and beat Mizuki, a ninja, so badly that his mother didn't recognize him! I have to say that this kid is a bit talented in shadow clones!

Is this the purpose of the third generation?

Through the game of the Sealed Book, let Naruto, who is at the bottom of the list, learn the forbidden technique of multiple shadow clones that suits his talent? After all, not everyone is qualified to learn forbidden techniques, and there is still a gap between shadow clones and multiple shadow clones!

But what is the purpose of doing this? Why set up such a game for a twelve-year-old kid? Is it because of this child's identity as a demon fox? Or because of that person?

No matter what, take the Sealed Book back first! Anyway, the mission has been completed! Many senior ninjas have to admit defeat to Naruto's multiple shadow clones!

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