“Mandate of Heaven incident?”

Naruto looked at the system prompt with a blank look and was confused

Although the system was introduced when it first appeared,

But since activating the system itself, no Destiny event has been triggered

Naruto suspected that the protagonist’s aura was fake.

The so-called destiny event refers to a random lucky event that occurs in favor of the protagonist with a small probability.

I haven’t found anything lucky lately

I haven’t even picked up a single piece of money.

“System, what about my Destiny event? Why doesn’t it feel? ”

[Dingdong ~ Mandate of Heaven event will be triggered in five days].

Naruto suddenly looked disgusted

“What a broken thing, this kind of protagonist aura thing is still delayed.”

Then Naruto decided what to do, after all, the Mandate of Heaven event is such a thing

Probably the matter of pie in the sky, you don’t have to do anything yourself, something is better than nothing.

There is time to entangle the Mandate of Heaven event, it is better to go and make up more relations with Hong

Those who are the same age over the years are okay, and they always see themselves as children.

Before he completely gets rid of his immaturity, he can’t let the guy who died early dig a corner.

Although he prefers to believe that Ape Flying Future is the girlfriend of the water…

And the water stop at this time….

“Naruto-sama, the water stop team has returned from their mission.”

Ape Flying Sun looked at the water-stopping squad below with a satisfied face

It is worthy of being the descendant of Uchiha Kagami, whether it is strength or the will of fire.

“Yes, you guys have worked a long-term mission, take a good vacation.”

The water stop below suddenly spoke:

“Well, I have a request for three generations.”

Ape Fei Ri narrowed his eyes

The two found a separate place to discuss secretly.

Uchiha stopped the water and said half-kneeling

“I am deeply saddened by the mutual distrust between the Uchiha clan and the village.”

Sarutobi nodded:

“Me too.”

However, what Shuishui said next set off terrifying waves in the depths of Ape Flying Sun’s heart.

“I want to rebuild the trust between the clan and the village, can you assign me this task?”

Sarutobi frowned, what he wanted was for the Uchiha clan to disappear, leaving only the talents who could be used.

“Do you want to stop the normal mission?”

“Yes, and please give me certain permissions.”

“You… How do you want to do it? ”

“Use my eyes called other gods!”

Uchiha stopped the water and opened his eyes, and the strange kaleidoscope appearance made the ape flying sun chop his heart tremble!

“I can manipulate the target without being noticed to make it look like the other person is acting on my own volition. I will ask Fugaku to think about ways to coexist with the village. ”

Sarutobi stared at Uchiha


As clever as he had already figured out something was wrong

“You… Have you ever used this ninjutsu on anyone else? ”

Shuishui’s face changed when he lowered his head when he heard the question


Sarutobi didn’t say anything more, nodded and said

“I understand, I will declare that you have been sent by me to carry out a confidential investigation mission, if you encounter a case, report my name, and I will bear all the responsibility!”

Shuishui was overjoyed when he heard this

Sure enough, Sandaime is a good peace-loving Hokage, and he must stop the coup of the Uchiha clan!

Uchiha said excitedly

“Thank you very much!”

Ape Fei Ri turned his back, a cold light flashed in his eyes, but he smiled in his mouth:

“Looking at you, I think of my former friend, Uchiha Kagami, so I believe you.”

“You’re wrong.”

Then the water stopped and left instantly.

And after the water stops, it leaves

Ape Fei Ri’s face completely turned gloomy

“Don’t be a god! It seems that the anomaly when it hit Hinata Hinata in the first place has a source. ”

“There is such a terrifying pupil technique, the Uchiha clan, really should not exist in Konoha, and it is time for the old guy to know about this…”

Ape Flying Sun Slash has realized that Shuishui has cast another god on himself.

How could a politician like him be infected by Naruto’s so-called blood

This kind of terrifying pupil technique that manipulates people’s hearts can definitely not be controlled in the hands of the Uchiha clan, not to mention that he also has a previous record of manipulating himself.

Uchiha stops the water and must die!

On the other side, Shuishui did not know that he had been on the must-kill list of ape flying sun.

He was still rejoicing in the village’s trust in him.

He finds his only fellow friend in the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Itachi.

At this time, Itachi had just completed the task of monitoring the Uchiha clan and completed the shift change.

“Nissan, is the mission accomplished? Come and practice with me! ”

“Sorry Sasuke, suddenly someone is looking for me.”

Looking at Sasuke who pouted, Itachi directly came to a brain.

“Next time, definitely.”

Immediately, the ferret followed the water and left instantly.

“You’re back.”

“Yes, finally drive away the people of Wuyin Village.”

“Is there something going on?”

“I want to hear your sincere words, how many percent do you think Fugaku is serious?”

Uchiha was silent for a while and said

“Uchiha’s dissatisfaction with the village is growing, and if the village continues to maintain the status quo…”

Stop Shui looked at the waterfall in front of him inexplicably:

“If the village changes, will Uchiha change?”

That’s the purpose of his visit.

The real other gods, used once for more than ten years of cooling.

He needs to consider whether to use it on Konoha high-level or Uchiha high-level use.

Uchiha shook his head:

“If Uchiha does not change, the village will not change, and as long as the distrust between the two sides continues, the situation will only deteriorate.”

When Shisui heard this, he made up his mind in his heart, in his opinion, compared to Uchiha Fugaku

Sarutobi is obviously more inclined to ease the relationship between the two sides and change his attitude towards Uchiha.

“I want to dispel these suspicions.”

“Do you think you can do it?”

Stop Shui laughed:

“I don’t know, Sota try, once Uchiha launches a coup d’état, it will only bring unfortunate ends to both sides.”

Uchiha Itachi is heavy to:

“I am also against the coup, but if you want to stop him, you can only use unconventional means.”

Stop the water to:

“I understand, but you’d better not act rashly.”

Uchiha was stunned:


He also wants to work with Shuishui to prevent the coup from happening

However, what Shuishui said made his face ugly:

“Some of the garrison suspects you, and they order me to monitor you.”

Uchiha Itachi’s face was gloomy, he didn’t expect that the first person who doubted him was his own clan!

At this time, the balance in Itachi’s heart completely tilted towards Konoha.

A few days later,

It’s the day of Uchiha’s rally again.

ps. Find the data

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