Naruto: Cultivate The Perfect Jinchūriki And Flatten The Roots

Chapter 85 Naruto Who Likes Whoring For Nothing

Kakashi looked at the unlucky kid who became Kurozumi with black lines all over his head.

Why don't you ask who the rekill is targeting!

Dazna looked at his nose, nose and heart, and heaved a sigh of relief.

It seems to be saved,

It's okay to die, no one will know that they are looking for themselves.

The little Sakura on the side was trembling with fright. After all, she was a 12-year-old commoner girl. How could such a scene be seen.

Naruto preached his villain law to the twelve little strong, and only the hated Sasuke and Xiang Rin agreed, and successfully used it in this actual battle.

Kakashi glanced at the nervous Dazna, and then thought of the b-level task bounty given by Third Generation.

"Mr. Dazner, the standard for C-rank missions is not to be attacked by armed groups such as thieves and gangsters, right?"

"Chūnin from Kirigakure has already intervened just after we set off. This is not as simple as a C-level mission."

Dazna looked at the dead fish eyes of Kakashi "310" and felt guilty:

"Didn't I raise the bounty to B level?"

"Even if you have paid a B-level bounty, if there is false information, we may treat you as a spy. After all, if it is a B-level task, it is impossible for the Third Generation to assign such a dangerous task to newcomers. .”

The little Sakura on the side said with some guilt:

"Is it? This mission is really too early for us, isn't it? Stop it?"

"don't want!"

Dazna showed an excited expression on his face, "If you give up the mission, I, the poor old man, will definitely be killed."

"At that time, my poor eight-year-old granddaughter will definitely hate Konoha's ninjas. Then my daughter will hate Konoha Shinobi all her life, and then live alone?"

"Oh, forget it, it's nothing, it's not your fault anyway."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay,

Kakashi scratched his head speechlessly,

In Dazna's view, it was Konoha's high-level officials who were willing to increase the bounty by themselves in order to take care of the younger generation.

If you know that this mission is so dangerous,

They will definitely let Naruto and others accept the task,

And ordinary C-level tasks are some Genin, Chūnin.

Now I have already encountered the attack of Chūnin as soon as I went out,

A C-level task is absolutely impossible to protect itself from Kado.

Now that it is hard to have such a strong support, this is definitely an opportunity that cannot be missed.

And Naruto picked his nostrils and said with contempt:

"Get in our way."

Dazner: "???"

Naruto spread his hands and said:

"If you hate it, just hate it. Your daughter is not the only one who hates Konoha. Instead of playing moral kidnapping here, you should think about how to repay us."

Dazna looked embarrassed, he never thought that there would be a guy who was not kidnapped by morality.

Aren’t Konoha Shinobi’s propaganda to the outside world all amiable? Why is it different from the rumors?

Daznanono's don't know how to answer,

Their wave country is poor, and even the daimyo can't pay for a B-level mission. He really can't think of what he can do to repay them.

And Naruto coughed twice at this time,

"You just said you have a daughter?"

Everyone: "???"

After negotiating the remuneration, Naruto walked happily at the forefront.

Karin and little Sakura behind them looked at Naruto with resentment on their faces.

Sasuke looked disdainful, women will only affect his speed of drawing the knife.

And Kakashi looked helpless, isn't this a bit too childish.

And Naruto at the front laughed and patted Dazna on the shoulder:

"Don't worry! Just Kado, even if Kaido comes, I will beat him into a worm, and then you will be able to lobby for your daughter."

Dazna cursed secretly while laughing,

Shameless fellow!

He even hit his 29-year-old daughter's idea.

Still planning to go whoring for nothing! Bah!

But when I think of the children in my own country who can't even afford to eat,

Dazna had to grit his teeth and agree first.

The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, there will always be a way, if not, just tell him to love freely.

Hmm! That's right, that's it!

After the bridge is built and they are driven away, I don't believe that they can still overpower the king.

In a strange atmosphere all the way,

People smuggled through the territory of the country of Kouzhi,

Originally, Naruto planned to push all the way to enjoy this rare holiday and feel the beauty of young women.

Who would have thought that no matter what he said, Dazna and those villagers would not dare to start the engine of the ship with their frightened faces.

It was already the second day when we reached the territory of the Kingdom of Waves.

When people were walking in a forest,

Kakashi frowned,

"Get down!"

Kakashi shouted loudly, and a big knife spun and flew towards the crowd.

Seeing this, Sasuke and others hurriedly fell down,

Only Naruto looked at the flying beheading sword with disdain, took out the Zangetsu in the space and stood it upright in front of him......

The wind attribute Chakra Nature Transformation is attached to it,

The terrifying wind blade instantly split the beheading sword in two.

There was a jingle.

Fragments of the beheading sword fell on both sides.

And Zabuzhan, who had jumped into mid-air in advance, because he had no foothold, stood heavily on the ground with his back to the crowd.

Zai Buzhan turned his head slowly, a gust of wind blew the two silk scarves around his neck and moved with the wind.

"Are you Kakashi from Sharingan? Excuse me, can you hand over that old man to me?"

Everyone: "...


That's why you're still pretending!

Kakashi turned to look at Naruto,

He didn't panic at all, because he had enough confidence to defeat him.

This is the self-confidence of being the captain of Anbu, even if the opponent is one of the legendary Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

But he needs to ask Naruto's plan, because he saw the look in Naruto's eyes when he beat him.

"How? Do you want to make a move?"

The face that didn't slash any longer turned black in an instant,

It's fine to destroy your own beheading sword, but you still want to send a kid to fight with you?

Even Kakashi, the legendary copy ninja, went a little too far.

"Don't think you've won by destroying my knife,"

He instantly picked up the half-cut beheading sword,

"This is one of the seven ninja swords, the beheading sword. As long as I suck enough blood, I can repair the blade myself."

Naruto is waving at Kakashi: 2.4

"I'll come first, I'll go after you when I'm done."

I'm completely angry if I don't cut it anymore:

"Little devil! Don't underestimate people! Ninja Mist Shinobi Technique!"

I saw his hands forming seals, and the moisture in the air quickly condensed into thick fog.

The uncut figure also became looming.

"You weren't even born when I was still in the Mist Shinobi assassination team!"

He rushed towards Naruto without slashing,

Naruto sneered:

"What are you bragging about, loquat ten possessions are not, you use your head as a ninja sword seven people."

Don't change your face again

How did he know the origin of his beheading sword?!

But I don't have time to think about it,

The half of the blade that will not be cut again has appeared in front of Naruto,

"Boy, don't think that the sharpness of the knife is everything. Now my big knife is poured into Chakra, and you can't cut it!"

Puff Chi~!.

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