Since he and Uchiha Makoto formed their own teams, Nara Tomokazu has not been harmonious, friendly, democratic, and prosperous just because the three families are aristocratic families.

Not only are there fewer opportunities to plunder property, but with two teammates who only know how to do it, the safety factor has dropped sharply compared to when he formed a team with Uchiha Hinata.

I just finished the task yesterday, and today Shan Zhongbaiyun received another task. If it were Uchiha Makoto, he would definitely find a way to delay it for a few days.

Although you can grow quickly on the battlefield, as Uchiha Makoto said, it depends on who lives longer, and you can grow by comparison, otherwise you will die.

Nara Tomokazu's face turned green when he saw the task, hunting game for the injured ninja!

This task seems simple, but it is actually more dangerous than facing the enemy head-on on the battlefield.

Where is the game, the forest!

The forest seems calm, but it is actually full of dangers. Maybe you don't know when you step on a detonating talisman while walking, or you are seen by the enemy ninja group and stay.

He didn't have any ideals, as long as he could live a stable life.

"Nara Tomokazu, although our three clans are aristocratic families, some things still need to be made clear." Qiu Daoyan lost his honest appearance, replaced by gloom and irritability, "You are different from us pure ninjas of the ninja clan."

"Why are you talking nonsense with him? How did Yamanaka Baiyu sacrifice himself? Why are you still alive when he died?" Yamanaka Baiyun grabbed Nara Tomokazu's neck, "According to my information, you changed teammates several times, either dead or disabled, why are you the only one who is safe and sound."

Why! Of course they are not only weak, but also have no brains!

"Baiyun," Qiu Daoyan grabbed Yamanaka Baiyun's arm to stop him, "Calm down."

Nara Tomokazu has been frantically calculating in his mind how to let them stay here in case of an accident.

The three clans belonging to the lineage of the Hokage should have lived in harmony, but there are always exceptions.

His father was from the Nara clan. He was engaged to the granddaughter of the clan elder. During a mission, his father fell in love with a ninja from another country and brought her back to the clan.

His father broke off the marriage with the elder in front of all the clan members and married a woman from another country.

This incident made the elder lose face and hated his parents. He excluded him from the clan until his mother died. All the malice did not subside and was directed at him.

As for the two ninja clans that were closely related to the Nara clan, they were also suppressed by public opinion. His existence was out of place no matter where he was.

"So you are Bai Yu's brother. He often mentioned you." Nara Tomokazu covered his neck that was almost strangled. Seeing Yamanaka Hakuun relax his vigilance, he reached into the ninja bag and said, "He hoped to see his family again before he died. The situation was urgent at that time, so I only brought back their relics."

Although Yamanaka Hakuun was alert, he never thought that Nara Tomokazu planned to leave them all here. The moment he stretched out his hand, a detonating talisman was attached to his chest. He grabbed his wrist and threw it hard on Qiu Daoyan.


The two were seriously injured in the explosion. Nara Tomokazu was relieved and put the only remaining detonating talisman on the ground, throwing the two on top. He stood not far away, but just in a place where he could be affected and detonated it, creating an accident.


Another loud noise.

At this time, he was not sure if there were any patrolling ninjas from Hyuga nearby. The injuries on his body were not serious, and if they were not treated in time, they would cause infection.

This kind of movement should soon attract the ninjas of Konoha to come to the rescue.

Surprisingly, half an hour passed and no one was there.

He now missed Uchiha Makoto so much that he had planned to carry out a dangerous mission.


"Which bastard is scolding me at this time." Uchiha Makoto rubbed his nose and continued to drink and chat in the entertainment venues.

In the past few days, he has been wandering around the custom shops, casinos, and taverns of the Sand Village with the face of Konoha White Fang.

Whether it is urgent intelligence or gossip, he knows everything, plus he is generous, it is easy to find out the information he wants.

Of course, his money is not his own, but the money he took out by turning into a sand lizard and sneaking into various houses during the day.

The matter of losing property was soon reported to the higher-ups, and the Sand Village, which was frequently hit hard by Konoha, was already at the end of its strength.

The Kazekage was so busy in the office building that he had no time to care about these trivial matters.

After several attempts, the Kazekage handed the matter over to Chiyo's son, who, after some investigation, accurately locked the target on Konoha White Fang.

Hatake Sakumo, who had just sneaked into the Sand Village, was targeted at the first time. Before the fight began, several Anbu were killed in an instant.

HatakeSakumo's swordsmanship is amazing, his strength should not be underestimated, and he is a good assassin.

Something strange happened. Less than a minute after the incident was resolved, the Sand Ninja blew the warning horn.

This was the first time in his life that Hatake Sakumo was so passive when performing a mission.

At this time, Hatake Sakumo had begun to suspect that the Konoha high-level was invaded by spies.

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