"Uchiha clan leader, my father asked me to tell you that the commander will personally come to apologize after the loss is determined."

Hyuga Hiashi didn't understand what the old clan leader meant, but he still told Uchiha Fugaku tactfully.

But even so, he still didn't relax his attitude towards Uchiha, for fear that he would be caught and counted if he didn't say anything right.

Uchiha Fugaku looked at Uchiha Makoto, who had been frowning since the food came.

The food was not to your liking?

Or did you feel sick of the Hyuga brothers? !

"The old Hyuga clan leader is indeed a man who has experienced many ups and downs. What do you think, Makoto?"

Perhaps Uchiha Fugaku hasn't figured out the twists and turns, but Uchiha Makoto knows that Hyuga is inviting Uchiha.

"Thank you, old Hyuga clan leader, for understanding the situation. As a blood family, we should understand each other. I think those branches have also been instigated." Uchiha Makoto used ninjutsu to grill the sashimi on a plate, sprinkled some sea salt on it and explained while eating.

"I heard that the Hyuga team was attacked while performing a support mission. It seems that someone is targeting our blood family. Hyuga clan leader should discipline the branches more and stop instigating them."

Uchiha Fugaku was enlightened after listening to Uchiha Makoto's words. What he did at the gate of Konoha was not a whim, but a result of careful consideration.

Those heads nailed to the gate of Konoha are probably the roots, and there is also Danzo, who is probably the leader of the roots.

He is warning all the family ninjas and putting pressure on the top leaders of Konoha to let everyone in the village know about the existence of Danzo.

In this way, the leader of the roots will never see the light of day in the underground and will never see the light of day again.

Uchiha Fugaku asked himself, if it was him, could he do this?


He didn't have such a long-term vision.

After hearing the truth from the old clan leader, Hyuga thought that Uchiha Makoto was mocking them, and they suppressed their anger. If Uchiha Makoto hadn't mastered the way to break the revival, how could they, Hyuga, come to Uchiha in a low voice.

This meal was like a lump in the throat, and the taste was like chewing wax. There was no progress in the private talk with Uchiha Makoto.

"Mr. Makoto, if you have nothing to do in the afternoon, please take the two of you to Uchiha to check the damage and disability." Uchiha Fugaku is not used to this kind of negotiation problem yet, but he has to report the situation of Uchiha to the Hokage himself.

Originally thought it would be good to be the clan leader, but now it seems that he has to deal with too many people, especially between the Hokage and the family!

Too difficult!

In fact, Uchiha Makoto thought that a fixed price would be fine, but since Uchiha was acting in person, the Hyuga people had to let them know that they were not cheated.

First, Uchiha Makoto took the people to the home of the elder who was dedicated to the family's righteousness.

When the elder saw that it was Uchiha Makoto, his face was very ugly, and his confidants did not dare to stop him. Anyway, he had thought it through. As long as he could bring down Hyuga, what would it matter if he sacrificed his old bones.

As the elder's confidant, he naturally did not dare to stop Uchiha Makoto.

"This is the elder's house. Look at this house. Half of it is gone. When the elder learned that Uchiha was attacked, he rushed out to set an example for the younger generation regardless of his age. His legs were broken and he may not be able to recover in this life."

"Hyuga people, I'll **** your whole family, let your old man Hyuga Shin roll over and explain it to me, I ****!"

The elder's acting skills are much better than his strength.

Uchiha Makoto's eyes twitched as he watched the elder concentrating on the performance. He was old and wise, and even if he didn't know what happened, he was as confident as anyone else.

"Elder, please calm down. They are here to assess the damage and discuss compensation."

"Compensation, they must pay, let them double the compensation." The elder knew that Uchiha Makoto was not a good person, but he couldn't help but remind him a few more times.

"Then elder, you have a good rest, we will go to other places to have a look."

Uchiha Makoto took the two of them around the most dilapidated place of the Uchiha clan for a few laps. Some were hopping on one leg with bandages, some were lying in wheelchairs and being pushed, and some were making fire outside to cook...

The miserable scene was enough to make people ashamed.

Hiashi and Hizashi couldn't tell whether it was true or not.

But this miserable scene was comparable to the fighting on the battlefield.

"You two, you have seen the situation of Uchiha. How do you think we should compensate them?"

Uchiha Zhen actually had a bottom line in his mind. One hundred million was the bottom line, but the price still needed to be negotiated. When he was poor, he bought vegetables at the vegetable market and practiced this skill better than his swordsmanship.

"I don't know how much you Uchiha think is appropriate." Hiashi said. He was not sure if he was cheated. He had to go home and ask the old patriarch for the specific amount.

"Three hundred million." Uchiha Zhen opened his mouth."You can consider it."

Hiashi's forehead was throbbing with veins, and he wanted to slap Uchiha Makoto to death.

Why didn't he just move the Hyuga vault over!

"Impossible, the war has just ended, how can we give you Uchiha so much at once?" Hiashi refused decisively, this range was absolutely unacceptable.

"Then how much do you think is appropriate?" Uchiha asked back.

"30 million!" Hiashi said a number he thought was reasonable.

"Impossible, Patriarch Hiashi, if you are not sincere, then there is nothing to talk about, please!" Uchiha Makoto directly blackened his face and made a gesture of invitation.

"Master Makoto, please be patient, these things are not something that the patriarch can decide alone, and we need to discuss with the elders of the clan. See if you can ease it a little." Hiashi saw this and immediately came out to smooth things over. Now Uchiha Makoto has the method to break the sky in his hand.

"These are my father's compensation to Master Zhen for the slander of Hinata Yuan. I hope you can let it go."

Two scrolls appeared in Hiashi's hand.

Uchiha Zhen knew that the old Hyuga clan leader wanted to shut him up, so he took the scroll and shook it in front of them and put it into the ninja tool bag.

Uchiha Zhen finally smiled, "Thank you for your generosity, old clan leader. As long as no one is paying me, I won't care about it."

"Thank you for your understanding, Master Zhen!"

Compared to Hyuga Hiashi, Uchiha Zhen thought that Hyuga Hiashi was more suitable to be the clan leader.

Hiashi was too arrogant and rigid. It was difficult for him to lead a clan in Konoha, where people's minds were like a hornet's nest.

"Since you can't make a decision on compensation, you'd better go back and tell the old clan leader and make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise our two families will suffer in the end!"

Uchiha Zhen looked at the backs of the two people leaving, and saw the disabled people who were secretly looking here not far away.

He saw it when he passed by just now. These people were only injured superficially and would recover in less than two days. It was just that the explosion was a bit scary.

There were also a few honest people who stabbed themselves in the kidneys a few times. Other than the serious injuries, there was no loss.

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