Such a serious injury, in the eyes of the Uchiha people, is hopeless.

The Rain Ninja has been killed, and the Uchiha has avenged Hyuga Yuan.

A pair of hands patted Uchiha Makoto's shoulders from behind and comforted him: "Don't be too sad, he will become a martyr."

Uchiha Fugaku's words completely stimulated Hyuga Yuan, and he stared at Uchiha Makoto fiercely.

Who wants to be a martyr!

The war is not over yet, and he has not been commended by the Hokage!

As we all know, martyrs are reserved for the dead!

Uchiha Makoto paused, walked to Hyuga Yuan, and slowly put on a pair of gloves. He seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw.


A section of intestine was picked out by Uchiha Makoto and swayed in front of Hyuga Yuan.

"Your intestines have been pulled out, I need to help you stuff them back in."

Hinata Yuan's emotions turned into hatred, staring at him with a pair of white eyes, and even if the veins in his temples were not activated, they were still bulging.

"Please, save me."


Asking Uchiha for help is a great shame.

But now that his life is in danger, Hinata Yuan can't care so much.

The expressions of the surrounding Uchiha gradually became weird.

A once-in-a-century spectacle, Hinata asked Uchiha for help.

In order to confirm the authenticity, one by one opened the Sharingan.

"Hey, did I see it wrong just now? Hinata actually asked our Uchiha for help."

"Didn't you open the Sharingan?"

"I have a single magatama, use your two magatama to see."

Even Uchiha Fugaku was not able to avoid opening the Sharingan to confirm whether he was just under an illusion.

"Don't say such polite words. Of course I will save you. After all, we are good 'teammates' who share hardships."

Uchiha Makoto stuffed the intestines back into Hinata Yuan's stomach, pressed one hand on his chest, and stroked the wound with a green light on the other hand.

Hinata Yuan did not dare to relax and stared at Uchiha Makoto's movements, fearing that Uchiha Makoto would scrape him. He gradually breathed a sigh of relief when he noticed that the wound was gradually healing.


The ribs were damaged by the lightning chakra that Uchiha Makoto mixed in the medical ninjutsu.

Of course, only Uchiha Makoto and Hinata Yuan knew about this.

"Uchiha Makoto, you did it on purpose."

Hinata Yuan's words caused dissatisfaction among the Uchiha.

In their opinion, it was they, the Uchiha, who saved Hinata, but were slandered. Such a heartless thing should just die.

"I'm sorry, I didn't notice that you also have broken ribs. This Rain Ninja seems to want to die with you and has no mercy."

Uchiha Makoto's face was full of apologies, but he was actually using lightning chakra to destroy his body crazily.

Nara Tomokazu, who pretended to be weak, came over and pretended to care: "Is there still hope?"

Another meaning of his words was, do you want him to live?

Uchiha Makoto glanced at him, and the green chakra on his hand gradually became thinner and dissipated. He said sadly: "My chakra is insufficient. Yuan Jun needs to return to Konoha for treatment as soon as possible. I can only sew up the wound first."

They said that they were not good at medical ninjutsu, but in the eyes of the Uchiha clan, Hyuga Yuan's injury was too serious, and being able to save his life was already a superb medical ninjutsu.

The Uchiha clan had one more medical ninja on the battlefield, which was a guarantee.

A genius Sharingan who also knew medical ninjutsu would definitely be valued by the clan when he returned.

It was obviously impossible to sew it with surgical sutures.

Uchiha Makoto pulled a few strands of Hinata Haru's hair and sutured the wound with needle and thread to prevent the intestines from flowing out.

Hinata Haru already hated Uchiha to the extreme in his heart.

"Master Fugaku, please send my teammates to Konoha for treatment first, otherwise... if he dies, we Uchiha will be gossiped about."

Uchiha Fugaku was just worried that Uchiha Makoto, this genius, was too naive. Now it seems that he knows better how to handle the relationship in the village.

"Okay, we will send him to the nearest logistics unit for treatment, and I will explain the reasons clearly."

Uchiha Fugaku originally led the team to the front line to support Konoha White Fang in carrying out secret missions, but there were various ambushes along the way, leaving only a few people in the team.

Now that he can do Uchiha Makoto a favor and disgust Hinata, he is naturally willing to do so.

After reaching a consensus, the group simply built a stretcher and used illusion to control the captives to carry Hinata Haru to the nearest war zone logistics area.

Uchiha Makoto never expected that the Sharingan could be used in this way, and the strange knowledge has increased.

At this time, Uchiha Makoto has arrived at the rear of the Konoha base camp, and many wounded soldiers are helping to do some work within their ability.

Uchiha Makoto has been thinking about what Hinata Yuan will do after returning. If he is not afraid of being hurt by a Hinata YuanHe brought trouble to himself, and he wanted to send him to see God, but it was a pity...

On the other hand, Hyuga Yuan did not have the joy of surviving the disaster.

After being sent to Konoha Hospital, his wounds were urgently treated. The broken bones all over his body were difficult to repair.

If he had not met a fellow Hyuga clan member in the hospital, his career would have been ruined by Uchiha Makoto.

During his time in the hospital, Hyuga Yuan turned all his hatred into rumors, and he would talk about Uchiha Makoto's evil deeds whenever he saw someone.

At first, people just thought that Hyuga and Uchiha were not in harmony and slandered each other.

Later, there were more rumors, and the arrogant attitude of the Uchiha Guard in the village made people gradually believe that this was the truth.

In the hearts of the villagers, Uchiha Makoto, who was far away on the battlefield, was no different from a rebel ninja.

The most hateful thing was that those stupid villagers actually hoped that Uchiha Makoto would die in battle.

The elders of the Hyuga clan had completely stopped questioning the rumors that Uchiha Makoto harmed Hyuga Yuan and used his teammates as a shield.

In the Hyuga clan, an old man over sixty years old came to the Hokage building despite the obstruction.

"Third Hokage, Uchiha is too much. He has done such a heartless thing at such a young age. When he grows up, he may be like..."

At this point, the former head of the Hyuga clan realized that something was wrong and stopped in time.

"Old head, it's just a rumor." The third Hokage's face was not good. That history was a taboo in Konoha, and it was forbidden to talk about it even in private, "not to mention that he is still a child."

"Third Hokage, Uchiha must give us Hyuga an explanation for this matter."

The current third generation has not yet settled down in his old age. The pressure on his body leaked out, and his attitude was made clear without any words.

The old Hyuga clan leader realized his attitude and bowed humbly and politely, his arrogant flame extinguished, "I hope that Lord Hokage will handle this impartially."

"I will definitely give everyone a satisfactory answer to this matter at the meeting. When the brothers Hiashi and Hizashi come back, the Hyuga clan will have a new clan leader. No matter what the result is, I will let them give an explanation to the old clan leader."

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