The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Xu Jiajia sneered and didn't take Wang Juan seriously.

[Let her come all right. ]

That's what she said, but it's easier to dodge than to defend against. She still told the system to keep an eye on Wang Juan and tell her if there was any movement over there.

[Host, don't worry. It's my responsibility to protect you. I will definitely keep a close eye on her. ]

Mother Han looked around and finally saw someone coming. She smiled like the rising sun: "Come in and sit down."

Today is a good day for Han Chengxuan. Her four sisters are here too.

They were also confused when they saw two young women coming.

Which one is it?

Sister Han was the fastest to react. She poured a cup of brown sugar water for Xu Jiajia and the others, then secretly pulled Han Chengxuan aside and lowered her voice and asked, "Which one is your partner?"

Han Chengxuan smiled and said, "The cutest one."

Sister Han was stunned on the spot: "Both of them are cute, are they both?"

Han Chengxuan paused and glanced at Sister Han: "The one in the white shirt and black skirt."

Xu Xiaoyao is not as tall as Xu Jiajia, but she is also pretty and charming, more than enough for Han Chengxuan.

Sister Han was very satisfied: "Not bad, you can tell at a glance that she is opinionated."

After saying this, she walked over, sat next to Xu Xiaoyao, and gave her a red envelope: "I am the eldest sister of Han Laoyao. I don't know what you like, so I gave you a red envelope.

I will let Laoyao take you to the department store to buy something you like later."

Xu Xiaoyao did not take it, but looked at Han Chengxuan.

Han Chengxuan asked her to take the money, and she took it: "Thank you, big sister."

The other three sisters also came over and stuffed the red envelope into her hand, not wanting to be outdone: "Just a token of my appreciation, don't think it's too little."

Xu Xiaoyao smiled happily and brightly: "Thank you, second sister, third sister, fourth sister."

After giving the red envelope, the four sisters came over to chat with Xu Jiajia again.

Knowing that Xu Jiajia used to work in the Public Security Bureau and was later transferred to a special department of the army, the four sisters looked at her with a different look.

In their impression, only veterans can enter the Public Security Bureau, and no one from the Public Security Bureau can be transferred to a special department of the army.

Being able to be transferred from outside, their strength must not be underestimated.

"Really amazing!"

When it was almost time, Han's mother stood up and said, "Let's go to the state-owned restaurant for dinner!"

The group walked out of Han's house.

Those who were watching the excitement were all stunned.

Wasn't it an engagement?

They left without even eating?

"Anle, the youngest's boyfriend is coming to your house for the first time, but you don't invite him to dinner. Isn't that bad?"

Without waiting for Han's mother to speak, Sister Han glanced at the person who was talking and directly retorted: "Which eye of yours saw that we didn't invite my brother and sister to dinner? My mother's cooking is not good, we'll go to the state-owned restaurant to eat.


Do you have any objection?"

The person who was talking touched the tip of his nose awkwardly: "I'm just curious!"

Sister Han sneered: "Curiosity kills the cat."

"The eldest brother's mouth is still as poisonous as ever. With this personality, I don't know if he can get along with the youngest boyfriend!" The person who said this had some intention of sowing discord.

Sister Han was so angry that she wanted to curse, but she held back when she thought that today was the day when the youngest brother was getting engaged, but her face didn't look good.

Xu Xiaoyao also heard the ill intentions of the person who was talking, and she said: "My eldest sister is true to her nature, unlike some people who look kind and gentle, but are actually insidious and cunning."

As soon as Xu Xiaoyao said this, those who were watching the fun knew that she was not easy to mess with.

Seeing that person being humiliated, Sister Han burst into laughter. She took Xu Xiaoyao's arm, patted her hand and said, "You are the one who understands me. I am the kind of person who likes to speak directly and doesn't like to keep things in my heart."

Xu Xiaoyao smiled and responded, "This kind of person is not scheming. It's not tiring to deal with this kind of person. Those who say good things often like to stab in the back."

This word was learned by Xu Xiaoyao from Xu Jiajia.

Sister Han didn't understand, but she knew it was not a good thing: "Don't pay attention to them, they are all bored.

Oh, no, they are all without balls.

Only those without balls are so idle."

Xu Jiajia: "..."

This curse is fresh and refined.

Others: "..."

It is worthy of being the boss Han who became famous for cursing!

Even after getting married, this cursing skill has not decreased at all, and there is even a trend of increase.

Seeing that her sister revealed her rude nature without saying a word, Second Sister Han was afraid that Xu Xiaoyao would despise her, so she quickly came to the side of First Sister Han and lowered her voice and said, "Sister, when you curse,

Can you be more restrained?

It would be so bad if Xiaoyao heard it! "

After the reminder from the second sister Han, the eldest sister Han realized what she had just said. She covered her mouth, looked at Xu Xiaoyao in panic, and explained in a low voice: "I, I usually speak very politely.

I don't curse like this. I was too angry today, so I spoke without restraint.

Sister-in-law, you, you are not scared by me, right?"

Xu Xiaoyao thought that this elder sister Han was very cute. She smiled and shook her head: "I am not scared, it's good. If you don't like it, just fight back. Don't hold it in your heart and make yourself uncomfortable."

The eldest sister Han's eyes lit up, as if she had found a kindred spirit. She hugged Xu Xiaoyao's neck and said happily: "Yes, yes, I would rather be angry to death than to suffocate myself. ”

Xu Jiajia: “…”

Sister Han’s mental state is decades ahead of others.

However, she is indeed very similar to Xiaoyao.

Xiaoyao is the same. If she doesn’t like someone, she will confront them. No matter if you are her biological parents or other people, as long as you provoke her, no one will have a good life.

After dinner.

Han Chengxuan took Xu Xiaoyao to the department store to buy clothes, while Xu Jiajia and matchmaker Li wanted to go home directly. Han’s mother held them and said, “How can you leave after dinner? Let’s go home and sit down first.”

Xu Jiajia looked helpless: “There are children at home.”

Speaking of this, Han’s mother pretended to be very angry: “Why don’t you bring the two children with you? I love those two children. I feel itchy when I don’t see them for a day.”

Xu Jiajia smiled: “It’s not that I don’t take them, but they don’t want to go out. When you have time, come home to play and play with the children. A day will pass in a flash. "

After much persuasion, Xu Jiajia and Matchmaker Li finally agreed to go to Han's house for a while.

It was already three o'clock in the afternoon when they came out of Han's house.

Han's mother brought them a lot of good things, including fruits, malted milk, brown sugar, and White Rabbit candy.

Seeing these things, you can see how satisfied Han's mother is with Xu Xiaoyao.

Wang Juan, who had been watching the Han family in the dark, saw Xu Jiajia carrying a lot of things out of Han's house, and her eyes were bloodshot with anger.

It's such a waste to give so many things to a country bumpkin!

[Host, that Wang Juan is looking at you again.]

[Seeing the Han family send so many things, is she very angry? ? ]

[The host guessed correctly, and his eyes bulged with anger, like two toads. ]

Xu Jiajia imagined the two eyes bulging, and felt that the system described it very well.

[Be angry, be angry, the less one will die of anger. ]

[Host, Wang Juan wants to drug Han Chengxuan, do you want to remind Han Chengxuan? ]

[Tsk, she is still pestering him even though he is engaged, so shameless. ]

In the system, the Wang family has no secrets.

It repeated the story of the Wang family trying to frame Han Chengxuan.

After listening to it, Xu Jiajia felt that no one in the Wang family, big or small, was a good person.

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