The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.


"Kill them all, leaving no one behind."

After entering the carriage, Batibyne immediately led the gang to start the massacre.

There were continuous gunshots, screams, and people from both sides fell down.

Due to Davio's betrayal, the bank escort guards suffered heavy losses and were unable to organize an effective resistance, and were soon dominated by the gang.


As Batibyne eliminated the last person, carriage No. 7 was officially cleared.

"Haha, I thought you were so powerful, but it turns out you're just like that."

Afterwards, Batibyne deliberately blew the muzzle smoke sarcastically.

"Boss, what should we do with him?"

At this time, Davio came from not far away and pointed to Flinder who was lying unconscious on the ground.

"Keep it for now, we need him to tell us the password."

"By the way, where is the safe?"

"In the next room."

With that, Davio led everyone to the door of carriage No. 8.

Because the two carriages are connected, the rooms can communicate with each other.

"Boss, someone locked it from the inside!"

After a gangster came forward to check, he turned his head and said to Battibaien.

Seeing this, Davio explained: "This is the safe room where the gold coins are stored, but there are still six people guarding it."

Batibaien's eyes flashed with excitement when he heard this, and then ordered: "Blow the door open with explosives."

Several gangsters quickly found explosives, installed them on the door and ignited the fuse.


With a deafening explosion, the door was instantly blown to pieces.

Then, the gang members rushed into the house like crazy.

Bang! Bang!

However, just one second later, several gang members in the front fell down.

The banker who stayed in the No. 8 carriage fought back with a lever rifle.

Batty Baine felt a headache when he saw this. He didn't expect this gang to be so tenacious. So he signaled to his teammates to use explosives to clear the field again.

Boom boom boom...

With continuous explosions, the No. 8 carriage was instantly engulfed by the sea of ​​fire.

"Haha... you deserve it!"

The gang members laughed arrogantly at the explosion.

When the smoke dissipated soon after, none of the guards in the room were spared.

After confirming that there was no movement, Batty Baine led the people into the room.

I saw that the No. 8 carriage was already in a mess, and the bloodstains on the ground were shocking.

Although it was hit by the explosion, this is a room for storing valuables, and the damage inside is not particularly serious.

"Finally it's all done."

"What a bunch of damn guys, they caused us to lose so many companions..."

"After I get the money, I must find some prostitutes to relax."

"Haha, don't forget to ask us to come along."

"Don't worry, Danny..."

Several gang members laughed in the room.

Buddy Byrne remained calm and walked to the safe in the corner silently.

"It's a combination lock..."

"Bring that old guy here!" Buddy Byrne ordered immediately after seeing this.

Flinder was escorted to the safe by two people and then woken up by cold water.

" guys..."

"Stop talking nonsense, old man!"

"All your people have been dealt with. If you don't want to die, hand over the password!" Buddy Byrne walked up to him and asked coldly.

Flinder remembered what happened before, so he replied with a firm face: "Humph! Don't even think about it, I won't tell you the password!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Bartibane quickly pulled out his pistol and shot Flinder in the head.

The old man fell to the ground in astonishment, and even the surrounding gangsters were stunned.

And Davio couldn't help but stand up and questioned Bartibane: "Why kill him!"

"Humph, if he doesn't tell me, there's no point in keeping him." Bartibane responded coldly.

"But if we kill him, we won't know the password, so how can we open the safe?" Davio said with anger.

Not only Davio, but other gang members were also dissatisfied with Bartibane's actions just now.

After all, they all risked being hanged to rob the train. If they couldn't get anything in the end, wouldn't it be all in vain?

Facing the gaze of all the younger brothers, Bartibane smiled strangely and shouted outside the carriage: "Feddie, come in, it's your turn."

Feddie, a thin man, came in.

"Let me introduce you. This is Doug Ferdie. He is the city's expert in cracking combination locks." Buddy Byrne introduced confidently.

Ferdie also responded with a sinister smile and glanced at everyone.

Said: "Please take good care of me in the future."

After that, he walked to the safe alone, squatted down and used the listening device to unlock it.

Davio breathed a sigh of relief and turned to complain to Buddy Bairn, "Why didn't you tell me earlier that you found someone who could unlock the lock? You made everyone worry for a long time."

Buddy Bairn chuckled and said, "You know, I never do things that I'm not sure of. This is also for the sake of confidentiality. "

"Is he sure he can open the lock?" Davio asked.

"Don't worry, I've seen Ferdy's skills, he has absolutely no problem."

"It's just that it will take a little time to open the safe, about 30 minutes." Buddy Bairn replied.

After listening, Davio frowned slightly, looked at the smoking radio on the side and said solemnly: "Then hurry up, the situation here has been sent out, and support will arrive soon."

"Okay, can you be quiet, I need to concentrate."

Ferdy couldn't stand the conversation between the two people, turned back to interrupt and remind them.

Afterwards, Bartibane and the others remained silent and waited quietly in the carriage.


Shentong quietly came to the top of carriage No. 7.

"System, scan the interior of the carriage."

"Received, host." The system responded quickly, and then immediately gave an answer, "Scan completed, a total of 14 people."

Shentong was slightly stunned after hearing this. He remembered that there were 28 people when Bartibane took action, but he didn't expect that the number would be halved after a battle.

"It seems that robbing a train is really a risky job..."

"But such a rare opportunity, I have to keep you all today!"

Shentong sneered at the corner of his mouth and took out the detonating talisman he had prepared in advance.

He held two detonating talismans between his fingers. These were specially exchanged for dealing with Bartibane, and the power of each one was comparable to the ninjutsu of a jonin.

"Two detonating talismans, even a jonin can't stand it, it's more than enough to deal with your gang." Shentong sneered in his heart.

However, he did not act immediately, but quietly waited for Bartibane to open the safe.

Because only when they opened the safe could he get the gold coins.

Time passed slowly.

Shentong lay on the top of the train, closely watching the movements in the carriage.

In the carriage, Ferdie was working hard to crack the combination lock of the safe.

Bartibane and others stayed by and watched silently, everyone's face was full of tension, fearing that there would be any accidents in the middle.


After about 50 minutes, the safe finally made a crisp lock sound.


Ferdie stood up excitedly, took off the listening device and quickly opened the safe.

Everyone's eyes were instantly attracted.

I saw that the safe contained the five large bags of bank taxes, as well as the gold and silver jewelry and valuables kept by the passengers.

Among them, the most eye-catching was a locked small copper box.

Seeing this, Bartibane quickly picked up the copper box and used the butt of his gun to force the lock open.

Suddenly, a golden light shone on everyone's face, and the copper box was full of glittering gold coins, each of which was shining.

"It's gold coins!"

"Oh my God! There are so many, we're rich!"

The gang members were all excited after seeing this.

"Dude, you're amazing, I'll treat you to a drink someday!"

Someone even rushed up to pick up Ferdie and kissed her face, but was slapped twice in the blink of an eye.

"Get lost! I like women." Ferdie wiped the saliva off his face with a disgusted look on his face.

Before they could be happy for long, Bartibane closed the copper box and put it in the cowhide bag he had prepared.

Then, the leader gave up his position and said to his companions: "We will divide the gold coins after we go back."

"As for other things...if you like or want anything, please feel free to take it. This is the reward you deserve."

As soon as Bartibane finished speaking, more than a dozen big men rushed forward impatiently, frantically grabbing the property in the safe.

Just as the bandits were helping to divide the loot, a thin figure had quietly slipped into the room.

"Haha, so close..."

Shentong smiled coldly after careful observation, took out the shuriken with two detonating talismans, and threw it in while the other party was busy dividing the loot.

Then, he quickly raised two fingers and placed them in front of him to condense chakra.


Accompanied by a childish shout, the two detonating talismans were instantly ignited.

Suddenly, two thunderous explosions sounded.

Boom! Boom!

There were only two deafening noises, and the fire engulfed the entire room, and the metal carriage was immediately blown to pieces.

The gangsters had never expected a sneak attack, and were engulfed by the flames without any defense.


Batibyne screamed even more

With a sound, there was no movement in the flames.

When the flames completely dissipated, the exploded carriage was exposed.

The room was blown beyond recognition, with no trace of the walls and roof, and more than a dozen gang members fell neatly in front of the safe.

"Fuck, are they all wiped out?!"

When Shen Tong returned to the scene, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

He didn't expect that the first use of the detonating talisman would give him such a big shock.

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