After the wedding, the two of them were very happy.

After following Jeff out of the church, they returned home.

Here, Shentong met his mother, Azeya.

Azeya was still young and beautiful, but her face looked more haggard.

In recent years, Azeya has been working hard and worrying all day, and her physical and mental state has accelerated a lot of aging. Everything behind this is to protect Shentong.

Shentong also understands her mother's good intentions, so she rarely refutes her. She always behaves like a good baby in front of Azeya.

"Dear, I'm back."

Jeff saw Azeya and smiled and hugged her.

The relationship between the two is very good. In fact, remarriage is rarely as harmonious as Azeya, especially with a few-year-old child.

But Jeff is a rare exception.

Jeff's personal conditions were not bad. He owned a two-story wooden house in the village, including several acres of land, a single horse shed and a warehouse.

Such favorable conditions were all due to the fact that Jeff worked as a coachman for a noble in the city in his early years and accumulated savings from there.

Later, Jeff was dismissed because of his old age, so he returned to his hometown to become a coachman, responsible for helping the villagers to pull the ripe cherries into the city for resale to earn travel expenses.

But as the old saying goes, how can a person's life be called life.

At that time, Jeff was almost 40 years old, but he was still alone. In addition, he was too old, and most young women were unwilling to marry him. It was at that time that he met Azeya who moved in with her divine pupils.

At that time, Azeya was still beautiful, and Jeff fell in love with her at first sight.

And Azeya also saw that Jeff was kind-hearted and promised that she would not mind raising the children herself, so she married him to form a new family.

Later, life also proved that Jeff was very good to Azeya and there had never been any domestic violence.

"Honey, I'm going to take Shentong to the city to sell goods. I may not come back to spend the night."

"Well, please be careful. I heard that there are gangs in the city recently, and several lives have been lost."

Azeya said with concern on her face.

Jeff felt warm in his heart after hearing this, and smiled faintly: "Don't worry, which gangster would rob a farmer who delivers cherries."

"Honey, stay at home and take care of Eric, we will be back tomorrow."

After chatting, Jeff went to the stable to lead out a strong black horse, tied the car with a rope, and put the prepared cherries on it.

Shentong followed and helped to load the basket of cherries into the car.

He was not very strong, but he could easily lift the cherries and put them neatly. Even Jeff couldn't help but marvel at it.

"Shinto, slow down, don't be in a hurry."

"It's okay, I can still move it."

"Oh, you are indeed a young man, maybe you can find a good job in the future."

Jeff looked at Shinto and praised.

Shinto just smiled faintly. How could his stepfather know that this was the physical strength he gained from secretly practicing all day.

Ordinary children in Naruto may be stronger than adults, and they can have this condition all thanks to the chakra in their bodies.

Chakra is a special energy that not only helps ninjas perform ninjutsu, but also strengthens the body and increases strength.

Although Shinto's chakra is not very strong, she is the owner after all, so it is natural that she crushes Jeff in terms of strength.

Soon, the carriage was full.

Jeff fixed the cherries and let Shinto get in the car. Then the two drove the carriage and set off from a bumpy country dirt road to the city.

Along the way, the scenery is beautiful.

Because it was in the countryside, there were not many pedestrians on the road, and occasionally you could see wild animals walking on the roadside.

Jeff sat in the front and concentrated on driving the horse, while Shentong lay in the back and closed his eyes to rest.

On the surface, he was resting with his eyes closed, but in fact he entered the system interface in his mind and opened the talent attribute list.

After the attribute list popped up, the current attribute value was immediately displayed.

[Ninjutsu Mastery: 1 point]

[Taijutsu Mastery: 2 points]

[Genjutsu Mastery: 3 points]

[Ninja Tool Mastery: 1 point]

[Chakra: 1 point]

[Comprehensive score 16 points, strength assessment is entry-level ninja. ]

Except for illusion and taijutsu, the other attribute values ​​are only 1 point.

"I'm still just an entry-level ninja at the age of 12. I'm too lame."

Shentong looked at the panel that had not changed for many years, and felt like crying.

The so-called entry-level ninja is actually the same level as the kid who went to the ninja school.

In the Naruto world, ninja levels are divided into entry, apprentice, and junior.

Ninja, Chunin, Elite Chunin, Special Jonin, Jonin, Elite Jonin, Quasi-Kage, Kage, and Super Kage, etc.

Among these ninja levels, some have a big gap, while some have no obvious gap.

As for how ninjas are rated, it is not based on the strength of individual chakra, but on the comprehensive attributes, that is, the eight items of ninjas.

The list of Shen Tong's talent attributes is actually also based on the eight items of ninjas, but there are only five attribute bars because the system has been simply optimized.

According to the comprehensive score of the five attributes, the level reached by the ninja is evaluated.

The upper limit of each talent is 10 points, and 1 more point adds 2 points. If all five are full, it is 100 points. This is somewhat similar to the Book of Formations.

Of course, this is not absolute.

For example, if the score reaches Jonin, it does not mean that it is definitely stronger than Chunin or Genin, because the assessment is comprehensive strength.

Just like the 12 little strong men, they can all kill Jonin with Genin.

For special talents like Shikamaru, the highest score is intelligence. Although the battle is not particularly eye-catching, he can crush the opponent with his IQ.

However, Shentong still pays more attention to the amount of chakra.

Even if the ninja has rich practical experience, high IQ, or fancy fighting skills, they all rely on the support of chakra.

The huge amount of chakra determines the duration of the battle and the power of the use of ninjutsu.

Just like Madara, a B-level fire escape forced to hit the forbidden range, without a huge amount of chakra, it is impossible to do this.

But if you want to reach Madara's level, it will definitely not be accomplished overnight.

"System, doesn't it say that you can improve your strength by practicing according to the manual?"

"I have been doing it for several years, except for the physical skills that have become 2 points, there is no growth in other aspects."

"Could it be that... I am not working hard enough?"

Shentong asked in his mind.

"Hello, Su Wang, the innate attribute is a numerical value given according to personal conditions."

"Can you give an example?"

"Take Uchiha Itachi for comparison. His strength is unquestionable in the entire Naruto, but his chakra is not enough."

"But this does not mean that Uchiha Itachi is not excellent, but that his chakra limit is only so much."

"Let's talk about your innate attribute. The highest one is illusion, but the host can't use illusion at all. This is because you have Uchiha blood."

"The blood limit also affects the innate attribute."

"After you open the Sharingan, the illusion talent will naturally improve."

"When the illusion talent is raised to the maximum value, even if the host does not know illusion, the resistance to illusion can be maximized. This is the advantage brought by the innate attribute."

"So... I can't improve it by practicing by myself?"

"Acquired efforts can change the attributes. As for whether the improvement effect is obvious, it only depends on the host's efforts and talents."

The system said indifferently.

After hearing this, Shen Tong's mouth twitched. If this is how to divide strength, his shabby attributes are typical of the last.

However, the system is right about one thing, that is, his efforts are indeed not enough.

The geniuses in Naruto have been training hard since childhood, especially Kakashi, Itachi, and Might Guy, who have been practicing day and night since they were a few years old.

Compared with the efforts of these geniuses, Shen Tong's practice is completely unimpressive.

Considering the different environment, Shen Tong's practice needs to be done secretly by one person, so the time is greatly compressed.

Under such conditions of constant caution, it would be strange if the strength can grow quickly.

However, Shen Tong has an advantage that geniuses don't have, that is the system.

There is no need to practice with a system, isn't it better to just cheat and take a plane?

"System, is there any way to make my strength grow quickly?"

He asked after thinking for a while.


The system replied immediately after hearing the voice.

"Host, if you want to improve your strength, you can earn silver through tasks and killing enemies, and then use the silver to exchange for talent points to enhance your own strength."

"Here, this system recommends that the host do tasks."

"Oh... can you still do tasks?!" Shen Tong was surprised.

"This system integrates the game program, you can go to the interface to check."

After speaking, Shen Tong heard a ding dong in his mind, and then the personal interface refreshed the task bar.

[Task: First blood, complete the first kill in the new world]

[Task reward: Silver x200]

[Task reward: Talent point x1]

[Task completion reward: Unlock store function]

[Note: There is no time limit for this task]

Shen Tong frowned after reading it. It seems that it is not easy to achieve the dream of becoming a strong man through the system.

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