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"Is this the first generation of cells? There are so many transplants!"

After cutting open Qianju Huang's clothes, Li soon saw that the left half of Qianju Huang's body was almost completely pale, which was obviously a symptom after the transplant of the first generation of cells.

Although it was immoral to abuse corpses, Li didn't care so much.

He directly used Murasame to cut off the left half of Qianju Huang's body, and then put it in the Shenwei space.

This first generation of cells might be useful to him, and he might have a life-saving trump card in the future.

After cutting the first generation of cells, Li squatted down again and dug out Qianju Huang's left eye.

This eye was a Mangekyō Sharingan.

If he guessed correctly, the pupil technique hosted by this Mangekyō Sharingan was a pupil technique that could generate metal.

If it weren't for the Shenwei skill just now, Li would have been dead.

This generated metal came out directly from the eyes, and the speed could be compared with the eyes.

In other words, how far the eyes can see in an instant, how fast the pupil technique can be, but the only flaw is that it is a bit slow when it is generated.

Otherwise, Li would not even have time to release the Shenwei.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a special elite jonin. The reward points are worth 100,000. Please check it out!"

Hearing the system's prompt sound, Li was a little surprised. He didn't expect that killing Qianju Huang would reward him with a full 100,000 points. This was beyond Li's expectations. He thought it would be at most 10,000. After all, with Wood Release and Mangekyō, Qianju Huang's strength was only at the level of an elite jonin, comparable to himself.

"The so-called special elite jonin is probably someone like Senju Huang who has a bloodline limit!"Li nodded. Although Senju Huang is only an elite jonin, he relies on Wood Release and Mangekyō to make even a Kage-level opponent no match, just like Li. His current chakra is also at the elite jonin level, but in the battle at the Valley of the End, he, an elite jonin, directly defeated Jiraiya and Orochimaru, two Kage-level jonins. Therefore, Li is also a special elite jonin.

The specialness alone increased Senju Huang's worth by ninety thousand, which is not bad, but how special it is depends on how special it is.

If it is just an elite jonin with an ordinary bloodline limit, the points value cannot be as high as one hundred thousand.

According to Li's estimation, the points value of a special elite jonin like Shikotsu is probably only about fifty thousand at most.

Of course, this is just Li's guess.

The specific amount the system will give, you still have to kill it to know.

"It's about time to go to another battlefield!" After packing up everything, a vortex appeared in his left eye, directly sucking Qianshou Huang, who only had half of his body and a head left, into the divine power space, and then he also entered the vortex, using the divine power to hurry on. Nothing is faster than this.


"What's going on with these ten monsters? How can their chakra be endless?"

Senju Morinu kicked away an Uchiha clan member covered in red chakra, and quickly broke away from the encirclement of the ten people.

He landed on one side, looking around with a gloomy face.

His clan members were constantly being killed.

From the initial two hundred people, only dozens were left standing, and they were all injured.

On the other hand, the number of Uchiha casualties was only a dozen.

The difference in the number of people was too serious.

One thousand people against two hundred people, almost five people surrounding one.

No matter how powerful the Senju clan was, they would have to suffer.

"Haha, Senshou Moriwu, you'd better surrender obediently. Struggling will only intensify the pain of your death!"

Uchiha Zhan, wearing dark red, laughed at Senju Moriwu with high spirits. This battle was the most enjoyable one. Seeing the Senju clan falling in blood continuously, this feeling was so comfortable for him. He finally got rid of his anger. Senju

Moriwu had a sad face.

Looking at the ninjas from the Uchiha clan and the Grass clan all around him, Senju Moriwu's face was full of pain.

He hated Li in his heart.

He knew from the beginning that this was Li's strategy to lure the enemy, and even thought that Li would definitely send people to stop them.

So Senju Moriwu brought two hundred clansmen to be on the safe side.

Such a fighting force was originally foolproof, but no one expected that Li would directly dispatch a thousand ninjas.

This was not a ninja war.

Who would have thought that Li would be so crazy.


The last Senju clan member fell to the ground and lost his life forever. The whole forest, with a radius of hundreds of meters, no intact big tree was left, and it was burning everywhere. Raging fire and thick smoke filled the entire sky. The Uchiha clan is an expert in using fire, and fighting in the forest is like adding wings to a tiger.


A thunderclap sounded in the hazy sky filled with delays. Dark clouds surged, and soon a heavy rain fell. The trees that were still burning were watered by the rain, and the flames on them gradually began to go out. More smoke rose to the sky. The dark clouds seemed to be thicker, and the rain fell more violently.

Blood mixed with rain flowed on the soil. With just a breath, you could smell the disgusting strong smell of blood.

The heavy rain poured down and kept falling on everyone, but no one cared about this at this time. In their eyes, there was only the last enemy left, Senju Morinashi.

The Sharingan was like the eyes of a demon, scarlet and terrifying. The faces of the members of the Uchiha clan were full of excitement. It was definitely a gratifying thing for the Uchiha clan to be able to defeat their mortal enemy in this way.

"You can't stop me. Next time, I will kill all of you traitors!" Qianshou Senwu's face was gloomy. He was about to turn around and leave. However, at this moment, the space in front of him suddenly twisted and gradually formed a vortex. A corpse flew out of the vortex and fell at Qianshou Senwu's feet.

Seeing this corpse, Qianshou Senwu was stunned, and then reacted. A trace of pain appeared on his face, and he raised his head and yelled

"Uchiha Li, my Senju clan will never let you go, Uchiha, never!"

After shouting, Senju Morinu didn't care about Senju Huang's body, and directly used the instant body technique to disappear.

This is a ninja.

In order to save life, even the body of his own son must be abandoned.

Of course, the most important thing is that the half of Senju Huang's body that has been fused with the cells of the first generation is gone.

If such a worthless body is carried with him, it will only slow down the escape speed.

Senju Morinu still has a family to support, and it is impossible for him to take risks for a corpse.

When Senju Morinu disappeared, a vortex also appeared beside Uchiha Zhan, and soon, Li's figure appeared next to Uchiha Zhan.

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