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"The leader is here, and he is here with holy water. This time he will definitely kill the invader!"

Seeing the leader appear, the bound Taki ninjas showed hope. They had absolute confidence in the holy water in the village.

"Let them go!"

The leader of Takigakure had a gloomy face, holding a glass bottle full of water in his hand. He looked at Li's anxious eyes, and the leader's face suddenly changed. A trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes. He stared at Li and said in a deep voice,"If I'm not mistaken, you also came to our Takigakure last time and captured our village's Seven-Tails Jinchuriki, right?"

At that time, because Li left too fast, their minds were all on the Seven-Tails Jinchuriki, so they didn't deliberately look at Li's appearance. They were also concerned about the ninjas in their own village, so they didn't recognize him for a while. Now that they look carefully, they remember what happened last time. Now, the hatred value is even greater.

""You have time to worry about the Seven-Tails Jinchuriki. It's more practical for you to think about how to overcome the difficulties in front of you. Not me. Do you have the confidence to save the ninjas in your village from these two thousand ninjas?" Li shrugged, tilted his head, and stared at the Takinin chief with his scarlet Sharingan indifferently.

Hearing Li's words, the Takinin chief's face struggled slightly, and he brought the water bottle in his right hand to his eyes. Finally, he gritted his teeth, looked at Li fiercely and said,"You will regret it. My Takinin Village can have a place in this ninja world, and it will never rely solely on the number of ninjas!" Having said that, the Takinin chief no longer hesitated, opened the bottle cap, raised his head and drank

"Is this the Water of Heroes?"

Li narrowed his eyes slightly.

There are two things in Long Ninja Village that they are proud of.

The first is the Seven Tails.

As the only village outside the five major villages that has a tailed beast, this is something to be proud of.

The second is the Water of Heroes.

It is said that this is the holy water that only comes out of a holy tree in Long Ninja Village every hundred years.

As long as you drink it, the chakra can increase tenfold.

It is definitely a killer.

However, the only drawback is that the side effects are too strong.

If it is a person with an average physique, after the chakra increases tenfold, what awaits him is death.

Only those with a very strong physique will not die if they drink it.


After drinking the Water of Heroes, the leader of Long Ninja suddenly burst out with huge chakra all over his body, setting off a hurricane. The blue chakra wrapped him like an umbrella.

"Interesting!"Feeling this powerful chakra, Li smiled. It seems that the effect of this hero water is indeed extraordinary. It is worthy of being the sacred object of Takinin. However, after tonight, this will become the sacred object of Ghost Lantern City.

""Go to hell!"


The incomparable speed cut through the air, and the Taki Ninja leader was as fast as if he had a propeller, and in an instant he punched Li.

The Uchiha clan members behind him saw this and wanted to step forward to stop him, but Li stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Today I will convince you wholeheartedly!" Li sneered, and the three-magatama Sharingan rotated to form a Mangekyō Sharingan. A layer of purple energy spread outward from the center of Li, and soon formed Susanoo. The sound of bones rubbing against each other was very harsh.

Looking at the monster that was more than ten meters high, the ninjas on the Uchiha side showed awe, and the tied Taki Ninja was horrified. They had never seen such a strange ninjutsu. The last time Li came to capture the Seven-Tails, when they rushed over, Susanoo had already been in contact, so they had not seen it.


Susanoo punched the Taki Ninja leader, and suddenly a huge fist and an ant-sized fist collided with each other, and huge chakra overflowed. The Taki Ninja leader blushed and couldn't help but step back two steps. Susanoo was relentless and attacked again with his other hand.

"You can't fight head-on!" The face of the Taki Ninja leader changed. He had suffered a lot just now. Seeing Susanoo's fist coming, he quickly stepped back, dodged Susanoo's fist, kicked his feet, and quickly came behind Susanoo.

"Humph, the bigger the size, the slower the movement function. As long as I get behind you, let's see what you can do!"The Taki Ninja leader snorted coldly, leaped over, and punched Susanoo's back. The bound Taki Ninjas were excited to see their leader was so powerful. They could already see their leader breaking through the purple monster's defense with one punch and then punching through the invader's heart.

"Childish!" Glancing behind him, Susanoo roared angrily, and a face grew on his back again. His two hands quickly grabbed the Takinin leader.

"What? What kind of monster is this?"

It happened so suddenly that the Takinin leader couldn't react at all. He was grabbed by Susanoo and held in his palm. For a giant like Susanoo who was only more than ten meters tall, one slap from him was more powerful than the whole person of the Takinin leader. Being held in Susanoo's palm, he couldn't struggle at all no matter how much chakra he released.

"let me go…..!"The struggle was fruitless, and the Taki Ninja leader became discouraged and started to act like a spoiled child and asked to be let go.

"This is a duel between ninjas. No one will give you a second chance. Everyone has to take responsibility for their own failure. Tell me, how do you want to die?"Li controlled Susanoo and handed the Takinin leader to him, but Susanoo still held him tightly.

At this time, the medicinal properties of the Hero's Water began to gradually disappear. The Takinin leader, who was so imposing just now, immediately turned into an old man who was about to die. The side effects of the Hero's Water came. In order to be able to use the Hero's Water better, the Takinin leader probably exercised regularly to strengthen his physique, so he did not die.

"You can kill me, but I hope you can spare the innocent villagers in the village!" said the Taki Ninja leader weakly.

"Now it’s not about whether I let them go or not, but whether you are willing to let them go!

" Li shook his head slightly, and seeing the puzzled look on the face of the Takinin leader, he said again,"All the unfairness is caused by one's own lack of ability.

It is the same now.

Because you, the leader, are incompetent, you were defeated by me, Uchiha Li, and the consequence is that your villagers and subordinates died.

You must bear all the sins, and you must also bear these faults for making me bear so much blood debt, understand?"

"Nonsense, absolute nonsense, cough cough!"Hearing Li's words, the Taki Ninja leader immediately cursed excitedly, but it aroused the injuries in his body and he started coughing again.

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