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"Yahiko, what should we do? Even Uchiha Li rejected our proposal, and Konoha will certainly ignore us! Are we just going to sit there helplessly and watch the war coming?"

No matter how Yahiko and the others tried to reason with them, Li finally sent them out of Kizuna Castle.

They could move anything, but not their own beliefs.

Li would not give up.

He would not forget why he was killed in his previous life.

Peace or happiness, all of these were based on strength.

As long as they had terrifying power, they could subvert the world with just one word, and peace would then be just a matter of words.

Yahiko and the others were too naive.

It was precisely because of their naivety that they were schemed against by Salamander Hanzo.

"In the final analysis, we are still too weak now. If our Akatsuki organization is strong enough, not to mention Uchiha Li, even a big village like Konoha will not ignore us!"Yahiko gritted his teeth, his face full of unwillingness, this is unwillingness to his own incompetence.

Little did he know that when he said this, he had already deviated a lot from the so-called purpose of bringing peace to the ninja world with just his mouth, but he, as the person involved, did not notice it.

"Yahiko, don't blame yourself too much. This is not your fault. Uchiha Li is only twelve years old and was born into a wealthy family. It is understandable that he cannot understand the pain of those helpless children outside. What we have to do is difficult. As long as we don't give up, I believe that your dream will come true sooner or later, Yahiko!" Konan is always so gentle. Seeing Yahiko frustrated, she stepped forward and comforted him softly.

"No, Xiaonan, you don't understand. I could see from Uchiha Li's eyes just now that what he said was from his heart, and it was an idea that he had to have after going through a lot of things. He probably wanted to bring peace to the world by unifying the ninja world. He is a lunatic, a complete lunatic!"Yahiko shook his head and sighed.

Yahiko is not a fool, and what Li said is not too profound. To be able to become a leader and have such a big dream, passion and faith alone are obviously not enough. He developed the Akatsuki organization, and wisdom is also one of them. Yahiko is also a man of great wisdom.

"Unify the ninja world?"

Nagato and Konan took a deep breath when they heard this. This idea was too crazy. Unifying the ninja world was something that even the Uchiha and Senju, who were once known as the strongest, could not achieve. How could Uchiha Li surpass these ancestors?

"Okay, let's go back to the Akatsuki organization. Uchiha Li has such ambitions, he will take action soon. We must develop the organization as soon as possible so that we can negotiate with Uchiha Li. Otherwise, the ninja world will be in chaos!" Yahiko shook his head and said with a sad face.



"Brother Li, I think what the man named Yahiko said just now makes sense, why do you disagree?"

"Yes, if there is no war, there will be no death, isn't that good?"

After sending Yahiko and the others away, Kushina and Mikoto couldn't help asking, Miroku sat aside and didn't say anything, she was just an outsider, she didn't have much to say, it was good enough to sit here and listen.

After hearing this, Li exhaled slightly, and looked at Kushina and Mikoto helplessly, these two girls are still too naive after all.

"Kushina, Mikoto, what do you think of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama back then?" After a pause, he left and asked

"Needless to say, they are called the gods of the ninja world, and no one in the ninja world can compare to them!"Kushina curled her lips and rolled her eyes at Li. She thought Li was lowering her IQ.

"Brother Li, what do you mean?"Miss Qin is smarter and seems to have guessed what Li wants to say.

"Yeah, that's right!

" Li nodded, then narrowed his eyes and continued,"Back then, the strongest Senju and Uchiha joined forces to establish Konoha.

The original intention was to bring peace to the ninja world.

Indeed, they did bring peace to the ninja world in a short period of time, but that kind of peace was only out of fear of the power of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama.

As soon as the two of them died, other villages could not wait and launched a war against Konoha, which was the so-called First Ninja World War.

At that time, the ninja world was only peaceful for about ten years.

Do you know the reason?"

Kushina and Mikoto shook their heads in confusion when they heard this. Miroku also looked at Li in surprise. She really wanted to know how amazing this twelve-year-old boy was. It would be fine if he was so powerful, but his knowledge was also so much higher than that of ordinary people. He was simply…….

"Because of division!"


"Well, there are five big villages in the ninja world now, and countless small villages.

They are independent, and each village has its own will and system.

Different wills of each village will lead to prejudice, which will lead to conflicts and finally wars.

In addition, the land is unevenly distributed.

Some countries are poor, and some are rich.

In order to develop, poor countries will find ways to plunder other countries.

This is also one of the reasons for the war.

Therefore, the mutual understanding between people that Yahiko and others said is no different from the Arabian Nights.

It just exists in the fantasy of those naive people!


I remember someone said that the whole world is a huge hunting ground. Whether it is people or animals, everyone and every species plays the role of hunter and prey. If you don't eat others, others will eat you. If you want to change this situation, you must make new rules. However, if you want to make rules, you must be at the top of the world. People have this qualification.

Kushina and Mikoto listened confusedly. They were all from big families and had never suffered since childhood. They didn't know what it felt like to lack money and resources.

"Master Li's meaning is very simple.

For example, before you entered the Kusagakure Village, it was divided into the pro-war faction and the moderate faction.

The two had been fighting for more than ten years without stopping.

It was the same as the current ninja world being divided into countless countries.

Once you enter the Kusagakure Village, you will subdue both the pro-war faction and the moderate faction, and there will be no more fighting in the future.

In other words, if you want to make the ninja world free of war, you must be like the Kusagakure Village.


"At this point, Miroku covered her mouth and looked at Li in surprise.

She just said these words according to her own understanding and didn't pay attention to them.

Now that she talked about it, she was shocked by her own words.

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