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""Head of the Hatake clan, the Hokage wants you to be the leader of this war!"

In the dim room of the Hatake clan, the broken candlelight kept swaying. Hatake Sakumo knelt on the ground with his eyes closed, ignoring the Hokage's Anbu in front of him.

"Chief Qi Mu, this is your chance to make amends.……."

"Shut up!" Hatake Sakumo suddenly opened his eyes, stared at the Anbu with eyes as sharp as a knife, and said lightly,"What fault have I, Hatake Sakumo, done? How can I make up for it? Go back and report to the Sandaime Hokage that I, Hatake Sakumo, am not in good health and cannot carry out this mission. Please ask him to choose someone else!"

Upon hearing this, the Anbu was silent for a moment, and then disappeared. The dim room returned to silence again. Hatake Sakumo's sharp eyes dimmed, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

"Did I really do something wrong back then? Is the mission more important than my companions?"

Hatake Sakumo didn't understand. Back then, the two Sand Ninjas gave up their village and their mission to protect a baby. If this was really wrong, why would anyone do it?


"What? Sakumo actually refused?"

After listening to the report from the Anbu, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face flashed with surprise. He thought that Hatake Sakumo would definitely agree for the sake of his family and to restore his honor, but the refusal was beyond Sarutobi Hiruzen's expectations.

"Humph, Sarutobi, that incident has already made Hatake Sakumo dissatisfied, so it is normal for him to refuse. However, what you should consider now is what consequences will be caused by such a powerful person being dissatisfied with the village. Next, we need to send people to monitor Hatake Sakumo's actions. His harm is the same as Uchiha Li's!" Danzo on the side narrowed his eyes, murderous


The two advisors nodded in agreement. The incident with Uchiha Li had left a shadow on them. If Hatake Sakumo defected again, where would Konoha's face be? If Hatake Sakumo and Uchiha Li reunited in the future, wouldn't Konoha be in even greater danger?

"Don't say that, I believe Shuo Mao refused for some reason, don't jump to conclusions so quickly!"Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and he looked at Danzo with an inexplicable look on his face.

Seeing this, Danzo felt a flash of anger in his heart, knowing that Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted him to be the villain again, but Danzo did not refuse. Sarutobi Hiruzen is light, he is darkness, as the shadow of a village, he cannot be stained with darkness, then, these black pots can only be borne by Danzo

"Humph, Sarutobi, you are always so indecisive, leave this matter to me, and you just need to concentrate on dealing with Uchiha Li!"Danzo snorted coldly and walked away. To outsiders, this was dissatisfaction with Sarutobi Hiruzen's"leniency", but in fact, he was angry that Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to build a memorial archway and throw all the dirty water on himself.

The next day, people on the streets of Konoha were talking about Hatake Sakumo again. People had different opinions. Some said that Hatake Sakumo was afraid of Uchiha Li, so he didn't dare to go to the battlefield. Some said that Sakumo had resentment about what happened that year. Some said that Hatake Sakumo was born afraid of death, just like he gave up the mission last time, which led to the annihilation of his ally Uzumaki clan.

After a few more days, all kinds of things were boiling on the streets of Konoha. Now the most discussed thing was not the war, but the matter about Hatake Sakumo. This rumor spread very quickly. In just a few days, almost even the children in Konoha knew about it.

"These bastards!" A white-haired, masked kid standing on the street clenched his fists, his eyes full of anger. He didn't understand what his father had done wrong and why so many people blamed him. Did he have to be cursed by so many people just because he gave up the mission to save his companions?

"What exactly is a ninja? Is it to put companions first, or to put the mission first?"Kakashi didn't understand. Confused and angry, he returned home silently.

At this time, the sky had become gloomy. After returning home, Kakashi walked towards the ancestral hall of the Hatake family group sadly. Since giving up the mission to save his companions last time, his father has spent every day in the ancestral hall. It is unknown whether he is repenting or asking the ancestors.

However, as soon as he opened the door, Kakashi was stunned.

His father, the father he once admired, actually fell to the ground.

Scarlet blood continued to flow from his waist on the wooden board.

Kakashi's pupils suddenly dilated.

He couldn't wait to step forward and help Hatake Sakumo sit up.

He immediately saw the white short knife inserted in Hatake Sakumo's abdomen.

This was his famous weapon, White Fang, which was the name of this short knife.

However, this weapon that made him so powerful in the ninja world had already pierced into his master's abdomen at this moment.

Hatake Sakumo held the handle of the short knife tightly with both hands.

"Father……!"Kakashi panicked. Although he had shown his genius since childhood, after seeing his biological father die, the genius was just a child who lost his father.

Perhaps it was the last bit of his life, Hatake Sakumo slowly opened his eyes, looked at Kakashi, opened his mouth, but a trace of blood flowed out.

It seemed that he had used up all his strength.

Hatake Sakumo said in a hoarse voice,"Kakashi, in the future...

in the future, you must become an excellent ninja...


……"Before he could finish his words, Hatake Sakumo lost his life, and fell into a deep sleep forever with his eyes wide open.

It was unclear whether these eyes, which never closed, were mocking himself, or mocking the fate of the ninja, or were they expressing regret for losing his life without saying the most important words to his son?

"What makes an excellent ninja?"


""Master, according to the intelligence we have received, Konoha has begun preparations to launch a war against us. It may only take a month, or even less, for Konoha's ninjas to rush into the Land of Grass. I wonder what we should do next?"

Li was slightly startled when he heard this, and put down the documents in his hand, frowning.

"Is this news true?"

""Master, this is the information sent by the spy we left in the Konoha clan. It is reported that Konoha has now been mobilized as a whole, and each clan has begun to select clan members to enter the battlefield. Once this series of preparations are completed, I am afraid they will immediately launch an attack on us!" Uchiha Zhan said with a worried look on his face.

Now, Li couldn't stay calm. He had long guessed that Konoha would not let him do whatever he wanted, but according to Li's estimation, even if Konoha wanted to launch an attack, it would be at least two or three years later. But now, why is it so sudden?

""Master, please forgive me for being frank. Ever since we left Konoha, I have always felt that there is an invisible hand behind us that is silently pushing the development of the ninja world. Is there someone behind us that is silently pushing all this?" Uchiha Ming also frowned and said

"Invisible big hand?"When Li heard this, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he stood up suddenly, muttering,"Could it be him?"_

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