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Third Elder was really frightened just now. Although he had been active on the battlefield in his early years, he had grown old and held a high position, so he no longer had to go to the battlefield. Moreover, he was a moderate elder and did not have the courage of the First and Second Elders. Listening to the trembling sound of the kunai stuck in the wall behind him and thinking of the coldness on his cheek just now, the Third Elder glared at Li with lingering fear.

"Third Elder, no one in this world can threaten me, even if you are Mikoto's grandfather. A prisoner should act like a prisoner. Even if you really surrender to me in the future, you must do your duty. If you dare to have some thoughts that you shouldn't have for some reason, even if you are Mikoto's grandfather, I will not be merciful!"At some point, Li's eyes were already blood red, and the three magatama stared coldly at the third elder, without any fluctuation in his tone.

Hearing Li's words, the third elder choked and felt a chill in his heart.

He believed that Li was not joking.

If he still had the idea of having Mikoto as a talisman, he would probably not have a good end.

Thinking of this, the third elder sighed helplessly and said,"You are the most domineering person I have ever seen.

Well, I am already an old bone.

My only wish is to live quietly until I die, and then watch Mikoto get married.

If time permits, let me see my future great-grandchildren!

"The third elder shook his head.

His tone was no longer as casual as before.

He didn't want to die now.

The longer he lived, the more he felt the preciousness of life.

"Having said so much, you can now tell me what you think. Konoha will come to discuss compensation in three days. You don't have much time to hesitate!"Li curled his lips, and his blood-red eyes faded and turned black again.

"Well, before that, can you tell me your purpose?"The third elder nodded and asked doubtfully.

On the surface, no one could guess what Li's purpose was.

Defecting from Konoha could be barely understood as being unable to endure Konoha's suppression.

Attacking Kizuna Castle and conquering Kusagakure Village could also be considered as finding a base.

Why did he attack Takigakure? Moreover, after capturing the Konoha army, he ran to Kikyo Castle, forcing the Sand Village to surrender, and forcing Konoha to follow in the footsteps of the Sand Gin.

On the surface, it seemed like a chaotic approach, but it always gave people a creepy feeling.

This made the third elder very uneasy, fearing that he had entrusted the wrong person.

"I don't think we need to talk any more!"

Li suddenly stood up and turned to leave. The Third Elder was shocked and puzzled. He was about to ask for the reason, but at this time, Li stopped and looked sideways at the Third Elder.

""To me, you are just a captive, not of much value.

Whether you surrender or not will not benefit me.

I will not kill you, but will let you go back to Konoha.

But there is one thing you must remember.

When my Uchiha clan comes to Kikyo Castle next time, Konoha Village and you will only become dust in history.

As Grandpa Mikoto, I can only protect you once!

" Li was too lazy to say more.

He was not interested in the third elder.

Relying on Li's love for Mikoto, the third elder had grasped Li's lifeline and was simply ignorant of the matter.

"Wait a minute!" The Third Elder panicked when he heard Li's words. From what Li had just said, it seemed that he would attack Konoha again. This was a big threat. The Third Elder did not believe that Konoha could stop this freak Li. For the sake of his life, the Third Elder could no longer care about anything else..

"What else?" Li said calmly without turning back.

""Clan...Clan leader, I, Yu Yi, lead 150 clan members to surrender. Please accept us!" The third elder sighed helplessly and bent his waist with a little respect. He was really convinced now. Li was a person who would not listen to anyone and was very domineering. Once he made a decision, he could not be changed. He was very stubborn and arbitrary. This made the third elder give up the idea of taking advantage of him. He should save his life first.

"Oh?" After hearing the Third Elder's words, it was Li's turn to be a little surprised. Of course, he was not surprised by the Third Elder's choice, but by the so-called 150 clansmen. Could it be that the more than 100 clansmen captured earlier were all the Third Elder's wings?

As if he had guessed Li's thoughts, the Third Elder cupped his hands and said,"Clan leader, this time Konoha has dispatched a large ninja army to attack the Uchiha Castle, and my Uchiha clan has also participated, so I volunteered to bring all my wings in the clan here!"At this point, the third elder showed a trace of embarrassment on his face, and he was a little embarrassed to say the next words.


Hearing the third elder's words, Li couldn't help but sneer.

How could Li not know what the third elder was thinking? On the surface, the third elder was a moderate, but in fact he was a fence-sitter.

As long as the wind changed, he would immediately switch sides.

He led the Uchiha to do such a big thing outside.

How could the third elder not have some ideas? This time he brought out his wings, just to get some benefits.

If he was destroyed, the third elder could go back and ask for credit.

If Konoha failed, he could lead the tribe to surrender.

With the relationship with Mikoto, he believed that Li would not take action against him.

This can be said to have a way forward and backward.

Being a fence-sitter has also reached a realm.

"In other words, if you surrender, the other 150 tribesmen will also surrender?" Li turned around and looked at the third elder and said calmly.

""Haha, that's right!" The third elder smiled, a hint of pride appeared on his face, but he seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly stopped smiling and lowered his head. He now knew the temper of this young man, and if he continued to show off, he might be kicked out.

"Well, I won't say any more nonsense. As long as you are willing to surrender, you will still be the Third Elder. But there is one thing you must remember clearly. Under my command, I, Uchiha Li, do not allow you to form factions. If I find out, humph!" Li glanced at the Third Elder. Although his tone was calm, it made people feel chilled.

"I understand, clan leader!" The third elder really admitted defeat this time. He originally wanted to talk, but after understanding Li's temper, he did not dare to act rashly. As for not surrendering, the third elder no longer had this idea. He knew that Li's steps would never stop here, and Konoha would sooner or later confront Li. If Konoha lost again, he would really be in a hopeless situation.

"Well, I will ask the elder to come and release you and the rest of the tribesmen. You can live in Ghost Lantern City with peace of mind in the future!" Li waved his hand, opened the cell and left.

(PS: I'm really sorry. I don't know why I had a headache all day today. I fell asleep on the table while typing in the afternoon, which caused the last chapter to be uploaded late. Sorry~!)_

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