After leaving with the two Uchiha clan ninjas, Li was taken directly to the reception hall of the Hokage building. As soon as he entered, he saw many unfamiliar faces. The Third Hokage stood in front with his hands behind his back, and Kushina stood behind the Third Hokage with her head down. When she saw Li coming, she immediately blinked at Li. It seemed that she had not suffered much.

On the left of the Third Hokage stood Hatake Sakumo, Orochimaru, and Uchiha Hiroshi. Some of Konoha's jonin were also among them. On the right was the Sand Village, headed by the Third Kazekage, followed by Chiyo and Ebizo. They also brought a lot of ninjas. In the middle of the hall were two stretchers covered with white cloth. It looked like there were two people inside. Seeing this, Li's pupils shrank immediately, and he understood.

""Greetings, Sandaime-sama!" Li bowed slightly.

As soon as Li appeared, the Sand Ninja immediately cast their eyes on him, and their faces were not good. If it weren't for this kid, they would have intercepted the next generation of Sand Ninja Village Jinchūriki by now.

"Li, I think you know why I asked you to come here. Now tell me what happened last night!"The Third Hokage narrowed his eyes slightly and said lightly

""Yes!" Li nodded, looked at the two dead bodies on the stretcher, and said,"Last night I was teaching Kushina the kunai throwing technique, but these two Sand Ninjas rushed into Kushina's house and kidnapped her while I was away. I shot them to death after I found them!" Li still had no idea what was going on, so he had to answer truthfully. Besides, Kushina was also here, which meant that the matter had been exposed long ago, and it would be useless even if he lied.

""What nonsense!

You are such an ignorant kid!

My two ninjas are also elites among the Genin level.

Don't say that you are just a kid who hasn't graduated.

Even if you have become a ninja, at your age, no matter how talented you are, you can't kill both of them by yourself!

Even an Uchiha doesn't have this ability.

" Granny Chiyo snorted coldly, stared at Li coldly for a few times, and then looked at the Third Hokage and said coldly,"Third Hokage, although my Sand Village has had a feud with your Konoha on the battlefield, the war is over now, and my Sand Village has accepted its fate to compensate your Konoha for the war losses.

But now, you, Konoha, are still thinking about those hatreds and killing the ninjas in my village.

You even keep saying that my subordinates wanted to capture the ninjas in your village and were killed!

What does this mean?"Having said that, Granny Chiyo paused, and then looked at Hatake Sakumo and others, narrowed her eyes slightly, and said in a sharp voice,"I think some of your Konoha ninjas are taking advantage of the opportunity to take revenge when we come here to sign the compensation terms because their companions died on the battlefield!


Granny Chiyo looked at Hatake Sakumo with an unfriendly look.

No, it should be said that she was filled with very strong hatred.

When World War II was about to end, Hatake Sakumo killed Granny Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law, and she hated Hatake Sakumo to the core.

After listening to Granny Chiyo's words, Li understood in an instant that the Sand Village did not want to make trouble for him, but wanted to use the death of the two Sand Ninjas to make trouble for Konoha, and he was called here most likely to be a witness.

"Elder Chiyo, what do you mean by this? Uchiha Li is the number one genius of my Uchiha family.

You, the Sand Village, wanted to do evil in Konoha but failed, but were discovered and killed by Li.

Now you are still qualified to cause trouble to us?" Uchiha Hao snorted coldly, and was very annoyed.

If Grandma Chiyo questioned others, it would be fine, but Li was a genius of the Uchiha family and represented the honor of the Uchiha family.

Grandma Chiyo questioning Li's strength was questioning the honor of the Uchiha family.

How could Uchiha Hao tolerate this?

"The head of the Uchiha clan? Humph, what you said is really nonsense.

No matter how powerful your Uchiha clan is, this is just a little kid.

Do you really think that your Uchiha clan has reached the point of being invincible in the ninja world?" Grandma Chiyo is planning to make a big deal today.

Since the arrest of Kushina has failed, at least in terms of compensation for the losses, if not all of it, at least half of it should be deducted.

You know, Sand Village is a defeated country, and the resources lost in the village are enough.

Now they have to compensate Konoha, which will directly lead to a significant decline in the strength of Sand Village.

I am afraid that it will be worse than Konoha in the future.

"you……."Uchiha Hao was immediately angered by Grandma Chiyo's words. As the patriarch of the Uchiha family, he has always been proud of the Uchiha family. Now that he is insulted like this, how can he swallow this breath? When Uchiha Madara was alive, the Uchiha family dominated the ninja world. Looking at all the countries and villages, who dared to oppose the Uchiha like this?

"Uchiha Hao, back off!"The Third Hokage's eyes flashed with a gleam, and he glared at Uchiha Hao. Now the Third Hokage is in his prime, and his heroic demeanor is fully revealed. With just this one look, although Uchiha Hao was dissatisfied, he shut his mouth and stood aside.

Seeing this, Grandma Chiyo sneered slightly. The Uchiha family, which was once so arrogant, is no longer what it used to be.

Li's idea was the same as Grandma Chiyo's. After so much time, the Uchiha family had already been tempered by the devil, and became a tiger that can only roar but dare not bite.

After shouting Uchiha Hao away, the Third Hokage narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the Third Kazekage who had been silent, and said lightly,"Sir Third Kazekage, we don't know the truth of this matter yet. I think we might as well sit down and wait for a few days. How about we discuss this matter after Konoha finds out the whole story of the matter?""

The Third Hokage was also helpless.

Although he knew in his heart that the Sand Village was planning to target Kushina, and he also believed that the two Sand ninjas kidnapped Kushina and were killed by Li, but in the final analysis, this was just the wishful thinking of the Third Hokage, and he could not produce any evidence.

After all, the two witnesses were both from Konoha.

In the final analysis, even if Kushina was the victim, so what? She was still from Konoha, and there was no guarantee that others would not say that this was just a conspiracy deliberately made by Konoha.

Oh, the victim was your Konoha, and the person who witnessed it with their own eyes was still your Konoha, but both the victim and the witness were fine, and the person who died was the perpetrator.

Even if this was said out, it would not convince others!

Upon hearing this, the Third Kazekage was about to nod in agreement, but at this time, Grandma Chiyo spoke first and said,"Your Excellency the Third Hokage, no matter how this matter is true, first of all, this kid named Uchiha Li keeps saying that he killed two elite Genin of my Sand Ninja alone.

Well, I have an idea.

If he is really that powerful, no matter whether this matter is true or not, my Sand Ninja Village will pretend that it never happened.

How about it?""

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