Bang! Bang! Bang!

In a courtyard, an old man and a young boy who was only 1.23 meters tall were fighting. Both of them were fighting with physical skills. After fighting back and forth for a few rounds, both of them stepped back and pulled away. There was no sign of abnormality on the boy's face, but the old man was a little out of breath.

"Fire escape! Extinguish the great fire!"

After the young man stepped back a few steps, he immediately began to form seals with his hands, and then he opened his mouth and spit out a large piece of fire, which whistled towards the old man. The fire was like a sea, covering most of the yard, and even the small pond next to it was boiling.

"Earth escape, earth flowing wall!"

The old man's face changed, and he quickly used earth escape to resist. The two of them were in a stalemate for a while, and the young man finished releasing the flames. After the flames disappeared, the earth wall that had been burned black and collapsed on one side was exposed.

""Alas, I'm old. Now it's you young people's turn to rule the world!" The old man stood up and looked at the charred earth wall with a frown on his face. But soon, he became serious, looked at the young man, nodded, and said,"Li, your current strength is no less than that of an ordinary jonin, but you can't slack off. You know, Lord Madara was able to defeat the first Hokage back then. You are still far behind Lord Madara, don't you understand?"

"Yes, I know!"

The two were the Great Elder and Li.

Three years had passed since their last meeting.

Li was now nine years old.

The little boy who was only half a person tall had grown to a height of 1.

23 meters and looked like a twelve-year-old boy.

Of course, he was able to grow so fast thanks to the life potion.

During these three years, the supply of life potion had hardly stopped.

It could be said that Li's body was stronger than that of an ordinary person.

For an ordinary person, it would take at least half a month to heal a cut on his finger, but for Li, it only took three days at most.

His recovery ability was five times that of an ordinary person, almost catching up with the body of an immortal.

Li's strength had now reached that of a Jonin, and he had mastered many fire escape techniques. Compared to three years ago, Li could now beat more than a dozen people.

"Well, let's stop here for today. I'm going to take a rest now, old man!" The elder nodded with a smile, his old face almost squeezed into a ball. He was very satisfied with Li. Not only was he talented, but he was also humble and certainly not arrogant. More importantly, the longer they spent together, the more the elder could find the shadow of Ban in Li. The desire for strength and the desire to be able to despise the whole life were exactly the same as Ban back then.

"Well, I'll go first then!" Li nodded and smiled. He had a good impression of the Great Elder. Although he always boasted in front of him about how Uchiha Madara led them to conquer all directions and how awesome he was, the old man had a very straightforward temper. He would say anything he was dissatisfied with without hiding anything. He was also dedicated to his teaching and almost all the ninjutsu left by Madara were passed on to him. The

Great Elder's name was Uchiha Zhan. According to him, he was also a very powerful elite ninja in the past, and like his name, he was very warlike, so he developed a straightforward temper, which he did not change even when he was old. The old man said that his greatest wish was to enable Uchiha to regain the honor and glory of the past, so he placed all his bets on Li.

Looking at Uchiha Zhan's hunched back, Li narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured,"Old man, it will be soon. Just wait a few more years and I will definitely fulfill your wish!"

He was reborn in this world for nine years.

In his early years, he was adopted by Uchiha Hao.

Although it seemed that Uchiha Hao did it to make up for Li's parents, Li could feel that Uchiha Hao was a narrow-minded person.

Such a person should not be trusted.

Later, he met the Third Hokage.

Although he seemed harmless, he actually retreated to the edge of a knife when he was only six years old for the benefit of Konoha.

It has to be said that the Third Hokage's character is not good.

The last elder he met was the most suitable for Li.

He was not pretentious at all, and he would not take advantage of his age.

Uchiha Zhan believed that the bigger the fist, the harder the truth, regardless of your seniority.

Therefore, when they were together in private, Uchiha Zhan had no airs at all, and he was completely on the same generation as Li.

This was also the reason why Li cared so much about Uchiha Zhan.

After leaving the courtyard of the elder, he was about to go home, but was blocked by a clan member.

After following Uchiha Zhan for three years, Li knew which part belonged to the fighting faction and which part belonged to the moderate faction.

The ninja in front of him was a moderate person.

"Uchiha Li, the Third Hokage asked you to go to the Hokage Building!" The visitor was a middle-aged man wearing a turquoise vest, a Chunin, who should know a little about the clan's inside story, so his attitude towards Li was not very good. Li had been frequenting the courtyard of the Great Elder for the past three years, so how could the moderates not know about it?

""Yeah!" Li nodded lightly, not wanting to waste more words, and after answering, he turned a corner and headed towards the Hokage Building.

"Humph, what an ungrateful person! The clan leader raised him for several years, but he ended up hanging out with the fighting faction!"Looking at Li's back, the middle-aged man showed a trace of contempt and anger. The fighting faction and the moderate faction have always been rivals, and they have fought a lot on weekdays. Their relationship is as bad as the main and branch families of the Hyuga family.

After arriving at the Hokage Building, Li knocked on the door, and then heard the Third Hokage's indifferent response.

After pushing the door open, there were already several people inside, one of whom was Uchiha Hao.

However, when he saw Li coming, Uchiha Hao did not show any enthusiasm, but a hint of dissatisfaction.

Since Uchiha Hao transferred Li to the Guard Department, the two have rarely met.

Later, Li often went to the place where Uchiha Zhan lived.

Uchiha Hao naturally saw all of this.

As the leader of the moderate faction, he felt betrayed.

"Greetings, Lord Hokage!"Li ignored Uchiha Hao and bowed slightly to the Third Hokage.

"Oh, Li, you're here!"The Third Hokage was very busy. After processing a document, he looked up at Li, then showed a habitual smile and said,"Li, I called you here this time because I want you to preside over the graduation exams of several students. You may know these people. They are all at the same level as you!"

Li frowned slightly when he heard this. He didn't understand why the Third Hokage would give this test to him. Although he did have the ability to test those who took the graduation exam, there were so many Genin and Chunin in the village. Wouldn't it be better to just find one? Letting him go, is there any intention? But what interested Li was who would be the people at the same level as him who applied for early graduation?

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