"Well, in general, you all performed well this time. Li's attack method is very powerful, Kushina's sealing technique is also very powerful, and Minato knows how to judge the situation. You three are all very good!"

After finishing the training station, Jiraiya took Li and the other two to sit on the ground and began to comment.

"Especially Li, who was able to make a series of decisions and actions immediately when Kushina's position was exposed, which is commendable. What's more admirable is that he was able to find a way to cooperate with you before making a move, which is good!"

Jiraiya spoke highly of Li. From the moment Li made his move to the end, the series of actions were done in one go, especially the strange kunai throwing technique, which opened Jiraiya's eyes. What Jiraiya admired most was that Li knew how to cooperate with his companions and did not look down on others because of his strong strength.

"Ding! Jiraiya's praise, mission completed, reward points worth one thousand, please check it out!"

Hearing the system's prompt, Li finally breathed a sigh of relief. However, no matter how well he played before, no matter how well Jiraiya said, if the system didn't recognize it, then this mission couldn't be completed.

"Okay, I have a general understanding of your strength. Next, I will arrange for you to practice.……"At this point, Jiraiya looked at Li with some embarrassment. Li was very powerful, and Jiraiya had nothing to teach him except some of his best tricks. These tricks were naturally not to be passed on to others. Jiraiya did not even teach his three direct disciples, including Nagato, let alone Li.

"Teacher Jiraiya, the clan has arranged training for me!

"Li also knew Jiraiya's difficulties, looked at Jiraiya and said lightly, anyway, he had never thought about learning any Sage Mode from Jiraiya, as long as the points were enough, Li would directly exchange for the Sage Body, and then the so-called Sage Mode would not be easy to obtain? Jiraiya heard this and nodded awkwardly.

As a teacher, it was indeed quite embarrassing that he could not teach his students.

If Li was not a member of the Uchiha family, Jiraiya might have directly accepted him as a disciple.

The first meeting ended in such an awkward situation.

After saying goodbye to Jiraiya and Namikaze Minato, Li and Kushina left together, which made Namikaze Minato very envious.

Time passed quickly. Since Li, Namikaze Minato and Kushina formed a Genin team, two weeks had passed in a flash. On this day, the whole Konoha was very lively, and people were surging on the streets. Many people from other villages entered Konoha one after another. On this day, Konoha's guards were very strict. There were ten ninjas at the door alone to check

"The Chunin Exam is about to begin.

I have applied for the qualification for you.

It is up to you to decide whether you are willing to take the exam.

This is the application form.

If you have decided, fill in your name.

But there is one thing I hope you remember.

The Chunin Exam is based on a group of three.

If one of you gives up, you will lose the qualification to participate!

"At the third training ground, Jiraiya handed three pieces of information to Li and the other two.

His face was very serious.

Taking part in the Chunin Exam is not a trivial matter.

There are countless dangers.

Perhaps other villages deliberately get one or two jonin to pretend to be genin to take the exam.

The purpose is probably to weaken the vitality of other villages.

Therefore, Jiraiya will not force the three to make a choice.

After taking the registration form, Li looked at Kushina and then at Minato Namikaze. Kushina was excited, while Minato Namikaze was more reserved, but the gleam in his eyes showed his intention. Kushina was a strong person, and Minato Namikaze also wanted to prove himself. There was no reason for the two to refuse such a good opportunity.

"Is everyone okay?"Li filled in his name on the registration form without hesitation, and then looked at Kushina and Namikaze Minato and asked calmly

"Of course, how could a small Chunin Exam make me back down!"Kushina waved her fist, then picked up a pen and filled out the registration form. Namikaze Minato smiled slightly, filled in his name casually, and then both of them handed the form to Li.

After taking the form, Li nodded slightly, then handed it to Jiraiya, and said lightly,"Teacher Jiraiya, this is the registration form for the three of us, please submit it!

" Jiraiya has been watching the three of them.

Seeing that the three of them have filled out the form without any hesitation, a hint of appreciation appeared on his face.

After taking the form, Jiraiya smiled slightly and said,"Okay, kids, since you all plan to take part in the Chunin Exam, then take a good rest today.

Tomorrow is the official start.

I hope that before that you will be in the best condition to meet this exam, do you understand?"

"Got it, Jiraiya-sensei!"

It was said to be a break, but Kushina and Minato Namikaze obviously didn't mean that. The two dragged Li to stroll on the street, under the pretext of spying on the enemy, but seeing that Kushina was about to go crazy, Li could only smile helplessly.

"Just think of it as accompanying Kushina!" Thinking about the delays caused by various things in recent days, I'll take this opportunity to make up for it, but... Li looked at Minato Namikaze beside him, feeling a little unhappy. This guy was a little redundant to Li at this moment.

However, Minato Namikaze obviously didn't have this awareness. He still looked around with a smile on his face, and his eyes stayed on the passing ninjas from time to time. These were ninjas from other villages.

Li couldn't do anything about him. He couldn't just chase them away. However, at this moment, Li's pupils shrank slightly. In front of him, four ninjas caught Li's attention. It was mainly because the eyes of the four ninjas kept lingering on him that attracted Li's attention.

"Are the Sand Ninjas here too?"Li narrowed his eyes slightly. After the war ended three years ago, the Sand Ninja Village signed a compensation treaty and then signed an alliance treaty with Konoha. Now they can come to participate in the Chunin Exam held by Konoha because of this treaty. However, it seems that they are here with bad intentions.

""Kushina!" Li Weiwei stepped forward, grabbed Kushina who was still playing wildly, shook his head, and then looked at Namikaze Minato. Obviously, Namikaze Minato also noticed the situation of the four Sand Ninjas. He nodded slightly, and the three of them went directly into the alley on the side.

From the feeling, apart from the leading jonin, the other three ninjas also gave Li a bad feeling. They might not be just genin.

"Is that kid with long black hair the Uchiha Li, the first genius of Konoha mentioned by Master Kazekage and Elder Chiyo?"Looking at the place where Li and the other two disappeared, a burly middle-aged man with a beard full of stubble asked in a muffled voice to a thin middle-aged man leading the group.

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