At this time, Li's points were already 11,000. He had 4,000 points left before, 1,000 points for hosting several graduate exams, and 1,000 points for receiving praise from Jiraiya in the drill battle. Now he got another 5,000 points for killing this jounin, a total of 11,000 points. The exchange price of three magatama is 10,000 points, and Li still has a chance to upgrade his bloodline limit, which can be used to upgrade his Mangekyō Sharingan.

"The same method cannot succeed twice. The next time I meet two Sand Ninjas, I will definitely be facing two Jonins at the same time. It is a bit difficult to fight two Jonins with my strength. It seems that it is imperative to exchange for the Mangekyō Sharingan!"

Thinking of this, Li did not hesitate. After arranging some traps made of detonating talismans around him, he directly sank his consciousness into the system. It was still the space that looked like a network cable, with a glowing white ball in the middle. However, compared with before, this ball of white light seemed to have become a little bigger and brighter.

However, Li did not care so much.

After calling up the exchange page, Li clicked on the Sharingan, and immediately saw the grid that required 10,000 points to exchange for three magatama.

Without hesitation, Li directly clicked on the exchange.

In an instant, a ball of blood-red light broke away from the grid, and then sank into Li's forehead.

Li's Sharingan automatically emerged, and the two magatama were spinning wildly.

The blood-red energy flowed from the mind into the eyes, and then formed the shape of magatama in the blank space of the pupil.

The rotating Sharingan also stopped.

The double magatama Sharingan had evolved into a triple magatama at this time.

"The power of the pupils has indeed increased a lot. If I use the Crow Technique on others now, ordinary jonin will not be able to break it even if they disrupt the flow of chakra!"Feeling the pupil power that was about to burst out of his eye sockets, Li nodded slightly, feeling quite satisfied, but it was not enough.

After exchanging the three magatama Sharingan, Wenxuan looked at the grid of the Mangekyo again, which said free exchange. Seeing this, Li directly clicked on the exchange. Just like before, a ball of blood-red light fell off the grid and sank into Li's forehead. The three magatama rotated faster at this time, and the shape of the magatama gradually became unclear. It was just like a wheel rolling.


There was a sudden pain in the eyes, as if someone had dug out the eyes with a knife. Caught off guard, Li covered his left eye with his hand in pain, and a touch of dark red blood flowed down Li's fingertips. At this time, the pain disappeared, and he slightly moved his hand away and opened his eyes. At this time, Li's pupils had completely changed. The original three magatama had turned into a circle that seemed to be formed by tadpoles, quietly staying in Li's pupils.

"Is this the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan? It is indeed very powerful!"Li exhaled slightly and wiped the blood from the corner of his eyes. He was very happy. Now that he had the Mangekyō, he had the initial capital to save his life.

"System, why can't I feel my pupil technique?"Li narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the white ball of light.

"Since the host's Mangekyo was upgraded by the system, your pupil technique is also given by the system. Now you have two pupil techniques to choose from. The first one is Susanoo, which is a pupil technique arranged by the system for the host. The second pupil technique is chosen by the host himself!"The system quickly gave the answer

"What? Only two pupil techniques?"Li was a little unhappy when he heard that, but he didn't care too much. Anyway, he only needed to calculate the points in the future, so he could have as many pupil techniques as he wanted.

After listing all the pupil techniques, Li was in a dilemma again.

"Ina Xiemei! The eye technique that controls the fate of others requires a score of 10,000! (Note: This technique is too powerful and the cost of using it is also very high. Please choose carefully!"

"Ina Xieqi! The eye technique that changes your own destiny! The required points are 10,000! (Note: This technique is too………!)"

There are so many kinds of pupil techniques, almost all of them are available, and each one is very powerful. He wants all of them, but he can only choose one. This makes him a little troubled. Isn't this the same as dividing 30,000 yuan into three parts and putting them in front of you, and then someone tells you that you can only choose one and asks you which one you want?

""System, help me exchange for Kamui!" After hesitating for a long time, Li finally chose the eye technique of Kamui.

Kamui is the eye technique of Uchiha Obito in the original work. It has the ability to distort space and create a different space. The attack is very strange. It can silently teleport objects or people to the different space. It is also the best trick to save your life, just like Uchiha Obito, directly put your body into the different space, no matter how you attack, I will stand still, and when you are tired, I will directly stab you to death with a kunai.

With Li's choice, the system quickly injected the eye technique of Kamui into Li's eyes. In an instant, Li felt that there were two more pieces of information in his mind, which were about Susanoo and Kamui. After interpreting the use of the eye techniques, Li narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Sand Village, your death is coming soon!"

After upgrading to Mangekyō, Li withdrew from the consciousness space. However, just after opening his eyes, he heard a violent explosion. After taking a closer look, Li immediately showed a hint of amusement. It turned out that several ninjas wanted to attack him, but they were caught in the trap he had set. The explosion was the explosion of the detonating tag.


The three ninjas were lucky. Although they stepped on the trap, they were not killed. They were just covered in dust. Judging from the forehead protectors they wore, the three ninjas should be ninjas from Kusagakure Village. Kusagakure Village is not too far from Konoha. It is located in the center of the Land of Fire and the Land of Earth. This village is very good at learning other people's ninjutsu and is considered to be a very strong village.

"I'll use you to test my pupil technique!" Li curled his lips slightly, and his Mangekyō Sharingan suddenly appeared.

"Boy, give us your rolled-up sleeves, otherwise………."

Before he finished speaking, a strong suction force suddenly appeared, and the Kusanagi who was speaking suddenly shut his mouth.

His head had disappeared.

Behind him, a vortex appeared in the space, and his head was directly sucked in, leaving only a headless corpse that was bleeding continuously.

The remaining two Kusanagi were shocked when they saw this.

They had never seen such a strange killing method, and they instinctively wanted to escape.

However, soon, a black shadow flashed by, and the necks of the two Kusanagi suddenly spurted out a line of blood, and then they died with their eyes wide open.

The speed of the instant step is comparable to the time-space ninjutsu.

Although it can only be three consecutive instant steps, it is more than enough to kill the two Kusanagi.

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