"Yes, yes! Mikoto said it!" Li smiled slightly, patted Uchiha Mikoto's head, and said,"Okay, let's go quickly, you can take a position closer later!"

"Of course, I've asked Fugaku to save a seat for me, I must sit in the front and cheer for Brother Li!

" Uchiha Mikoto giggled, then quickened her pace, jumping happily, very lively.

It was the first Chunin Exam three years after the end of the Second Ninja World War.

In order to understand the quality of ninjas from Konoha Village and other villages, many high-ranking officials and even daimyo from the Land of Fire came to watch the exam.

In order to avoid any accidents, the Third Hokage personally sat on the top floor to watch the game.

The public seats were almost full.

Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Fugaku sat together, while Uchiha Hiroshi led the guards to patrol the audience seats.

The Anbu were also fully deployed, and the defense measures were in place.

"Haha, in such a competition, Li should be able to pass easily!"

Uchiha Zhan sat in the front row, smiling at Li who looked calm below. Compared with other examinees who looked nervous, Li seemed out of place. Looking at Li from a distance, Uchiha Hao who was patrolling also looked helpless. Once upon a time, he was also proud of Li's talent, but today, Li and him are almost on the opposite side. Even if they met, Li would just call him"Clan Leader" lightly.


is too different!

" Uchiha Hao shook his head helplessly.

Among the newly promoted Genin, only Li, Namikaze Minato and Kushina participated in the Chunin Exam this time.

The others, such as Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Mikoto and the Hyuga brothers, did not participate.

The people of these big families knew that this Chunin Exam was unusual.

The interval between the exams was too long.

Many people were strong enough to be Chunin or elite Chunin, but because of the war, they were always Genin.

This time, Konoha held the Chunin Exam, and almost all of them came.

In such a long and fierce exam, who of the heads of these big families dared to joke with their own sons or the geniuses in the clan?

Below the examination room, ten ninjas stood in a row. The invigilator this time was a Jonin with a scar on his face. Obviously, he had been through a lot of fighting. He stood in front of the ten people and glanced at everyone with a pair of sharp eyes. No one dared to breathe. The murderous aura of this Jonin was too heavy.

"I have ten sticks with your names on them. Now, each of you come up and draw one. Whoever you draw will be your opponent. If you draw your own stick, you will automatically choose the person who will draw the stick. Do you understand?" The jonin glanced at everyone coldly and shouted sternly with full energy.

No one answered, but they all nodded to show that they understood.

"Now, all of you come over and draw your opponents!"Seeing this, the examiner's face remained indifferent. He held ten bamboo sticks in his hand and asked everyone to take them.

Soon, everyone got their own bamboo sticks, but these ten people were from different villages, so no one knew each other.

"Yuhu?"After reading the name on the bamboo stick, Li had never heard of this name.

After collecting the bamboo stick and returning it to the examiner, the examiner took the bamboo stick to the Third Hokage and asked him to decide the order of the competition. Everyone waited for the examiner's next arrangement. After a while, the examiner finally came back with a rolled up white paper in his hand.

"I believe everyone has already found their opponents. Then, according to the order of the competition, except for those who will take the first round of exams, the rest will go to the second floor to wait!"The examiner spread out a piece of white paper with the order of the competition on it.

"Is the first match between Minato Namikaze and the Genin of Kusagakure Village?"Li narrowed his eyes slightly, nodded to Minato Namikaze, and then disappeared in the examination room with a flash step. When he appeared again, he was already next to Jiraiya.

""Li boy, is this a body-flash technique?" Jiraiya was startled, but after he reacted, he asked excitedly. Even though he was one of the three ninjas, he had never seen such a body-flash technique. There was no seal, and it disappeared directly. This was a bit like the legendary time-space ninjutsu.

"This is my Sharingan's pupil technique, I call it instant step!" Li told Jiraiya the trick he used to trick Uchiha Fugaku.

""Teacher Jiraiya, don't disturb Li, let him rest, it will be his battle soon!" Kushina snorted with a pout, turned to look at Li and asked again,"Li, do you think Minato can beat his opponent?"

Hearing this, Li looked at the two people who were fighting below. Namikaze Minato's opponent was a thin young man in his twenties. His offensive was very fierce. Minato had a hard time parrying and looked like he was about to be unable to bear it.

"Minato will win!" Seeing this, Li lost interest. Although Minato's strength is slightly lower than his opponent, as long as the strength difference is not too big, the winner is not necessarily the stronger party.

"No way, I think Minato is having a hard time defending himself!" Kushina asked in confusion.

"That's right, Li, how do you know that Minato will win?" Jiraiya's eyes lit up and he asked with interest.

Hearing this, Li glanced at Jiraiya slightly, knowing that the old guy also saw it and was just testing him.

Li didn't mind and just explained it to Kushina,"Although Minato's strength is slightly inferior, the gap between the two is not big.

When the strength is only a hair's breadth, mentality and combat experience determine the outcome of the battle.

Minato's opponent is obviously too eager to win, and his offensive is very fierce.

Although Minato seems unable to resist, he can always turn danger into safety.

At this time, the attacking party will inevitably become impatient when they see that they can't attack for a long time, and their attacks will become chaotic and full of flaws.

This means that again and again, they will decline, and the third time they will be exhausted.

The ninja from the Grass Village has attacked fiercely no less than five times, and his momentum is gone.

Coupled with nervousness and impatience, whether he uses physical skills or ninjutsu, there are many flaws.

In one more minute, Minato will win!


The ability to analyze it so quickly was, of course, thanks to the Sharingan. At this time, Li's eyes had seen through all the blind spots of the Kusanagi. From the initial few blind spots, now all the blind spots are on the body. This has proved what Li said.


Seizing an opportunity, Minato kicked his opponent into the sky, and then hit the opponent's abdomen with a fierce wind palm, which directly made the Kusanagi lose his fighting power.

"The first match, the winner is Konoha Village, Namikaze Minato!"

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