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"Humph, there is no such thing as being mean or not between enemies. Even a lion needs to use all its strength to fight a rabbit. This kid looks good, so it would be great if I could kill him first, but I didn't expect him to be so alert!" Salamander Hanzo snorted indifferently, and then looked at Li, with a hint of jealousy in his eyes. Why did Konoha Village have so many geniuses coming out one after another? This kid is even better than the three ninjas back then?

"Old ghost, you keep calling me little ghost, do you really think I'm transparent?"After Li escaped from the attack of the salamander, he landed in front of the salamander Hanzo. His face looked very bad. Being looked down upon was bad enough, but he was even attacked by a sneak attack. If he didn't know what kind of person the salamander Hanzo was, and if he didn't have some strength, wouldn't he have been eaten by the salamander just now?

"Humph, if you want to gain the respect of others, you must first look at your own strength!"Hanzo the Salamander narrowed his eyes slightly, and then rushed forward, his figure suddenly disappeared, and when he appeared again, he was already in front of Li, kicking Li's head.

"This guy's body-flicking technique is still so fast!"Jiraiya was watching from the side in shock. In addition to being good at using poison, Hanzo of the Salamander was also first-rate in fire escape and body-flicking technique, not to mention physical skills. Back then, the three of them joined forces to barely resist Hanzo of the Salamander's physical skills.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Li's physical skills were naturally not bad, he had been training since he was a child.

Although Hanzo of the Salamander's offensive was fierce, Li did not feel any difficulty thanks to his Mangekyō Sharingan and his own physical skills.

The two of them fought for several rounds with physical skills.

Li slipped away and then used a flash step, disappearing in front of Hanzo of the Salamander.

Now it was Hanzo of the Salamander's turn to be stunned, he did not even see the other party forming a seal just now.


At the critical moment, Hanzo of the Salamander turned around to block Li's sweep, but he could not help but step back a few steps.

"Boy, were you using the Body Instant Jutsu just now?" After being kicked back a few steps by Li, Hanzo didn't care, but looked at Li in surprise. In terms of the Body Instant Jutsu, Hanzo didn't dare to claim to be the best in the ninja world, but there were less than five people who could surpass him. Now that the kid suddenly disappeared, he couldn't even react. How fast was the speed of the seal?

"Even if it's the instant body technique, I think we should stop talking so much nonsense. When we fight, we should fight like a fighter!" After saying that, Li activated the instant step again, and instantly arrived in front of the Salamander Hanzo, and punched him.

"This brat!"

Salamander Hanzo cursed inwardly, raised his hand to block the attack, and then took another step back, pressed his hands on the ground, and layers of detonating talismans rolled up from the ground, quickly wrapping Li's feet in them, and the detonating talismans soon made a burning sound.

"Little ghost, ninja fighting is not just about strong attacks. Although your strength is good, your combat experience is……."At this point, the Salamander Hanzo closed his mouth. A hint of smile appeared on Li's face, and a hint of disdain appeared in his scarlet eyes.

"Impossible, is there a way for him to remain safe and sound under this Fire Style attack?" Hanzo of the Salamander shook his head. This idea was too unrealistic. The three ninjas suffered a lot when facing it. If Jiraiya hadn't discovered it early, Tsunade would have died under this Fire Style at that time. He didn't believe that Li, who was so young, could ignore the explosive power of this Fire Style.


Countless detonating tags detonated. The violent explosion blew away countless soil and thick smoke. Jiraiya widened his eyes and jumped off the toad's back. He had just been slowed down by Hanzo's summoning beast. He didn't expect that Li would fall into Hanzo's trap in a short while.

However, at this moment, Li, who should have been killed by these countless detonating tags, walked out of the thick smoke safely. From his feet to his body, he was spotless, and even his hair was not messy, as if he was not the one who had just been in the explosion.

"Playing fire escape with my Uchiha clan, what a fool you are!" Li snorted coldly, formed a few seals with his hands, and took a deep breath,"Fire escape! Great fire extinguishing!"

The flames were like a sea, filling the entire valley. There was no way to retreat. The flames rushed towards Hanzo of the Salamander fiercely. Jiraiya was dumbfounded watching from behind. The coverage of this fire escape was too large. How much chakra would it require?

"Water escape can't be stopped!" Hanzo of the Salamander kept retreating, his face changed drastically. He wanted to put out the fire escape, and water escape was the last choice. However, there were too many flames, and ordinary water escape was simply ineffective. Thinking of this, Hanzo of the Salamander was helpless. He stopped retreating, quickly formed seals with both hands, and then slapped the ground with one palm,"Earth escape, earth flow wall!"


The sea of fire whizzed past, and was blocked by the earth wall. The sea of fire immediately surged to both sides. The rain ninjas who were fighting with the Konoha ninjas had never thought that there would be such a fire escape coming. The ninjas who didn't have time to dodge were engulfed by the sea of fire.


Screams came one after another. After a few seconds, Li stopped releasing the Great Fire Extinguishing Technique and exhaled slightly. He had just increased the power of the Great Fire Extinguishing Technique to the maximum, and the lethality was enough to reach S-level. If this was not a group attack ninjutsu, even Hanzo of the Salamander would have been in trouble.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing ten Genin, and the reward points are worth 10,000!"The

Haohuo Mie just now did not hurt the Salamander Hanzo, but killed ten Rain Ninjas who had no time to dodge, bringing Li 10,000 points.

Snap! Snap!

The rubble fell off, and the Salamander Hanzo stood up with a gloomy face. The earth wall used to protect the body could not withstand the burning of the flames, and turned into a piece of black ash scattered on the ground. However, the Salamander Hanzo himself did not suffer much damage, just a little burnt hair

"It's true that heroes emerge young, and Konoha Village is indeed a place that produces many geniuses!

" Although he said these compliments, his face was extremely gloomy.

After a cold snort, he said again,"However, no matter how talented you are, before you grow up, you are still an ant.

Give me your life!

" Hanzo of the Salamander was very angry because so many of his subordinates were killed by Li by mistake.

It was not because he felt sorry for the ten Genin, but because a twelve-year-old kid could kill his subordinates right under his nose while fighting with him.

Wasn't this a slap in the face?

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