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Tải ảnh: 0.025s Scan: 0.062sAfter the Uzumaki clan was exterminated, Uchiha Mikoto's attitude towards Kushina became much better, and they quarreled less often. Sometimes, she would also care about some of Kushina's problems. Uchiha Mikoto and Li's eyes were focused on Kushina, hoping that she would speak out her troubles.

"Li, Mikoto, the Third Hokage said that this matter cannot be told to anyone else, not even you, so I……"Kushina looked a little anxious, holding back the words in her heart, the feeling of wanting to say something but not being able to say it made her feel crazy.

Hearing Kushina's words, Li narrowed his eyes slightly and thought about the matter of Jinchūriki. At this time, Kushina was twelve years old and had been in Konoha for six years. The vitality of the first generation of Nine-Tails Jinchūriki was gradually declining. It was time to replace Jinchūriki.

"Kushina, did the Third Hokage ask you to become a Jinchūriki?" Li said calmly after a moment's silence.

""How did you know?" Kushina covered her mouth as soon as she finished speaking, but seeing that Li looked as if it was just what she expected, Kushina reluctantly put down her hand, sighed slightly, and said again,"Since you already know, I'll tell you.

The real purpose of me being sent to Konoha was to become the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki.

But Granny Mito saw that I was young and said that she could still hold on for a few more years, so she let me become the Jinchūriki later.

But now, Granny Mito's life is coming to an end, and the Nine-Tails is about to break the seal.

The Third Hokage found me and explained the matter to me!

" At this point, Kushina felt sad.

Uzumaki Mito was her only clan member in Konoha.

Mito had always cared about her like a kind grandmother.

Now he was about to die, and Kushina was very sad.

The fate of becoming a Jinchūriki and the death of her clan member, the two things fell on Kushina at the same time. Even though she had been mentally prepared to become a Jinchūriki, she still couldn't help being afraid.

"Jinchūriki? What is this?"Uchiha Mikoto was confused and asked in confusion.

"The so-called Jinchūriki is a person who seals a tailed beast into a human's body, using the human body as a cage and the sealing technique as shackles to connect the fate of the tailed beast with the human.

However, no matter how powerful the sealing technique is, it is impossible to completely suppress a tailed beast.

Therefore, the human who is the cage must constantly use his own strength to strengthen the power of the sealing technique to fight against the tailed beast.

If the tailed beast breaks the seal by mistake, the human who is the Jinchūriki's mind will be occupied by the tailed beast, and eventually become a monster that can only destroy and kill!

"Li exhaled slightly and explained.

Uchiha Mikoto's face tightened when she heard this.

She knew what the tailed beast was, but she didn't expect that this kind of monster could be sealed in a human body.

This was unheard of.

Hearing Li's explanation, Uchiha Mikoto couldn't help but feel unfair for Kushina.

Why should a twelve-year-old girl endure such inhuman treatment? And how did Kushina get through these six years? At the age of six, she was forced to accept the fate of becoming a Jinchūriki, worrying and fearing every day and night.

As a normal person, who wants to become the Jinchūriki that everyone hates? At this time, Uchiha Mikoto also felt sorry for Kushina.

""Kushina, are you afraid?" Lina asked softly.

"Afraid, of course I'm afraid. Who wants to become the Jinchūriki of that kind of monster?" Kushina nodded, but soon, she said again,"But Grandma Mito once told me that the reason why a person is afraid is because her heart is empty, so she will be confused and helpless. If you want to never be afraid, then before fear fills your heart, fill it with love first. In this way, you will not be afraid of anything. Now I have found it... So, I'm not"afraid"."

After saying that, Kushina lowered her head. She was excited for a moment, but now she came to her senses and her face turned red. How could she say such words in front of Li?

"Do you want to become a Jinchūriki?" Li pondered for a moment and asked again.

Hearing this, Kushina raised her head, glanced at Li, blinked, and said,"Of course not, but the fundamental purpose of me being sent here is to become a Jinchūriki.

Now Grandma Mito is almost dying.

Even if I don't want to, there is no way!

" At this point, Kushina was sad again.

Although she had found love to fill her heart, she didn't want to get along with a monster every day, and this monster was still in her body.

There was no guarantee that one day she would not be able to suppress it and be possessed by the monster.

What if she accidentally hurt Li then?

Hearing Kushina's answer, Li nodded slightly, then stood up, looked into the distance, and said softly,"Kushina, you should go back and have a good rest first. A nightmare is always a dream. As long as you wake up, everything will be over!"

"Really? Is this really just a nightmare?"Kushina didn't understand, so she stood up and asked in confusion.

"Of course it's true, I once said that was the last time you got hurt, so no matter what happens, I will be there to protect you!" Li nodded, then patted Kushina's head and said again,"Go back quickly!"

"Well, thank you, Li, if it weren't for you, I would be very scared now!"Kushina nodded happily, with a touching look on her face. At this moment, she was very glad that her family sent her to Konoha.

Looking at Kushina's back as she jumped away, Li exhaled slightly, with a gleam of fierceness in his eyes. It seems that action must be taken.

"Brother Li, what are you going to do?"Uchiha Mikoto stood up with a sad face. Although she knew that Li liked Kushina, she still felt a little heartbroken. Although Li was very good to her, she could feel that this kind of kindness was not the kind between partners.

"Mikoto, you….."Li opened his mouth, not knowing what to say. After all, Mikoto was a moderate, while he was a militant. If he became the leader of the militant faction, what would Mikoto do?

"You go back first, I have my own plans for this matter!" Li turned his head away. When the time comes, there will naturally be a solution. The worst that can happen is to let Mikoto's grandfather go. After thinking for a while, he said again,"Mikoto, don't tell anyone about Kushina's affairs. This is Konoha's secret. If others know about it, Kushina will be in danger, understand?"

"Well, don't worry, Brother Li, I know what to do!"Uchiha Mikoto nodded slightly and said softly.

After getting Mikoto's answer, Li did not delay any longer and turned to leave. What he had to do next was not trivial and required some preparation.

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