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Ninja Village! This is a village near Konoha. Although it is not among the five major countries, its strength should not be underestimated. In particular, the terrain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack makes Long Ninja Village impregnable. Even if there is no spare energy to invade other countries, other countries also want to break through this village.

The last time they attacked the Whirlpool Country, the Rain Village and the Grass Village were blocked. As the retreat of Hatake Sakumo, Long Ninja Village broke into the Whirlpool Country and wiped out the Whirlpool clan. Li remembered this incident, which not only made Kushina sad for a month, but also caused Li to lose his words. This is simply a serious crime.

""Clan leader, where should we set up our next base?" Seeing that Li had not spoken, Uchiha Zhan could not help but ask.

After taking a rough look at the map, some of the optional places were included in Li's mind.

After a slight pause, he said,"According to the current situation, the Land of Grass is the most suitable for our development.

The Grass Village was destroyed during World War II, and the remaining rebels are divided into the pro-war faction and the moderate faction, and their respective strength is not too strong.

As long as we control the pro-war faction with thunderous force, we can quickly establish a new base!


The ninja village in the Land of Grass was destroyed.

This happened during World War II.

The last time they attacked the Uzumaki clan, it was just a struggle by the pro-war faction to revive the Land of Grass.

Now the ninja world has returned to peace, but the Land of Grass is divided into two, one advocating gentleness and the other advocating fighting.

The two often fight each other, and there are not many ninjas in the Land of Grass, estimated to be only a few thousand.

After the split and several years of struggle, each faction of ninjas is estimated to have no more than a thousand ninjas.

With the more than two hundred clansmen led by Li now, if the plan is proper, it is not too difficult to conquer the pro-war faction.

Li had considered carefully to set up the base in the Land of Grass. First of all, the Land of Grass is located in the center of the Long Village and the Rain Village. It can be said to be a land of war, and it also borders the Land of Fire. Perhaps in terms of resources, the Land of Grass is not as good as the Land of Fire, but it is much better than other small villages and is suitable for development at this stage.

""Great elder, where are the tribesmen who were sent out first?" Li folded the map and put it in his arms, then looked at the great elder and asked calmly.

"It's on the bridge not far ahead!" Uchiha Zhan nodded and said.

The tribesmen who were arranged to go out first were some women and children with weak strength.

These were the family members of the fighting faction.

If the fighting faction was sentenced to leave Konoha, they would naturally follow.

However, in order to prevent Konoha from causing harm to them during their pursuit, Li ordered dozens of tribesmen to send them out of Konoha for protection first, and then meet up with them after all problems were solved.

After all, children and women are indispensable parts of the family's rise.

Children are the talents that support the family in the future, and it goes without saying what the use of women is.

"We will go and join the rest of the clans first, and prepare for battle in three days. We will attack the main battle group of the Kusagakure Village in one go!" Li looked at the Great Elder and the Second Elder and said,"Everything is difficult at the beginning. This operation is of great importance. Whether the Uchiha clan can develop in the future, this battle is crucial."

"I understand!"

Uchiha Zhan and the second elder Uchiha Ming nodded together, a gleam of light flashed in their turbid old eyes. They also knew that this was the first time for the Uchiha clan to face the world again, and they must not lose. The two began to integrate the clansmen and headed towards the bridge in front.

The bridge, named Tiandi Bridge, is located on the edge of the Grass Country, bordering the Fire Country, and is the dividing line between the two countries, so it is called the Tiandi Bridge. Remember this place, the place where Yamato pretended to be Scorpion and met Orochimaru later was the Tiandi Bridge.

After arriving at the Tiandi Bridge, a large group of people soon emerged from the valley next to it. The leader was more than 30 ninjas, followed by more than 100 children and dozens of women, all of whom were mothers of the children, but not girls. All members of the Uchiha clan, whether boys or girls, will be taught ninjutsu from an early age. Before they get married, they are ninjas, and after they get married, they are mothers of children.

""Master clan leader!"

A group of people came to Li and saluted respectfully. Before they set off, they already knew that the twelve-year-old child in front of them was the new leader of their fighting faction and the new clan leader of the Uchiha clan.

A group of children looked at Li curiously. They also knew that their new clan leader was only twelve years old, not much older than them. Since they were sensible, they grew up listening to Li's stories. Everyone was full of curiosity and admiration for Li. Many girls swore that they must marry this young clan leader when they grow up.

Li glanced at everyone, and then began to learn a lot about the surrounding terrain.

This bridge of heaven and earth was like a deep valley across the center, dividing the Land of Fire and the Land of Grass.

A bridge was built at both ends of this deep valley.

If you want to enter or go out, you must pass this bridge of heaven and earth.

Let's not talk about the opposite side.

The place where they are now is rocky, without much vegetation, like a natural basin, and the area is also wide.

You can live there as long as you build a tent on the ground.

"Everyone, listen up. Build a temporary base on the spot. One day later, I will lead you to attack the Kusagakure Village. So during this period of time, everyone, stay alert. If you understand, take action!" Li glanced at everyone and said in a serious voice.

"Yes, Chief!"

The men began to move. The materials for building a temporary base had been prepared long ago. Now they just needed to take them out and build it. The children rested on the side while the women started to make a fire and cook. Soon, this desolate bridge became lively.

""Master, can you teach me ninjutsu?"

When Li was thinking about the next course of action, a little girl came to his side. He looked down and saw ten little girls, about six or seven years old, only as tall as Li's waist. They had black hair and big eyes full of hope. It was hard to refuse them.

""Ninjutsu!" Li sighed helplessly. He really couldn't do anything with a child. If it was an enemy, it would be fine, but this was one of his tribesmen, and a little loli, and it looked like she admired him very much. This was the first time Li had encountered such a thing, whether in the past or present life. After a slight pause, Li nodded and said softly,"Come with me!"

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