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Tải ảnh: 0.599s Scan: 0.035sBoom!

The power of the two fireballs combined was very great. They hit Long Ming and made a violent explosion. The flames spread like a falling meteor. At this time, the Uchiha clan members retreated one after another. Seeing this, the people of the Grass Clan also retreated, leaving the Grass Ninja who looked confused standing there.

"Today I will show you the real power of Fire Style! I see, next time you want to imitate me, you have to imitate me more closely, don't lose face for my Uchiha clan's ninjutsu!" Li turned back, took two steps back, and began to make hand seals with his hands.

"Not good!"Long Ming showed up, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly told his subordinates to disperse.

He had seen the power of Li's fire escape. If he hadn't used the substitution technique to dodge, he would have been blasted to pieces. Although he didn't know what fire escape ninjutsu Li wanted to use, he thought it wouldn't be too bad.

""Fire escape, great fireball!"

After the seal was completed, a huge fire suddenly came out of Li's mouth. The flames were like the sea, covering the entire courtyard. Seeing this sea-like flame, Long Ming's face turned green. He didn't expect that this fire escape was actually a group attack ninjutsu. What he didn't expect was that there was such a powerful fire escape ninjutsu in the world.

"Quick, give me water escape and earth escape!"After coming to his senses, Long Ming immediately shouted

"Water escape! Water formation!"

"Water escape, water dragon bullet!"

No need for Long Ming to say, in this life-threatening moment, no matter what your order is, they have already formed a seal one step ahead, and dozens of ninjas stepped forward and sent out water escape, colliding with the sea of fire.

The interweaving of water and fire made a sound of steam, and the whole Ghost Lantern City was filled with white mist. All the figures were instantly swallowed by the white mist. Seeing this, Li stopped the Haohuo Extinguisher, pulled out the Murasame stuck in the ground, and rushed directly into the white mist. The white mist could only block the mortal eyes, and could not cause any obstruction to the Sharingan at all.

"He...he's here….!"A Kusanagi's eyes widened in horror. In front of him, a black shadow flashed by, and then the sound stopped abruptly. A trace of blood was imprinted on the white mist, and then scattered on the ground. The Kusanagi immediately fell to the ground, holding his neck.

Zizi! Zizi! Zizi!

The scarlet Sharingan was like a demon's eye, shaking continuously in the white mist, carrying Murasame, and wherever it passed, rain ninjas fell down.

""Where is it, where is it, come here!" Long Ming was now blind, and could not see anything except a layer of white mist. He listened to the cries of his men. Smelling the pungent smell of blood in the air, Long Mingqi's eyes were red, and he chopped randomly with the sword in his hand, hoping to kill that evil.

After a few minutes, the white mist was gradually blown away by the wind, and the vision became clear. However, the end of the white mist also represented the end of the grass ninja. Li pointed a misty knife at Lhong Ming's neck. As long as he moved forward a little, he could pierce his throat.


A trace of cold sweat slid across Long Ming's face, and the knife in his hand fell to the ground with a crisp knocking sound.

The other grass ninjas also threw their kunai and their own ninja tools on the ground.

Fighting at this point was meaningless.

Even the leader had been captured.

What was the point of fighting? Moreover, they had just been slaughtered by Li Yi in the white mist.

They were blinded by the white mist again, like blindfolded pigs waiting to die, waiting for the butcher's knife to come and slaughter them.

This fear was too unbearable, and no one had the desire to continue fighting.

"I...I am willing to submit to Uchiha!" Lhong Ming moved his lips and said these words with difficulty. Things had come to this point, and refusing would only lead to death. The only thing that made him regret was the idea of attacking this evil star.

Upon hearing this, Li narrowed his eyes slightly, and his murderous intent was released without any concealment.

He wanted to kill Lhong Ming, but on second thought, Li restrained this idea.

In the future, since the Uchiha clan wanted to conquer the world, they would have to conquer all the clans.

They couldn't kill the clan leaders of each clan, and even if they were killed, the new clan leaders would still have different intentions.

After all, the words"those who are not of my clan must have different hearts" are very practical in this world.

"System, is there anything that can allow me to permanently control others?"I put part of my consciousness into the system and found the system asking

""Bie Tianshen can permanently control the consciousness of others!" The cold voice of the system came from the light ball.

After hearing the words of the system, Li filtered it out directly.

Bie Tianshen can control others.

Doesn't Li know it? The key is that the interval is too long, twelve years.

This kind of restriction is powerful, but it is not very practical at this stage.

After all, there are not many twelve years in a person's life.

Although the interval time can be shortened after obtaining the immortal body, the immortal body requires 1.

5 million points.

Now Li doesn't even have a fraction of it.

It's too far away.

"However, the system will never fire without reason, is there any solution?" Thinking of this, Li narrowed his eyes slightly and asked,"System, is there any way to shorten the interval between the releases of Bie Tianshen?""

"Yes, every time you use Bie Tian Shen, you only need to spend 10,000 points to use it a second time immediately, without having to wait twelve years!"

"Ten thousand points for one time?" Li was speechless when he heard this.

This system was simply too ruthless.

In this way, if we use Bie Tian Shen to control Lhong Ming today, then Bie Tian Shen will fall into a cooling period, and spending ten thousand points can eliminate the cooling period and activate it for the second time.

After activation, Bie Tian Shen will fall into a cooling period again.

If you want to eliminate the cooling period, you need another ten thousand points.

And so on.

In the future, if you don't control a person, it means you need ten thousand points.

Although he felt it was a pitfall, after thinking about it, Li decided to exchange for Bie Tian Shen. Anyway, he only wanted to control the patriarchs and leaders of each clan. Without fighting with a clan, he could earn tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of points. For example, this time, Li earned 115,000 points. Together with the previous 26, he had a total of 375,000 points. Calculated, he was considered to have made a lot of money.

"System, help me exchange for Kotoamatsukami!"

After deducting 10,000 points, Li felt that his left eye was once again inhabited by Kotoamatsukami's pupil technique.

The divine power and Kotoamatsukami coexisted in his left eye, and Amaterasu in his right eye.

After exchanging for Kotoamatsukami, Li exited the system space, and his consciousness completely returned to his body.

Long Ming still lowered his head with a cold sweat.

Although he didn't know why Li didn't speak just now, the chill emanating from the blade of Murasame made him dare not even raise his head.

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