Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 313 Buddha

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At this moment, there was a piece of gold in front of Li's eyes. At this time, he waved his arms violently, trying to make the gold disappear. However, as the gold disappeared, it was not Shaka who appeared in front of Li. Li was shocked to find that he actually appeared. In a busy city.

But at this time, it was more like a slum than a busy city.

"Pfft..." Li suddenly heard such a sound, like a heartbeat, and then a cry rang in Li's ears, "I don't accept it."

Li listened blankly to the voice. Although the voice was childish, Li could vaguely tell that it was Shaka's voice. He followed the voice and looked over, only to see a blond boy throwing himself on the ground. , he wanted to struggle, but it seemed that he was extremely hungry at this time and had no strength to get up at all.

Why are people born with inferiority...

Why are Brahmins and Tishariyas so superior...

Are all unfair things in this world supposed to exist...

Could it be...

"No." Li slowly spoke.

The little blond boy suddenly raised his head and stared at Li, as if he didn't understand why Li was talking to him, but Li slowly said, "Humans are born equal, but there are people who think they are superior to you, so kill him." That's fine for him. Since Brahmans and Tishariyas think they are higher than you, then just get rid of them. Since you think you shouldn't be first level compared to others, then just stand at the highest position, etc. When you stand at the highest position, then...things in this world will not make you feel unequal, because the person who needs to accept inequality is not you, but others."

Following Li's words, the blond boy's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe that someone dared to say such a thing, but then he lowered his head again, seeming to be trembling and thinking about something. Then he slowly stood up and took one step forward, two steps, three steps... until after seven steps, he stood in front of Li.

In fact, he was walking very slowly at this time, as if he would fall down with every step he took, but he still persisted and walked in front of Li. His legs were shaking, as if he would pounce if he moved again. It was as if he was lying on the ground, but at this time he still raised his right hand.

"One day, you and I will be the only ones in heaven and on earth!"

In an instant, everything in front of him shattered crazily like glass, as if everything was an illusion. At this time, Li stood in the cell again. He didn't know why he told the boy. When he said that, of course he didn't know that what he just saw was Shaka's past, let alone that he was in the memory of a Buddha just now. the reincarnation of Sakyamuni.

At this time, Shaka was flying madly through the city of Badria. At this time, he was not only running away, but also extremely frightened in his heart. Demon Subjugation was the strongest attack method he had mastered, but in He seemed to be pulled into an illusion during the attack just now.

He had experienced that illusion countless times. It was his previous life, that is, the world of cause and effect in which he could have such strong power in this life. At that time, he remembered that there was someone who enlightened his previous life, and then he appeared and created a world in his previous life. Big cause and effect thing.

It's just that he couldn't see that person's face clearly in his dream, and it wasn't until now that he was shocked to discover that that person was actually Li! That's right, it was actually Li whom he had come to kill!

Don't say it at this time, Li is not something he can deal with. Even if he can deal with it, so what? Does he want to kill Li, who can be called his reincarnation benefactor?

At this time, the other side had already walked out of the prison, and it was already late night outside.

In Li's perception, groups of knights kept patrolling the streets, and the atmosphere in the entire Badria City was extremely tense.

Many people have noticed this inexplicable tension, so now the whole city is very quiet, and no one has the wisdom to do anything that makes it difficult for everyone to do.

Li grabbed a knight casually, and just used a few illusions to ask him everything he knew. It turned out that everything was really implemented according to his plan, including the one that was supposed to be fake and burned Leila in black. In part, Zeref seems to really want to burn Layla in black.

Although I don't know what his purpose is, at least Li doesn't want Leila in black to die. Now he just needs to wait. When the execution of the fire is carried out, he can save Leila in black.

Now that he has used the system to cut off all the causal connections between himself and Ogast, it is simply a dream for Zeref to use that thing to restrain himself.

If there is nothing else to restrain Li, even if Zeref has some trump cards, Li will not be afraid at all! Li went directly to the outside of the square where the execution would be held tomorrow. The square was surrounded by private houses. Li directly picked a house that had no life inside and strode in.

This room seemed to have not been used for a long time and was covered with dust. Li walked directly in and found a corner to lie down. At this time, people would naturally search the surrounding private houses, although he was not He is a wanted criminal, but someone is always searching for him.

But even if more knights come, how can they see Li?

After all, the level gap is there, no matter how many ordinary knights come, it is impossible to search

It can be found that Li wants to hide himself. It didn't take long until dawn in this way, and Liya didn't go out to look for food. After all, he had reached the level of a quasi-sage. For her, food was just a non-necessity that could satisfy certain desires. Just like tobacco and alcohol for ordinary people, if you have it, it's better. If you don't have it, there's no problem if you stick to it for a few months. ..

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