Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 316 Take action

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At this time, Bradman not only extinguished all the flames on the torture rack with one blow, but also directly knocked back Saga and the other three people. The difference in combat power can be seen at a glance.

Suddenly, no one dared to attack Bradman.

But after the flames on the torture rack were extinguished, a white flame suddenly rose again. This flame carried an inexplicable heat. Even standing far away from this moment, I felt an untouchable Meaning, he took a deep breath and understood that the flame was definitely not as simple as it seemed.

At this time, the flames on the torture rack were already spreading into a continuous sheet. Li looked at Leila in black. Her figure looked a little distorted at this time, but she could still see that she was watching Bradman fight.

Shaka, who was standing next to Zeref, sighed slightly. He looked at Bradman in front of him, and then his body began to emit a dazzling light. This light became as strong as real in an instant. He also slowly rose into the sky and greeted Bradman.

"Lord Shaka, long time no see." Bradman slowly restrained his breath and greeted Shaka.

Shaka's aura is quite strong at this time. It seems that the previous battle with Li did not cause much damage to him. At this time, he has actually returned to his full strength.

Shaka looked at Bradman and sighed slowly, "To be honest, I really didn't expect such a day to come."

Bradman turned his head and glanced at Leila in black, and then the aura on his body began to increase extremely, and a light that seemed to be substantial began to surround his body.

Then Bradman let out a long roar, raised his hand, and a broadsword condensed with light appeared in his hand and slashed towards Shaka!

At this time, the light on Shaka's body became brighter and brighter, and a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, directly meeting Bradman's giant sword.

The two intersected, and then there was a roaring sound in the air. Shaka's sigh was heard in the air at this time, "Oh, Bradman, don't forget that I am the leader of the apostles who came to this world this time. , no matter what, no matter how strong you are, you will still be suppressed by me, so you should give up!"

Lightning flashed in the air again, and Bradman fell from the sky helplessly. Li sighed slightly, and the strength in his body suddenly gathered. Originally, he wanted to see what kind of strength Bradman had. Yes, it seems to be just mediocre now.

At this time, Bradman fell from the sky, and the people below were immediately ready to step forward and strangle him directly to put him to death. At this time, Saga rushed directly under him, grabbed a long sword from the knight next to him, and stabbed Bradman in the back of the heart.

This Saga was not a weakling in the first place. Under such a blow, Bradman's hope for life was simply a fantasy. At this time, Saga also appeared in the air. At this time, he did not even say a word. It started calmly, but his robe was torn to pieces and there was a hint of finality on his face.

This time Saga did not stop Saga's behavior, but quietly watched Bradman fall. He sighed slightly and was about to stop. On the other side, the long sword in Saga's hand was already After successfully breaking through Bradman's armor, Saga desperately mobilized the magic power in his body and sent it into Bradman's body, hoping to kill Bradman directly under his own hands.

However, after Saga's magic power entered Bradman's body, his eyes suddenly widened, because at this time, he felt that he had hit a huge wave head-on! At this time, the huge waves in Bradman's body swallowed up all the magic power that Saga had injected into his body in just an instant.

What Saga didn't know was that Li had already connected his consciousness with Bradman just now.

Bradman was seriously injured by Shaka just now, and he fell completely into a coma. Among the apostles, the hierarchy is very clear. Even if Bradman is more powerful than Shaka, Shaka If Jia's rank is higher than his, then he has no chance of winning.

There was only darkness in the depths of Bradman's consciousness, which was in a coma. It was an extremely dark world. At the moment of coma, Bradman's heart was filled with countless negative emotions, despair, anger, unwillingness...

This also caused his state of mind to turn black. Bradman's consciousness opened his eyes in the deepest part of his mind. At this time, he understood that he must regain his fighting strength as soon as possible, but what ability did he have after being completely sealed? What about fighting again?

He looked around blankly in this darkness. There was only darkness and no one could help him.

And it was at this time that a voice seemed to be heard.

"I said there is light, so there is light in this world."

With this sound, the whole world seemed to be trembling. Bradman's mouth widened. He had only felt this feeling once. Yes, he was Bradman. In name, he was Aruba Ray. He is the son of the Grand Duke of Sri Lanka, but he is actually the product of Zeref.

As the product or descendant of Zeref, it is just this body. His spirit, or soul... comes from another world, which is full of order, which is the supreme god of order and destiny. The world of gods we live in, or the world of light.

At this time, he felt as if he had seen the Supreme God for the first time in that world. He was directly guided by Zeref to descend to this body. Having a body with Zeref's bloodline makes him have an incomparable affection for Zeref.

Loyal, but after meeting Layla, his heart was shaken.

As long as you don't disobey his orders, it'll be fine, right?

Bradman had this thought in his mind, as long as Lord Zeref didn't know about Layla's existence, it would be fine, wouldn't it?

He hid the whereabouts of Leila in black, thinking that this would preserve a little space between himself and Leila in black...

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