Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 324: I won’t let it go easily

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"Anyway, I have nothing to do now, so I'll take you on a journey for dozens of days first!"

Li looked at the sky, then jumped down from the tree and began to walk quickly into the depths of the forest.

After more than ten consecutive days of crazy pursuit in this forest, these people also felt exhausted. At this time, on a small hill not very far away, Saga and Mu stood on their horses, carrying their First, he looked at the terrain ahead. Their followers immediately disbanded the formation and began to rest and prepare food on the spot.

Saga carefully took out a rather beautifully made silver light mirror from behind and began to inject magic into it.

A rough map of the surrounding terrain quickly appeared in the magic mirror, and then after another ripple, a light spot appeared in the north. Saga slowly counted the scales on the disk, then raised his head and said , "We are less than a hundred kilometers away from that guy. In the past ten days or so, we have been chasing him for at least eight kilometers. It seems that we can catch up with him in less than three days."

Mu glanced back and saw the followers who were seizing the time to rest, and then slowly began to frown and said: "Of course there will be no problem if there are only two of us. But you see, these people we brought will probably support You can’t help it. Look, these traditional mages can’t support themselves at all these days. If they get sick, I’m afraid it will be quite troublesome in case of emergencies in the future.”

After experiencing so many twists and turns before, Saga's arrogance has been restrained a lot. He thought about it in his mind and said, "Why don't we divide into two teams directly? I will lead one team. People go directly to catch up, and then the large force takes a shortcut to catch up. What do you think of this distribution? "

Mu thought about it carefully, and could only nod his head and said: "Take a few people and catch him as soon as possible. Don't forget that we have other business matters, so don't waste too much time."

Saga smiled slightly, "No matter how cunning he is, I still want him to know how powerful I am. I didn't expect that he could escape after wearing magic-absorbing chains on his body. I asked Master Saga what happened. , he actually got angry with me, hey, after a while I caught him and insisted on cutting off his limbs first."

Mu shook his head slowly at this time. "Saga, don't forget, we messed up that thing before, which already made Lord Saga furious. If we mess up again this time, I'm afraid none of us will have an easy time!"

Saga directly lowered his voice at this time, "I see, Master Saga's injury this time is quite serious. Even if he is cured, I'm afraid he will not be able to return to his original level. Even if his forehead is They can suppress us, but they are also strong in external battles, so our future is quite bright."

Mu said in a low voice, "Don't forget, there are eighty-eight apostles coming this time. There is no guarantee that others will not come to compete with us. We'd better not act rashly now, and first carefully monitor the situation."

Saga nodded lightly, but still said with some disdain, "Although there are eighty-eight people who have descended, they are not scattered across the entire continent. The only ones who will descend directly to the church like us are Just twelve people! Besides, even if you can survive the body fusion, you may not be able to remember your mission~!"

At this time, Mu felt that Saga was right. With Aludiba sitting in the church, if any great opportunity really appeared, he would never let it go easily.

Saga seemed to have thought of something, turned around and said softly, "Master Zeref..." His voice sounded a little trembling, as if he was afraid of something.

Mu also sighed, "Lord Zeref is not an apostle, he is even just an ordinary human being. How could an ordinary human could he be so powerful!"

Saga was completely unable to answer at this time. Looking back on that day, he actually saw what happened in the sky in the first half of the day. At that time, the whole world seemed to be shaken by Zeref's movements. , and a moment later a feeling of powerlessness emerged from his heart. Even a monster like Bradman has no power to resist in front of Zeref. If it were him, it would be a big problem whether he could let Zeref stand up.

And even if there was something weird about Zeref, who was the guy who suddenly appeared and fought with Zeref? Who was the giant monster that Zeref summoned later?

Satan closed his eyes slightly, this world is really not simple.

Mu was looking at the mountains in the distance at this time, and suddenly spoke calmly, "When did we conquer the world easily? But aren't we the ones who win in the end? Even if we fail, the supreme Supreme God will also Turn his attention here. At that time, unless the equally powerful Supreme God comes here, he can compete with our Lord, right?"

Saga sighed and said: "By then... I'm afraid we will perish first, right?"

Mu smiled at this time and said, "In the final analysis, it is still too far away, so let's just focus on the present. Okay, don't be anxious, you can go pick some people first! All in all, be careful now. Be cautious, it doesn’t matter if it takes longer, if you fail, it will be a big trouble, don’t underestimate anyone.”

On a tall mountain peak in the distance, Dimar is looking here from a distance. His long golden hair is dancing gently in the breeze. At this time, he distinguishes the sound coming from time to time in the wind. Various information, she also took out a magic mirror, but the magic mirror in her hand was not turned on.

Of course, she knew that it would be easy for the other party to detect using this kind of magic tracking prop. And her own tracking ability is not weak.

Of course, what she didn't know was that Li Zhan had already discovered her tracking. ..

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