Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 332 Total Destruction

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Suddenly, his combat power increased greatly. Among the group of violent flying dragons, he directly killed a violent flying dragon with just a raise of his hand. However, those violent flying dragons themselves rushed randomly and were hit by the white mist. Among them, the fighting power became even more tyrannical. The knight casually slashed several violent flying dragons among them, and fell directly into the siege. In less than a moment, he was directly torn into pieces.

At this time, the already crude phalanx became even more shaky, and the people in it were all injured, and everyone was poisoned. Although it was not fatal for a while, if you want to hold on for ten minutes, then It's just like an idiot's dream.

At this time, Saga was extremely angry and knew that if he didn't do something, all his subordinates would have to be handed over here. At this time, he let out a long roar in his mouth, and all the magic power in his body was concentrated on the long sword in his hand. Suddenly, white flames condensed on it!

This is the flame of order formed by the supreme law. How can these monsters be the opponents of such monsters? At this time, Saga's figure in the air paused, and then he shouted loudly, and an arc-shaped sword light flew out, killing him directly. He had killed seven or eight violent flying dragons, but when he swung his sword, the white flames dimmed a lot, and the magic light on his body also suddenly dimmed a lot.

But at this time, those violent flying dragons were a little scared no matter how stupid they were, and they instinctively began to cower.

However, at this moment, a black shadow passed through Saga's sight. The black shadow fell towards the jungle guardian at an extremely fast speed.

"No. 3! Get out of the way!" Saga couldn't help but yell at this time. This jungle guardian has always been a team of three. No. 1 is the surveyor, No. 2 is the main attacker, and No. 3 is the captain. This No. 3 is the oldest among the three, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the strongest. There is such a rule among the jungle guardians.

When three people form a line, if they join together, they will live, if they separate, they will die. If number three dies, the team will be destroyed.

At this time, Saga understood in his heart that since Li was able to lead him and others here, it meant that the two jungle guardians were already in danger. If No. 3 died again, the team would really be wiped out. The next pursuit will be even more troublesome.

The jungle guardian was also very strong. He also saw the black shadow at a glance and jumped up. Then when he landed and took a look, he was shocked to find that it was just a stone. At the same time, he felt a pain in his leg, but a wooden arrow pierced into his body.

This was also a surprise. He didn't expect that the other party actually used stones to attract him first, and then fired the wooden arrow. No. 3 felt bursts of pain coming from his legs, and he couldn't help but let out a breath. Since he could feel When it comes to pain, it seems there is no poison.

He immediately surged his muscles and squeezed out the arrow. Saga felt relieved when he saw the expression on No. 3. He thought to himself that there really was no knowledge there. How could such a short arrow kill people? At least it must be coated with some poison. ah!

Just when this thought flashed through his mind, No. 3 suddenly fell to the ground. At this time, his face turned black, but the short arrow was coated with deadly poison! Of course, he didn't know what kind of magic medicine Li Wenlan had on them, so he first applied a layer of mushroom poison that could cause extreme pain on the short arrow, and then the poison of the baonue flying dragon!

Saga couldn't help but roar at this time. In addition to catching Li, he also had another very important thing to do this time. If there were no jungle guardians, then the next step would be extremely troublesome!

He glanced at this moment and found that there were two more black shadows flying towards his men. At this time, he could not give up his hand, but his figure flashed, and the two short arrows were split apart with two quick swords, but then three more short arrows flew out.

Saga's sharp eyes saw that the three black shadows were not short arrows, but three stones. He wanted to tell his men not to panic, but his men had already seen the power of the short arrows almost instantly. They dispersed. They were already at the end of their strength. Now that they dispersed, how could they cope with the offensive of those violent flying dragons?

Suddenly, screams broke out on the battlefield, and these guys who had dispersed their formation were even more unable to fight against the violent flying dragon. Saga was the only one who was still awake at this time, and he yelled to get his men to regroup.

But at this moment, there was a chill on his neck. This was the feeling that someone was targeting him. He suddenly raised his eyes and saw a red lightning falling towards him, the finger of death! It was the Finger of Death that nearly killed him.

At this time, he hurriedly dodged to one side, but he did not expect that he could avoid the finger of death controlled by Li himself. He moved, and Li controlled the lightning of his finger of death to move. , Saga sneered. This type of manipulation magic always has a delay. He kept dodging among these violent flying dragons. Two minutes later, Li finally made a mistake, and an unlucky violent flying dragon let out a cry. Screaming, he took the finger of death on behalf of Saga, but he suddenly fell to the ground and could not get up again.

Saga sneered, thinking that no matter how strong your control ability is, if you use one finger of death, you can still use a second one. But soon he discovered that the other party was not a mistake. In fact, the other party's purpose had been achieved. He looked back and was immediately stunned.

Without his help at this time, all his men had died in the hands of those violent flying dragons. He stared at the scene in front of him with wide eyes, and couldn't help roaring, "Ogast, I want to Let you pay with blood!"

Li shrugged his shoulders and was about to stand up and kill him directly, but suddenly he felt a breath appearing on the left and right. The breath was somewhat familiar to him. It was clearly - Dimar, or Dimaria! ..

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