Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 338 Broken Coffin

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Sure enough, according to what Li said, ordinary physical attacks really have a destructive effect on this coffin. It will not be hindered by the black protective film, but on the other hand, the coffin itself is still very resistant to physical attacks. At least ordinary attacks can knock off a few debris at most, but it cannot Cause real damage.

At this time, the zombie's physical quality obviously began to improve rapidly after he began to approach the coffin. At least this improvement has been achieved, and it was difficult to stop him from Chengdu. Mengnan threw it away, and then threw her whole body on the coffin.

And the black light flashing on the coffin flowed directly into the zombie's body at this moment, "I am only seven days away from reaching the realm of the emperor! Why do you want to stop me!"

"There can only be seven monarchs in this world." Leila's voice sounded at this time, "And now there are six."

Following Leila's voice, everyone's attacks came together, trying to force the zombie away from the coffin. However, at this time, the zombie remained motionless under everyone's attacks, and when he took action, even if Li also had to retreat. This guy was able to gain such a big improvement in strength when he was in close contact with his coffin. Li also felt a little chilled.

"Little Skeleton! Do you also want to become a monarch? Let me tell you! Becoming an emperor is not that simple! It's not just about your strength! This is fate!" The zombie roared, "Yours It is impossible to become an emperor without enough destiny. You are just a skeleton by birth, no matter how strong you are, you are still just a skeleton!"

Following the zombie's roar, his attack directly pushed everyone back, "Hahahaha, even with your strength, you would think..."

"Hey," Li's voice suddenly sounded, "I have thought that this should be your power after you reach the so-called emperor, right?"

At this time, the zombie's strength has reached level 19. Such strength cannot be solved by Li now, even if Leila and his men are included, it is impossible.

But speaking of it, no matter where it is, there is no so-called getting stronger without any price. Yes, the physical quality of this zombie is extremely strong at this time, even to the point that no one can resist it, but is this really without any price? ? Even if this guy is using the power of that coffin to increase his strength.

So in the end, the most he could do was to turn all the power of the coffin into his own.

This is just like a person using a powerful weapon. Li has heard of a kind of skill. This kind of skill is to cultivate with one's own weapon. Slowly, the power of the weapon will be integrated into it. In one's own body, the highest state is the integration of human and weapon. Although this is a very strong technique, it must first have a very powerful weapon. In addition, if the instrument is destroyed during the cultivation process, then The person will also be extremely traumatized.

Now this zombie is obviously constantly absorbing the power of the coffin into its own power. If the coffin is destroyed directly, the consequences will be self-evident.

Thinking of this in his mind, Li also moved quickly, only to hear a bang. At this time, Li mobilized all the tendencies in his body to focus on power, and the huge impact directly bombarded the coffin.

The zombie's eyes widened at this time, as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him. This guy actually dared to directly destroy his coffin! He immediately launched an offensive against Li. At this time, Li's blow directly made a one-inch deep dent in it. Li was also very depressed about not directly punching through the coffin. He thought to himself that he had tortured so many strong men in the past. Why couldn't he solve it with such a coffin?

When the remaining people saw Li's behavior, they also began to attack the coffin.

It's just that I don't know what material the coffin is made of. It was only damaged very slowly in front of everyone. Even the degree of damage made everyone doubt whether the coffin could be destroyed before being eliminated by the zombie.

Leila let out a clear whistle at this moment, and the next moment, a black flame ignited from Leila's arm, and then there was an invisible pressure that spread directly from Leila's body to the entire valley. At this time, there were countless depressions The song suddenly sounded. The undead creatures who were still fighting outside all began to tremble inexplicably. Only those undead creatures refined by Li wanted to struggle to stand up, but they were obviously no match for such power, and finally fell on them. They fell to the ground to express their surrender. At this time, the lowest skeletons had begun to disintegrate. This was their surrender to the powerful force and also their own protection!

"Law of Destruction!" The zombie yelled and was about to rush towards Layla. At this time, he wanted to protect his coffin, but at this time Layla suddenly merged the black flame into her hands, and fiercely She slashed hard at the coffin with her knife, and as she slashed, the coffin suddenly exploded.

At this time, the zombie's eyes first flashed with disbelief, and then let out a wailing cry. At this point, his body began to disintegrate. What surprised Li was that as he disintegrated, A large number of souls emerged from his body. These souls were not nameless people, they were all the souls of powerful undead creatures.

Not only the mummy leader here before, but also the soul of the Dark Warrior, the soul of the Howling Banshee, the soul of the Blood Count...

Leila glanced at Li, and then said slowly, "There are many owners of this coffin. They all

Desire to be reborn through this coffin. "

Li was stunned for a moment, "Rebirth?"

"Yes, do you think that a person who has gained the memory of his past life is really willing to be an undead creature for the rest of his life?" ..

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