Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 341 Traitor

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The armor on the armored knight had a lot of cracks scratched by Mengnan. Several positions seemed to be in worrying condition. As long as Mengnan exerted some force, it would probably break. However, most of the key positions on the armored knight were not at this time. No damage.

And at this time, a black figure as tall as an armored knight slowly walked out of the darkness. That person was the Beast Skull Demon!

"Whose side are you on?" Meng Nan immediately yelled at the Beast Skull Demon.

"The orcs are the most loyal race!" Mengnan couldn't help but feel happy at the answer of the beast-skull demon. The strength of these two guys is actually about the same. As long as there is the help of the beast-skull demon, then this armored knight will definitely not be able to Way to hurt Layla.

"Bone Demon!!!" At this time, the armored knight seemed to have been stimulated by something, and he rushed towards the beast-skull demon crazily, and the beast-skull demon sneered, and waved the flail in his hand, just one blow. The armored knight's head was whipped away, and the helmet, burning with the light of the armored knight's soul, fell to the ground.

The flail fell again, with a loud bang and bone fragments flying. Mengnan couldn't believe the scene in front of her. Nearly half of Mengnan's body was reduced to pieces by such a blow from the Beast Skull Demon.

The Beast Skull Demon stood in front of the armored knight and the remains of Meng Nan, "What an idiot. Sure enough, the dragons became like idiots after becoming undead?"

"Could it be..."

"Hahahaha, yes, I did everything. I deliberately let this guy think that you and I were going to rebel while this skeleton idiot was practicing, so he rushed to deal with you without waiting for me. Were you almost taken care of by him when he came here? There was no need to do this in the first place. Even if it was just me, it would be very easy to take care of you two." The Beast Skull Demon said proudly at this time With.

"You bastard!" Meng Nan roared at this time, "Who do you think you are? If the master were not here, which of the surrounding forces could you offend? Who on all sides is not as strong as the forest! You How long do you think you can stay in this pyramid? Ten days or five days? You will be beaten to pieces by those vicious guys."

The Beast Skull Demon was obviously angry, "No matter how powerful Layla is, what's the use? Doesn't that zombie rely on the power of an outsider who doesn't know where it comes from? Humph! Not to mention other things, he is incomparable to those monarchs. ! Now he actually wants to be like a monarch. I want to show you now, how I turned your master into crumbs and then devoured him bit by bit! Oh no, I almost forgot. , Not to mention other things, when Leila’s consciousness disappears, you will die first, right?”

At this time, another spirit kept echoing in the hall, "What a pitiful bone dragon! Our noble and free orcs are fully capable of establishing a foothold here. Speaking of which, it is mostly up to you to solve the problem. Get rid of that damn zombie, there was no way we could hurt him in the previous battle..."

Following this voice, a giant beast skull demon more than five meters high slowly stepped into the hall. This corridor was only five meters high. At this time, when he walked in like this, he had to lower his head and walk in. , and what surprised Mengnan was that behind this guy was actually dragging an extremely huge sword that emitted black flames. The length of this black flame sword was estimated to be more than four meters. If he slashed with all his strength, When he came down, Bone Dragon couldn't help but trembled. He was probably going to turn into a scumbag now.

At this time, there were dozens of beast-skull demons following behind him. It seemed that this was a powerful tribe.

Mengnan yelled with great anger at this time, "You actually colluded with other undead! What's the benefit of following Master Leila? Can you make yourself nobler than before by following others?"

"It's different!" The Beast Skull Demon said slowly, "In our previous lives, our orcs were extremely glorious, a great race that was willing to sacrifice everything for freedom and faith! Let me tell you, we orcs are the greatest in the entire universe. As a race, orcs will never be slaves, we will only become subordinates of our own people, and we will never bow our knees to you humble undead idiots!"

At this time, the beast-skull demon became extremely excited, "I tell you, our beast race is a glorious race during life, and also after death! How can I maintain such a state of existence? Let a skeleton be my master, And you can tell at a glance that this skeleton was a human being, a humble human being. What are human beings? They are scum worthy of being enslaved by us orcs! They actually want to turn us into slaves! Don't be kidding me! We orcs deserve to invade you humans and want peace? Are you kidding!!!"

However, at this moment, the beast-skull demon flew up violently. In fact, it was not flying, it was clearly like being lifted in mid-air. At this time, the beast-skull demon kept struggling in the air, trying to break away from this force, but a voice rang out, "It's ridiculous!"

Along with this sound, the beast-skull demon exploded in the air, as if there was a bone rain. Even Mengnan was stunned by this scene. This voice was clearly Leila's. .

"You orcs, just follow my footsteps from now on!"

At this time, a black flame was hanging in the air, and there seemed to be something shadowy inside, but the breath and voice were Leila, so there was no problem.

In a trance, a pair of eyes opened in the black flame. With the opening of these eyes, Mengnan felt that

My whole body was heating up, and I even felt like half of myself was about to be evaporated. What kind of eyes are those, blue, extremely alluring eyes... eyes that seem to be able to absorb a person's soul in an instant. ..

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