Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 343 Layla? Layla in black?

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"Just now, I exhausted all my strength. Now I need a few days to recuperate. You two can recover your bodies." Layla said slowly, but this time, these words It was said directly from Leila's mouth, rather than a mental fluctuation. At the same time, she slowly raised her head.

If Li were here, he would definitely be surprised, because this face is exactly the same as Leila in black. If it weren't for the blond hair, Li would almost think that it was Leila in black who appeared here!

On the other side, Li certainly didn't know what was happening in the world of the dead. At this time, he was in a valley, and there was a small village in the valley.

This village looks very simple, but it is directly integrated into nature. The plants in the village are very lush, and it has been discovered that everyone here can do magic, and all have natural types. Magic, it seems that this is indeed the settlement of the Yuling Clan, that’s right.

This village seems to have no connection with the outside world. At least in Li's eyes, everyone here is almost self-sufficient, without any interaction with outsiders.

Li has been observing this village here for a full week, and he has made the surrounding terrain not too different. Even if there is any emergency, at least there is no problem in escaping. And according to Li's eyes, this village There is no powerful being among them. The strongest one is probably the village chief. The thirteenth level of magic power may be considered a great level in the eyes of normal people, but in Li's eyes it is just an ordinary one. He is just a magician. Perhaps because he practices natural magic, his combat effectiveness is not as good as that of ordinary magicians.

I just don't know why, Li feels a little uneasy. It seems like there is something here that I have overlooked.

But what exactly was it that he had overlooked?

Sitting like this on the top of the mountain in the early morning, Li couldn't help but yawn. In short, no matter what kind of opponent he was, as long as Li wanted to escape, he would be unable to do anything. And when the sun rose at this time, there was a pair of The man and woman slowly walked out of the village. At this time, Li's spirit was also lifted.

This pair of men and women have actually been observing for several days. In fact, they go up the mountain to collect herbs every day. Because this small village is completely self-sufficient, it is basically a collective semi-shareholding of property, and everyone’s labor Results can be directly exchanged for salary. Even if there is a transaction, it is a barter type of transaction.

Their job is to collect herbs, and they can get some things for free in the village. At this time, they climbed up towards the mountain where they were hiding.

From the looks of it, they looked very brisk and jumped over any obstacle they encountered.

These Yulings are somewhat similar to specialized magicians. Their bodies are not that weak, and they feel relatively strong.

They walked all the way until it was almost noon, until they came to the edge of a cliff, and then they stopped. They took out the rope from the package and tied it to a thick tree on the edge of the cliff. The young man followed the rope directly down to the cliff.

A not particularly rare star blue grass grows in the crevices on the side of the cliff. Although this herb is not a good thing, it is very effective in treating minor ailments such as colds and fevers. If it were in a big city, these medicinal herbs would naturally not be sold at a high price, but in such a small and isolated village, these things would be a good thing.

These two little guys are only at level 5 or 6, but speaking of this, this small village seems to be aloof from the world. There are no special monsters around. Even if there are, the Yuling Clan is the same as the monsters. For those who have very strong communication skills, it can be said that it is useless for them to have high strength.

After confirming that the strength of these two little guys was quite low, Li took a deep breath and pointed at the big tree. Following Li's movement, the big tree immediately heard a creaking sound.

The girl looked at the big tree warily. In fact, there were three things that could only be done between close relatives.

The first is pearl fishing, the second is tomb robbing, and the third is cliff collecting.

These three must be guarded by a close relative above, so that the other person dares to rest assured. If the person above has even the slightest evil intention and unties the rope, the pearl divers will not be able to float up, and the tomb robbers will have to Trapped in a tomb, the herb collector will fall into the abyss.

The magic used by Li at this time deprived the tree of part of its vitality. As expected, the tree began to lose its grip on the ground and began to tilt.

"Oops! Brother, come up quickly!!" The girl rushed up and tried to pull the rope.

At this time, Li sneered and immediately flashed from the side and grabbed the tree, but the tree had completely tilted and fell directly towards the cliff. As for the man on the other end of the rope, it was even more dangerous.

Then I heard a long scream coming from the bottom of the cliff. Mixed with the sound of stones rolling down.

"No! Brother!!!!" The girl fell to the ground and cried bitterly.

Without saying a word, Li asked, "What are you doing here? Why do you do such a dangerous thing?"

At this time, the girl I burst into tears, "We are just here to collect medicine. We didn't expect the tree to fall suddenly. This has never happened before."

Such a problem! Wow! ! Why is this happening today! Brother, my brother! "

Li frowned and glanced at the cliff, "Is that so? It seems that you are nearby villagers. No, it seems I want to go down and take a look." At this time, the cliff was filled with clouds and mist, and it looked really incomparable. Dangerous. ..

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