Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 355 The End

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The physical strength of the white dragon Index far exceeded Mu's expectations. In fact, their plan had already included Index as a project. When they came out, Zeref gave them three tasks, including The two were Li He, who had been greatly damaged in killing, and was looking for a dragon that had been severely damaged in the forest.

In order to deal with this dragon clan, Zeref personally handed them two weapons that could cause great damage to the dragon clan.

Originally, the two of them came with full confidence, but what they didn't expect was that this dragon was actually so powerful. This was because the dragon was quite traumatized and the two of them launched a sneak attack first.

The two of them had rubbed poison on their weapons in advance that could effectively suppress the power of dragons, but Index quickly adapted to the properties of the poison, and then dealt a fatal blow to everyone.

At this time, he had caused some damage to Index, but most of his magic power had been used up. He was also quite depressed at this time. You must know that his magic itself is not an attack type magic. He masters the power of the crystal blade and prefers a roaming defense type of play. Although he was still roaming around to attack Index at this time, his attack was really not much different from tickling Index.

Saga uses the power of the Star Blade. Although this power is not flexible enough, it is very destructive. It is naturally perfect for dealing with mobile fortresses like Index.

But now that Saga was poisoned by Index's breath, Mu was even more helpless.

It was difficult for Mu to cause any trauma to Index at this time. Instead, Index's attack forced him to dodge desperately. If he was slower, he would be completely passive.

At this moment, Li touched his chin and looked at the scene in front of him. If Saga and Mu couldn't come up with anything else, then their lives would be decided here. Of course, Index had already suffered It was severely damaged, but it didn't seem to have any weaknesses. White Dragon masters the magic of order, including white magic, light magic, etc...

If you look at Saga's body as if poisoned at this time, it is rare among order magic. If you calculate it carefully, this Index should have mastered white magic. White magic is very rare in this world. It has disappeared long ago. A long time ago, there were two extremely powerful city-states. They mastered black magic and white magic respectively. Later, during a dispute, these two city-states were destroyed one after another, so that until now , the so-called white magic and black magic are just heard as legends.

White's dragon-slaying magic? It seems that this white dragon is not the same type as the white dragon that appeared in the main story.

If it is white magic, other magic should have no restraining effect on it. The main direction of white magic is still in the direction of assistance and healing, and then there are various negative effects, such as dizziness, stopping, and drama. Poison, etc...

It can be said that white magic is relatively the direction of restraint for most magic in this world.

Moreover, the magic in this direction is also quite restrained against physical attacks.

These guys have hit a brick wall anyway.

At this time, the battle situation below has become completely clear. Although Mu tried his best to delay Index, all the miscellaneous soldiers were eliminated by Index. The fanatic who tried his best to apply the dispersion spell to Saga saw that the situation was over, so he became cruel and burned himself directly. All the magic power forcibly transferred the poison from Saga to himself.

The moment the white poison flowed onto the fanatic believer, the fanatic believer let out a howl, and his body began to burn with white flames crazily. This flame could not be extinguished. This is The fire of life, unless the fanatic believer is killed directly, the flame will continue to burn depending on his life.

Before, Saga could barely suppress the flame. What kind of level is that fanatic believer at this time? There is no difference between directly pulling the flames and seeking death. But at this time, he has no other way. Of course, he knows that his identity is nothing like the Saga in front of him. Debi, if he leaves Mu and Saga behind, it is indeed possible to run out of this forest.

What happens after that? It would be okay if Mu and Saga died here, but if either of the two returned to the temple alive, then it would be their own end.

Even if he ran away, the people in his family would probably be burned at the stake. It was better to fight to the death here and gain peace at home.

As for Index, she also felt a little uneasy at this time. In fact, the aura of these two people made her feel very uncomfortable, as if she had seen some natural enemy.

Of course, the strength of these two guys is too weak. If I had no effort to deal with these two guys when I was at my peak, how could I be in such a stalemate after being attacked by the opponent like now? At this time, it tried to kill Mu several times, but the magic used by Mu was originally a roaming defensive type, so his offensive had little effect.

But in fact, at this time, Mu had long wanted to crawl on the ground and take a good rest. At this time, every time he was hit by Index, he felt as if he was about to be squeezed into pieces. Originally, his magic had no effect on Index has no effect. Only Saga's Galaxy Starburst can cause considerable damage to this alien.

But the white poison on Saga's body has just been pulled away. Can it send out the Milky Way Star?

Explosion is another story.

You must know that Galaxy Starburst is a powerful magic that Saga can exert with all his strength. Even when Saga is at his peak, he can only fire two blasts at most. And the dragon in front of him, can two blasts kill him? ..

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