Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 358 Confrontation

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Timaria quickly discovered that Index was not actually in her prime. Although Timaria's wings had been retracted at this time, she could still find that the abnormal posture was actually this guy. The wings have basically been destroyed. Moreover, the scales on this giant dragon that released a powerful aura have disappeared in large areas, and most of the places exposed in the air are covered in flesh and blood.

It seems that this guy is the culprit who caused the Holy See's troops to be completely annihilated. At this time, Timaria weighed it up, and a sneer appeared on his face. At first, he thought that this guy was really powerful. It seems that the two guys Saga and Mu Na have also been cruel to this dragon. It seems that the injuries on this dragon are also very serious. At least if the opponent is more cruel, it will not be difficult to kill it. , as for the powerful aura exposed on it at this time, it was naturally to scare him away!

Those two idiots, Saga and Mu, are usually very proud of themselves, but now they have not allowed themselves to reap the benefits!

However, Timaria forgot that both Saga and Mu were determined to retaliate. At this time, all their men were wiped out. If they had the strength, how could they let this dragon go? At this time, Timaria was too proud and actually wanted to kill this dragon with her own strength.

"Hey, Xiaolonglong, if you were really in your prime, maybe I would really run away! But looking at you now, I will probably get the glory of slaying the dragon." Timaria said softly Smiling, the Void Blade in his hand slowly cut through the air. At this time, little starlight emerged from the Void Blade. This Void Blade is a weapon left by the ancient heroes. The raw material used is Star Mine, not to mention In addition, the material itself has an extreme bonus to magic. As for the Void Blade created, it is said that it can kill even demons directly!

At this time, Timaria looked eerie and beautiful in the little starlight, but in Index's eyes, Timaria was completely threatening her.

"Stupid human being! You actually dare to call me, Xiaolonglong! I'll let you see! Even if I am seriously injured now, it is enough to completely crush you! Now, I will completely destroy you for your arrogance. Pay the price!" At this time, it roared crazily and rushed towards Timaria.

But Index soon discovered that this Timaria was much more difficult to deal with than the previous Mu. Because Mu had to contain him before, there was no way to give full play to his speed advantage, but now Timaria launched an all-out guerrilla attack against him. At this time, Timaria was as fast as Lightning left a trail of afterimages in mid-air.

Index, on the other hand, was completely unable to keep up with her movements.

And what makes Index even more irritated at this time is that although Mu was very difficult to deal with before, at least Mu's attacks would not cause too much damage to herself, but now Timaria's Void Blade makes It felt a trace of fear, this was definitely no ordinary weapon.

At this time, Timaria's long sword could easily pierce Index's armor, and then tear off a large piece of flesh in an instant. But the pain at this time angered Index even more.

It opened its huge mouth, and roared with a white light directly spraying out at Timaria!

Timaria was also shocked at this time. She didn't expect that this giant dragon could breathe fire at first. After all, during the initial attack, the giant dragon only used its body to fight against her, making her mistakenly believe that the so-called dragon clan did not have any magic. At this time, in a hurry, she could only activate the magic with all her strength.

For a moment, everything stopped. Index kept roaring, while Timaria looked at the flames in front of her and was horrified to the extreme. In fact, she also felt the power of this terrifying roar. Yes, Will die! Timaria took a deep breath.

But in the next moment, her eyes widened suddenly, because she felt that her magic was beginning to collapse. The giant dragon in front of her was actually resisting her magic. She wanted to stabilize the magic, but the power emitted by the other party was... But his aura is further destroying his own magic. This guy is actually able to maintain consciousness in his own magic space, and he is also able to resist his own magic!

Timaria suddenly realized that her idea just now was too arrogant. This guy was not a monster that she could handle at all! Dragon clan! It is a terrifying existence that cannot be solved by humans!

Timaria was soon unable to suppress Index's offensive and was thrown far away by the huge power of the dragon's breath. She fell heavily to the ground. At this time, white light wrapped around her body and began to invade quickly. Seeing her magic power, Timaria's eyes widened, and she immediately felt the domineering power of this white magic power.

This white magic power began to crazily assimilate her magic power almost as soon as it touched her, and then continued to erode her magic power deeper. It was not difficult for her to imagine that if she did not take any measures, then in less than a moment, her body would be destroyed. He will be completely possessed by this magic power, and when that time comes, he will definitely die.

At this time, she stood up tenaciously and spit out a large mouthful of blood. Her eyes widened, and the magic power in her body stirred up. Fortunately, she had the magic power of time, which could not be easily assimilated by this white flame. Suppressing the flames, he raised the sword again. Now it was no longer a question of whether to escape.

If you don't kill this dragon now, there will be absolutely no way to survive!

With such overbearing magic power, even if you run away, you won't be able to escape very far. If you want to expel this magic power, there are only two ways. One is to escape within a certain distance from this giant dragon, but who knows?

How far, the devil knows how far he can run. If he has a companion, it may still be feasible.

As for another way...

It's very simple, eliminate the source and the magic will disappear naturally! ..

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