Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 361 Identity

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Li was stunned for a moment, "You said you can solve it?"

The system responded, "That's natural, otherwise what do you think? Such a small thing is naturally very easy."

"Wait, you must have some request, right?" Li asked depressedly, "I don't have many points or anything. After all, that kind of thing is of no use to me now, and I'm too lazy to get it. "

"Be with her!" The system suddenly said.

Li was completely shocked this time, "What did you say?"

"Well, don't you like to do that kind of thing very much? You haven't done it for a long time, right? Come on, hurry up." The system said very quickly, "Well, hurry up, I don't think she can last long."

"Wait a minute, ours is a very high-quality story. It's not the kind of stallion who becomes stronger by falling in love with a girl! Besides, even if I like girls, I'm not a stallion, okay?" Li shouted. .

"Okay, do you have to explain it to me?" The system sighed, "Originally, I really have no way to strengthen anyone except you, but when you enter her body, I can Strengthen it when there is some kind of contact. In the current situation, it only needs to be able to change its body to the extent that it can perfectly carry the magic of time, right?"

At this time in the world of the undead, Leila was sitting on a seat in the pyramid hall. She spoke slowly, but the words she spoke were exactly the same as what Li heard at this time.

Next to her, Mengnan was lying on the ground, looking at Leila's slow beginning, speaking in human language, "Master, did you succeed?"

Leila nodded slowly, "Okay, he accepted my suggestion."

"But Master, why did you let him be with that woman? Master, don't you like..."

Leila glared at Mengnan fiercely, and Mengnan immediately shut her mouth. Leila slowly spoke, "Although I have finally shaped my body in this world with the help of his power, the next thing is still very troublesome. "

Meng Nan murmured, "If that person knows that you are actually the system that has been helping him, what will happen... I can't even think about it..."

Layla glanced at the ceiling and said, "Let nature take its course."

"Does the master actually want to transform her body through this matter to become more like a human woman? But what's the use of this? The master's previous body was stronger. The master must have an ulterior motive Secret." Mengnan muttered to himself. Finally, Leila couldn't bear his muttering, and a loud roar suddenly sounded, "Get out of here!"

Following this roar, Mengnan quickly ran away from the hall with his head in his arms.

As for the other side, Li finally stopped after an hour. This was not because he was dissatisfied with his desires, but because the system forced him to keep doing it. Otherwise, the transformation process would not be completed. Of course, Li still didn’t know at this time, that The so-called Layla is actually the embodiment of the system.

If you push the matter back to the beginning, the whole thing is not incomprehensible. You must know that the undead magic was directly instilled into Li by the system.

In other words, it is possible that the undead magic can be changed through the system.

The subsequent summoning of skeletons and the origin of Layla's astonishing talent are self-evident. As for the various things that were wrong with Layla before, if we talk about it in terms of the system, there is no problem at all.

Of course, he didn't know it until this point, but his system had actually changed.

Even after such a long time of fighting, he still felt waves of weakness. At this moment, he was lying next to Timaria. Logically speaking, Timaria was indeed a beautiful woman, and he saw between Timaria's legs. The little blood stains made Li feel inexplicably proud.

I didn't expect that she was still a girl. Thinking of this, I had an inexplicable headache. What should I do when this guy wakes up? I'll probably cry again by then, right? Then what? Fighting yourself?

Li is not afraid of this guy's fighting power, but it will be very troublesome when the time comes.

Turning away, he shook his head vigorously, and then helped Timaria put on her clothes. We should wait until Timaria wakes up to think about this. Why not take a look at Index's body? He raised his head and looked at the dragon corpse that still had a certain aura even after it died. He actually knew a way to forcibly increase his magic power, but that method would only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, but the current situation is unknown. What happens next.

It's better to be careful.

Li slowly closed his eyes, and then opened them suddenly. At this time, the magic power in his body gathered crazily. He slowly walked towards the dragon corpse. At this time, Index was already dead, so even if she The body is still strong, but without the protection of magic power, it will become relatively fragile.

Li directly raised his hand and thrust it into Index's body.

With Li's movements, it seemed as if Index's body moved. However, Index was dead after all, so Li inserted his hand into Index's body with his bare hands.

Then there was only a sound of running water, and Index's body began to shake slowly at this time, and Li's face was also unusually solemn, as if he was preparing to do something extremely important.

As time went by, the sound of running water became more frequent, and Index's body seemed to shrink in size with Li's movements. After a while, Li suddenly pushed himself away.

He pulled his hand out of Index's body. At this time, there was a blood-colored crystal the size of an egg placed in his hand.

He looked at the crystal and then sighed. This secret technique was actually learned by him on a deserted island. To be honest, this technique is actually of no use. At most, it can be used to forcefully restore vitality after a fight. above.

He looked at the blood-colored crystal stone, raised his head and swallowed the blood essence stone directly. ..

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